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Human Resources Health

San Francisco, CA
May 07, 2015

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Extensive experience in managing human resources, diversity, staff performance and


Key Qualifications

• Interpretation/translation

• Strategy, strategic planning and policy advice

• Human resources management and development

• Quality assurance and improvement.

• Health economics

• Public health

Work Experience:

July 14 - Present Freelance English-Arabic Interpreter and Translator

Provide interpretation and translation services to clients/acquaintances that

are referred to me. During my extensive career in Syria, I was a reference

person when dealing with English-speaking foreign officials, experts,

researchers and visitors. I was the “official” interpreter of the Ministry of

Health since the day I moved to the Ministry in 2001. I interpreted all the

activities that involved English language speakers, lectures and/or experts.

The same applies to my work in the State Planning Commission. I was

Deputy Head of the Commission for International Cooperation Affairs. The

business was almost entirely done in English while the audience spoke only

Arabic. I did all the interpretation on almost a daily basis.

Sep 10 – June. 14 Instructor of Reproductive Health.

Higher Institute for Demographic Studies and Research, Damascus

University, Syria.

The course is given in English to Master degree students coming from

different educational backgrounds.

July 09 - May 14 Director of Planning and International Cooperation

Ministry of Health, Syria

Formulate and monitor the implementation of different national health system

strategies and policies to achieve higher quality, equitable and more efficient

health services. In this capacity and heading a team of more than 50 highly

qualified professionals, I was the key figure for the formulation of the 11th

Five Year National Development plan for the health sector.

• Assure integral roles of different players within the Syrian health system.

• Prepare and negotiate capital investment budget for the Ministry and its

affiliate facilities.

• Plan human resources needs and development plans for the Syrian health

care sector in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education, Private

Universities and Health-related Professional Associations.

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Razan Nassif,

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• Assure liaison and coordination between the Ministry of Health and

different donors and creditors to finance and support different MOH

programs and projects.

• Coach the team and identify their development needs.

Aug 01 – Jun 14 Partner, Business Development Manager

Bell Consulting House, Syria (

Equity partner holding two types of operational duties; managing business

development activities and providing technical consultancy services. BCH is

a private consulting firm that provides consultancy and training services,

mainly on marketing, tourism development, real estate development,

customer satisfaction analysis and recommendations for private and public

agencies in Syria and Arab, including GCC, countries. Business Development

activities include:

• Continuously analyze the market and competitors.

• Prepare marketing strategy and annual marketing plans for all business


• Analyze and recommend action plans.

• Define local tailor-made consumer activities to achieve plan.

• Select new services and advise pricing.

Aug. 07 – July 09 Program Coordinator, Health System Modernization Program (HSMP)

Ministry of Health, Syria

Assure coordination between the Ministry of Health and the European

Union that finances the biggest EU-funded project in Syria with a budget

of 39 million Euros. HSMP activities focused on reforming the health

sector in the country through developing human resources and

management structures.

• Formulate annual work plans and activities and follow up their


• Monitor progress in achieving HSMP goals.

• Facilitate the selection and the work of HSMP international and local


Aug. 05 – Aug. 07 Deputy Head for International Cooperation Affairs, State Planning

Commission, Syria

Coordinate the formulation, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and

improvement of national development plans. The Commission is the Syrian

government entity responsible for handling international cooperation projects

and programs with foreign governments, organizations and entities.

Aug. 04 – Aug. 05 Director, Center for Strategic Health Studies, Ministry of Health, Syria

Research, training and policy advice center for the Syrian MOH.

Aug. 01 – Sep. 03 Director, Human Resource Development, Ministry of Health, Syria

The main task was to formulate human resource development policies in the

country based on situation analysis and continuing monitoring and evaluation.

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Feb. 97 – Aug. 01 Head, Department of Internal Medicine, Syrian Red Crescent Hospital,

Ministry of Health, Damascus, Syria

Sep. 90 – Feb. 97 Specialist physician, Department of Internal Medicine, Syrian Red Crescent

Hospital, Ministry of Health, Damascus, Syria

Oct 88 – Aug. 01 Owner and Manager, Private Practice Clinic, Damascus, Syria

Provide clinical outpatient service in my own private clinic as a specialist in

internal medicine.


2009-2011 Dauphine University in Paris, France

EMBA, Executive Master of Business Administration

2003 - 2004 SDA Bocconi University, Milan – Italy

MIHMEP: Master of International Health Care Management,

Economics & Policy

1985 - 1988 Tichreen Hospital, Damascus, Syria

Residency and Specialisation in Internal Medicine

1978- 1984 Faculty of Medicine, Damascus University, Damascus - Syria

MD Degree



Diploma in Six Sigma, E-learning course. Final exam taken on July 13th,


April 2014 University of California, Irvine

The Power of Macroeconomics: Economic Principles in the Real World.

E-learning course held January 6-March 31, 2014

April 2014 University of California, Irvine

The Power of Microeconomics: Economic Principles in the Real World.

E-learning course held January 6-March 31, 2014

June 2013 World Bank Institute

E-learning course on Reproductive Health: from Advocacy to Action

(pilot), held April 17 - May 29, 2013

December 2010 Online Forum

Results-Based Financing of Health Services and the Role of HIS

May 2008 Arabic Organization for Management Development, Damascus, Syria

Successful Management Practices

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Razan Nassif,

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Arabic: native, English: almost native, French: very good knowledge, Italian: good knowledge

Books Translated

Critical Care Nursing. A Holistic Approach. Translated from English to Arabic, Damascus


Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing, Translated from English to Arabic,



Other Major Translations

Syrian Government Response to Queries made by the International CRC Committee


Syrian National Health Accounts Translated for Health System Modernization Program

from English to Arabic, Damascus


PLS MICS3 Report, Translated for UNICEF from Arabic to English, Damascus


WFFC Syria Progress Report Translated for UNICEF from English to Arabic, Damascus


Chief Editor of National Reports

Syria’s National Reports 3 and 4 to the International Committee of the Convention on the

Rights of Children (CRC) in Geneva


Situation Analysis of Children in Syria, an in-depth analysis prepared for the Syrian


for Family Affairs and UNICEF


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