T horsten Kemper, B.Sc. (EET)
* ***, *** ******* ****** West
C o chrane, Alberta T4C 2K9
( 403) 370 - 7652
T *******.******@****************.**
B achelor of Science Degree in Electronic Engineering Technology
D eVry Institute of Technology
O ctober 1997 - C algary, Alberta (Phoenix, Arizona)
C GPA: 2.92
- P HP, A ctive Server Pages (ASP), Perl - W indows 3.1, 95, 98, 98SE, XP,
- H TM L, CSS S erver 2003
- J avaScript /VBScript, J ava, J Query - U nix, Solaris, U b untu, L inux
- A JAX, J SON - M ac OS X
- S OAP, REST, API, W S DL, X ML, SNMP - M S Office Suite
- M ySQL, Oracle, Postgres & M SAccess - V MWare, Cold Fusion, Virtual Box
D atabase - o sCommerce, Zencart (e - commerce
- A ssembly Language (Motorola, BS) s ytems), W ordpress (blog systems),
- V isual Basic 6 G oogle API Maps
- A dobe Photoshop - F rameworks: Symfony, CodeIgniter
- W orked extensively designing, developing and maintaining w eb - based
P HP/MySQL application for Marketing, Sales, Project Management, Engineering
a nd Operation departments.
- I ntegrated Javascript, jQuery, and JSON into the PHP application to improve
p erformance and enhance visual content.
- I nterfaced with hardware a nd other software applications using Remote
P rocedural Calls such as Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Representational
S tate Transfer (REST), Application Programming Interface (API), Web Services
D escription Language (WSDL), Extensible Markup Language ( XML), Simple
N etwork Management Protocol (SNMP)
- I nterfaced with external devices such as microcontrollers and GPS systems
- D esigned and modified front and back end applications utilizing SNMP and
o perational measurement (OM) statistics collection
- D evelope d and improved on front end monitoring and reporting applications
- P roficient in designing, modifying, and troubleshooting in a variety of software
l anguages
- D esigned and developed websites for small and medium sized businesses
- D eveloped different modular w ebsite sections w ith i ntegrat ion to MySQL or M S
A ccess.
- C reated and integrated website systems such as e - Commerce, inventory
m anagement and vendor ordering systems
- D esigned and modified some of the graphics required for the websites produced
u sing Adobe Ph otoshop, Fireworks, and Image Ready.
- D eveloped I ncorporated c ompan y t o sell consulting services in Electronic
E ngineering Projects, Software a nd Web D evelopment Projects, and Security
D evices Projects.
P age 1
T horsten Kemper, B.Sc. (EET)
1 105, 505 Railway Street West
C o chrane, Alberta T4C 2K9
( 403) 370 - 7652
T *******.******@****************.**
S ystem Architect M ar 2013 to Present
S haw Cable Systems ( Calgary, Alberta )
- M anage and maintai n th e BMC Atrium Remedy T icketing A pplication and ensure
s ystem performance and stability.
- C ollected requirements from multiple company groups for modification and
e nhancements for new software version deployment.
- W orked with Project Management team to col lect requirements and
e nhancements, schedule and execute project phases, test and deploy software
c ode for BMC Atrium Remedy Ticketing Application.
I ntermediate Web Developer O ct 2012 to Mar 2013
P ropipe Group Ltd. ( Calgary, Alberta )
- D esigned and de veloped intranet application modules for primary application
u sing Symfony
- D eveloped and built MySQL database tables
- M odified and improved on out dated or inefficient application functions and
q ueries
- W orked in an Aglie environment to design and develop mo dules
A pplication Specialist J an 2012 to May 2012
C omplyWorks Ltd ( Calgary, Alberta )
- P rimary responsibility was to modify and advance the current applications used
b y the internal and external clients
- M odified and improved on out dated or inefficien t application functions and
q ueries
- D esigned and developed customer file administration application
- F ixed daily technical issues that would arise
A pplication Specialist - E ngineering S ep 2010 to Oct 2011
C orridor Communicati ons Inc ( Calgary, Alberta )
- P rimary responsibility was to develop, maintain, and interface with all Business,
S ales, Project Management, RF and Core Engineering and Operational software
s ystems.
