C/O:- Srivatsava Kadiyala,
No: - G3, HSC Arcade,
Plot No: - 19&20,
Balaji Nagar, Nizampet, Email:************@*****.***
Hyderabad- 90 (A.P). Mob No: +91-944*******
Career Objective:
To work with your company as a system engineer providing my innovative thoughts of
having an efficient and profitable IC design to your company involving my core domain
and satisfying the company as well as myself with the result
To ensure my highest contribution towards the organization I work with
Key skills:
Programming Languages : C language
Hardware Description Languages : VHDL, Verilog HDL, Basics of system Verilog.
EDA Tools:
Simulation : Modelsim, Questasim
Synthesis : Xilinx ISE, Design compiler
DFT : DFT compiler
Tools : Cadence tools
Knowledge : Synthesizable RTL ASIC & FPGA Design Flows,
CMOS design Concepts, physical design flow.
Operating Systems : Win9x, Linux
Hardware Exposure : CCNA, MCITP, Linux
Professional Qualification:
“Vector Institute Certified Advanced VLSI Design course” from Vector Institute
VLSI Design and Training Centre, Hyderabad.
Education Profile:
• M.Tech (VLSID) from Malla Reddy Engineering College (Autonomus), with 68%,
passed out in 2014.
• B.Tech (E.C.E) from VIF College, JNTU University with 64.99%, passed out in
• State Board of Technical Education and Training from V.K.R & V.N.B Polytechnic
College, with 61%, passed out in 2005.
• Secondary School Certificate from S.E.S.B.M.P.L High School, with 50%, passed
out in March 2002.
M.Tech PROJECT (IInd Year)
Title of the Project : Implementation of 3D Router for Efficient Multicast
Communication protocol
Three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D ICs) offer greater device integration, reduced
signal delay and reduced interconnect power. They also provide greater design flexibility by
allowing heterogeneous integration. In order to exploit the intrinsic capability of reducing the
wire length in 3D ICs, 3D NoC-Bus Hybrid mesh architecture was proposed.
This architecture provides a seemingly significant platform to implement efficient
multicast routings for 3D networks-on-chip. A novel multicast partitioning and routing
strategy for the 3D NoC-Bus Hybrid mesh architectures to enhance the overall system
performance and reduce the power consumption.
MINI PROJECT (Part of IIIrd Year, IInd Semester)
Title of the Project : DTMF Remote Controller.
Team size :3
Position : Team Leader
Duration : 3 months
Dual-tone Multi-frequency (DTMF) signals are used in touch-tone telephones as well as
many other areas such as interactive control, telephone banking, and pager system. As analog
telephone lines are converted to digital, researchers became interested in digital DTMF
detectors. There are many digital DTMF detecting algorithms, but most of them do not
comply with the related International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and Bell core
recommendations or are not suitable for real-time implementation.
MAIN PROJECT (Part of IVTh Year, IInd Semester)
Title of the Project : ROBOTIC VEHICLE
Team size :3
Position : Team Leader
Duration : 6 months
A micro controller is a tiny, mostly self-contained computer. They're generally slow (~8Mhz)
and have no monitor, no keyboard, little RAM, etc. Most micro controllers have a number of
digital inputs and outputs. The output of the Micro-controller based servomotor application is
to position the vehicle. A micro controller based system that converts the commands coming
from the Personal Computer in serial format to the required digital format, which drives the
robotic vehicle in the desired direction i.e. forward / backward / right / left /turning.
PROJECT (Diploma IIIrd Year)
Title of the Project : DVD Player.
Team size : 60
Position : Team Member
Duration : 3 months
DVD, also known as Digital Video Disc or Digital Versatile Disc, is an optical disc storage
media format, and was invented and developed by Philips, Sony, Toshiba, and Time Warner
in 1995. Its main uses are video and data storage. DVDs are of the same dimensions as
compact discs (CDs), but are capable of storing more than six times as much data.
Personal Profile:
D.O.B 08-08-1987
Nationality Indian
Father’s Name Nageswara Rao
Languages Known English, Hindi & Telugu
Marital Status Single
Gender Male
Permanent Address ASHOK MEDIKONDA,
KRISHNA (dst),
I hereby declare that the above information is absolutely true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Place : Signature
Date : (Ashok.M)