House #G-**, Cantt Bazar Area, Mal i r Cantt,
+923**-*******, +922*-********
waq *******@*****.***
Master of Engi neering (ME) i n Ci vil Engineeri ng from NED Uni versi ty of Engineeri ng
and Technology, Karachi Paki stan, June 2010. Aggregate CGPA 3.35.
Bachel or of Engineering (BE) i n Ci vil Engineering from Mehran Uni versi ty of
Engi neeri ng and Technology, Jamshoro Paki stan, September 2001. Aggregate CGPA
3.60. (
Hi gher Secondary Certi fi cate (HSC) in Sci ence Pre-Engineering from Government
Sci ence Col l ege Mali r Cantt Karachi, through Board of Intermedi ate Educati on
Karachi Paki stan, in October1995. Grade: B (65.09%).
Secondary School Certi fi cate (SSC) from Shaheen Hi gh School, Karachi, through
Board of Secondary Educati on Karachi Pakistan, i n August 1993.Grade B:(
Memb er of Engineers Australia si nce 2014 as “Professional Civil Engineer”.
Memb er of Paki stan Engi neering Counci l (PEC) since 2001 as “Professional
Engi neer”.
Esti mati on, tendering and constructi on supervi sion of Enti re New Fai sal abad oil
Depot. The job i ncl udes constructi on of boundary wal l, earth work, base and subase
preparati on, gantry foundations, tank mounds, ri ng foundati ons, offi ce bl ock, lube
ware house, paver work, hard standings, drai nage work, dyke wall, canteen,
mosque, g enerator room, LV room, securi ty watch towers road network and parki ng
Esti mati on, tenderi ng and supervi sion of Mul tan Avi ati on stati on. The job incl udes
construction of boundary wall, earth work, gantry foundati ons,,ri ng foundati ons,
offi ce bl ock, lube ware house, paver work, hard standings, drai nage work, dyke
wall, generator room, LV room, securi ty watch towers road network and store.
Esti mati on and tendering for Rehabili tati on work of rail way si ding at Lal pir depot.
The job i ncludes constructi on rail way tracks, road network, fencing, earth work,
hard standi ngs, drai nage work, Fi re fi ghti ng room, securi ty watch towers and l ini ng
of exi sting Katcha Drai n.
As Fi el d Engineer supervi sed constructi on and successfull y compl eted 30 Retail
Outl ets i n Karachi, Gujranwal a & Mul tan Di vi sion
Supervi si on of Gantry constructi on works at Oil Termi nal at Mul tan
Supervi si on of Ring foundati ons construction at di fferent locati ons of Paki stan.
Supervi si on of mul ti Story Offi ce Block at oi l Termi nal Mehmood Kot, Tarujabba,
Chi tral, Juglot and Mul tan.
Construction Supervi si on of Canteen at Oil Termi nal Mehmood Kot,Tarujabba
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Supervi si on of Fast Track constructi on projects as speci al assi gnment at Mul tan for
construction of M/s Daewoo petrol pump.
Construction of 30 number of steel structure canopi es at di fferent petrol pumps
Construction of hard standing floor at Kemari terminal Karachi, Fai sal abad.
Construction of boundary wal l s to strengthen securi ty at di fferent l ocations of
P aki stan.
As Incharge South Zone Infrastructure Construction in Pakistan State Oil
(PSO) at Head Office Karachi
From 3rd May 2013 till date (01 year 01 month and conti nuing)
Currentl y worki ng in Infrastructure Constructi on Department, managi ng capi tal
projects rel ated to ci vil works on Bul k Oi l Terminal s, Depots, LPG pl ants, avi ati on
stati ons spread throughout the country P aki stan. Current job responsi bili ti es
1. To prepare and revi ew scop e of work of projects keepi ng i n vi ew esti mati ons and
2. Pl anni ng and execution of jobs such as detail desi gning and speci fi cati ons of
buil dings, roads, steel structures and other engineering projects rel ated to ci vil
works for bul k oil terminal s / depots and retai l fuel outl ets i n consul tation wi th
functional departments accordi ng to techni cal standards and inline wi th Heal th,
Safety & Envi ronment (HSE) guidel ines.