- I nterfaced with Customer Relation Management (CRM) database t o create
f inancial reports
- D esigned and maintained externally facing user portals which had information
i nterfaced with CRM and RF Engineering systems.
- I nterfaced with core, back office, network towers and specific tower equipment
t o monitor issues and co llect statistics using SNMP protocols
- M anaged and interfaced with all Telephony call records to input into billing
s erver system as well as report to Customer Care and Sales with specific call
r ecord information.
P age 2
T horsten Kemper, B.Sc. (EET)
1 105, 505 Railway Street West
C o chrane, Alberta T4C 2K9
( 403) 370 - 7652
T *******.******@****************.**
E xperience (continued)
A pplication Developer - N etwork Database S ystems S ep 2008 to S ep 2010
S haw Cable Systems ( Calgary, Alberta )
- M odified and improved on web interfaces used for monitoring backup systems
- D esigned, developed, and modified back end equipment polling and software
u pdating systems using SNMP protoco ls
- M odified parsing applications for more efficient statistical data gathering and
i nsertion into Oracle databases
- T roubleshooting software bugs for current and previous software developments
- G athering and managing front and back end software project requi rements from
s take holders
- I nterfaced front and back end software applications with different database
i nfrastructures
- W orked in an Agile environment for some projects
N etwork Specialist - S haw Digital P h one D ec 2005 to Sep 2008
S haw Cable Systems ( C algary, Alberta )
- D esigned and developed front and back end telephony monitoring system
- D eveloped equipment polling system to retrieve statistical data for use in t raffic
a nd capacity planning r eporting systems
- U sed SNMP and OM protocols to gather real tim e stats on telephony
i nfrastructure
M aintained, installed, software upgraded a nd provisioned telephony equipment
u sed for handling all telephony traffic o n Nortel CS2K, Siemens HiQ8000,
S iemens HiG1200, Nuera Media Gateways, and Nortel STP.
T roubleshooting o n issues with SIP, SS7, and MGCP protocols
N etwork Specialist - A TM/SONET/DWDM Transport M ay 2005 to Dec 2005
S haw Cable Systems ( Calgary, Alberta )
- M aintained and provisioned fiber optics equipment used for long and short
h auling of traffic on Fu jitsu, ATM, and DWDM systems.
- R esponsible for installation, software upgrading and troubleshooting fiber optic
n etwork
P age 3
T horsten Kemper, B.Sc. (EET)
1 105, 505 Railway Street West
C o chrane, Alberta T4C 2K9
( 403) 370 - 7652
T *******.******@****************.**
W eb a nd Software D eveloper, Owner
D ivinely Designed Web Services Inc. ( Calgary, Alberta )
- D esigned, Developed and Maintained web - based ERP, project / task /milestone
m anagement applications, knowledge base and statistical analysis software.
- I nterfaced and Synchronized web - based applicatio ns with external applications and
d evices to generate reports and/or collect statistical information.
- D eveloped and maintained customer small business websites,
- C reated standard informational type websites as well as full e - commerce systems
w ith multiple p ayment options and features,
- A dministrate multiple client's websites and information,
- P rovide technical support and other software solutions to customers
S yncThemes Inc S corpion Projects Inc
C orridor Communications Inc. S elect Coffee Service Ltd.
C ochrane Coffee Traders Inc. C ochrane Vision Theatre Group
P hoenix Group ATU N os Fuimos TV P r oductions
E ssenti als Boutique S tonepine Homes
I nspiring Art and Photography I nward Consulting
P rofessio Gallery B owmont Community Preschool
A rts and Culture Foundation of Cochrane B iance Reggae
E nviroplus Lubrication C ochrane Lions Royalty
C ochrane Lions Club 2 Become1 Marriage Commissioner
L ions Youth Camp P athway of The Soul
A lberta Web Services
P age 4