**** *. ******* ***. *******, California *****. 559-***-****. *******@*******.***
Jesus Nava
To secure a fu11 time position in a stable environment, Where I can utilize my business experience,
COmPuter knowledge, be a member ofa team and be given the opportunity to advance e飾ciently and
P rOductive ly.
Apri1 2014 - Current Visalia, Califomia
Aflac Insurance
Licensed重osc/ranCe Sales Agent
S Calculated premiums for clients, matching up the policy that best suits血eir financial status
S Developed and implemented marketing strategies to grow and maintain a client base.
" Explained血e tems and requirements ofeach policy to clients, O節ered assistance with創ing proper
S Maintained a client base and offered upgraded policies to existing clients, eStablished payments
Plans for clients.
Visalia, Califomia
February 2006-Apri1 20 1 4
Groundshakerz Car Stereo
Se4f Employe d
“ Prepare estimate for total cost of installation, rePairs and sales
Customer service relations
“ Custom fabrication, Installation ofaudio equipment and repairs.
S Maintained inventory, equipment orders, and supplies.
“ Coordinate workload among other hstallations Technicians and supervise.
Visalia, Califomia
June 2003- January 2006
PearI Car Stereo
Assistant Manager nstallation rechnician
“ Supervised empIoyees & installation ofwork order?
“ Maintained hventory supply & received orders
“ Operate cash register and manage bank deposits
“ Answer phones, faxing, Copied and創ed doouments ofwork orders
S Responsible for customer service and scheduling appointments
宴 Redwood High School - DipIoma
“ College ofSequoias - General Education Courses
Highlights & Qualifications
Strongly selfLmotivated, PunCtual, and fast leamer
Responsible, reliable, and friendly
Professional appearance and manner
Ability to handle front o飾ce activities and fo11ow directions accurately
Having good work ethics and attitude
Team Player
Re唐手ences oγe at’a脇bわon req eSl