3. P erformi ng techni cal eval uation of proposal s of suppli ers for ci vil projects to provi de
recommendati ons accordi ng to project sp eci fi cations, company regul ations and user
requi rements.
4. P erformi ng inspecti on and testi ng of construction materi al s to mai ntain compli ance
wi th desi gn, speci fi cati ons and si te requirements.
5. Uses rel evant transactions of SAP ERP system.
As Executive in Pakistan State Oil (PSO) at Head Office Karachi
From 1st October 2008 till 2nd May 2013 (04 year and 07 month)
Handl ed projects rel ated to gasoli ne retail stati ons, Bul k oil Terminal s and Depots.
Duti es i ncl uded:
1. Assessment of project requi rements
2. Li ai son wi th project consul tant for incorporati ng users i nput into the desi gn
3. Prepared constructi on and procurement sched ul e i ts revi sion throughout the
4. Coordinati on wi th procurement department for smooth tenderi ng process
5. Performed project execution as per drawings and speci fi cati ons i n coordinati on
wi th the company fi el d staff, contractors and user departments.
As Senior Engineer in Pakistan State Oil Company at Head Office Karachi
From 1st January 2006 to 30th Septemb er 2008 (02 year 09 months)
Handl ed projects rel ated to ci vil works and li ght structures at various l ocati ons of
P aki stan. Duti es were rel ated to execution of ci vil works at si te, coordinati on
between head offi ce and si te team and proper documentati on of enti re project.
1. Documentati on of project desi gn and speci fi cati ons of bui ldi ngs, roads, steel
structures and other rel ated ci vil works.
2. Random materi al s/works i nspecti on at si te.
3. Revi ew of bi dders’ documents submi tted during project tenderi ng and
preparation of comparati ve statement for management revi ew.
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4. Projects schedul e preparati on in Pri mavera and moni tori ng executi on in
compli ance to schedul e.
5. Prepare ISO rel ated documentati on for quali ty management.
As Trainee Engineer in Pakistan State Oil Company at Head Office Kara chi
From 01st November 2004 to 31st December 2005 (01 year 02 month)
Assi sted manager constructi on i n projects rel ated to ci vi l works on Bul k Oil
Termi nal s / Depots i n enti re country Paki stan. Duti es i ncl uded:
1. Devel opment of bi ll of quanti ti es as p er scope of work
2. Preparati on of engi neering drawi ngs on AutoCAD
3. Perform l and surveyi ng and l evelli ng acti vi ty at si te
4. Supervi se quali ty control of constructi on at si te as per project speci fi cations.
5. Impl ementati on of company Heal th Safety Policy at si te during project
executi on.
As Project Engineer in Ibad and Zafa r Associates Karachi
From 01st December 2001 to 30th October 2004 (02 year 11 month)
As project Engineer Current job responsi bi liti es incl ude:
1. Desi gn of two storey buildings, roads and steel structures.
2. Supervi sion of under construction ci vil projects.
3. Preparati on of Cost esti mate by detai l ed quanti ty survey.
4. Steel structure canopy constructi on.
5. Preparati on for bi nding schedul e of steel .
6. Preparati on of Engi neering Desi gn, drawings and cost esti mates for projects.
MS-Offi ce (Word, Excel, Power Point) and Lotus Notes Email .
SAP R/3 user.
P ri mavera, MS-Project
AutoCAD and 3D Max.
Etabs, SAP, SAFE.
Pl ay Football, Cri cket and Tenni s.
Techni cal Magazi nes and Newsp ap er reading.
Father’s Name : Mushtaq Ahmed.
01st December 1977.
Date of Birth :
Passport Number : AT1156043
Nati onali ty : Paki stani .
Languages : Fluent i n English (IELTS 6.5 Band)
Fl uent in Urdu (Nati ve)
Fl uent in Sindhi
Fl uent in Punjabi
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