*** ** **** *****, ** 77511
OBJECT IVE : Seeking PACS Administrator opportunity or like position. I collaborated with PACS
Administrators for 6 years. moving toward digital worklist, acquisition and storage. Currently seeking
a f ull- t ime day position with medical benefits; to be a part of a team-oriented environment; to apply
my experience and skills, workflow efficiency, and maintain high ethical standards.
J ob H istory:
M a rch 2014-Cur rent U ltrasonographer Vein Clinics of America
* Perform Vein mapping studies, assist with ultrasound guided laser ablations, post op, and
u ltrasound guided injections. Approximatly 8-16 studies in an 8 hour period. Promoted to Preceptor.
* Ordering supplies, scanning maps, t raveled for 6 months for training and coverage: Kansas, Chicago,
and Dallas.
December 2012-Apri l 2014 echo/Vascular Tech Registered E ast Houston Regional Medical
• Perform Echo and Vascular studies: AVF/AVG Surveillance, Venous
I nsufficiency, Upper and Lower extremity Venous and Arterial Duplex
I maging, Non-Imaging physiological studies, Carotid Duplex Imaging,
Adult Echo,
Pediatric Echo, TEE, Contrast Echo, Bubble studies.
• Ensure reports cross into Meditech
A ugust 2008-Dec. 2012 Cardiopulmonary Supervisor B ayshore Medical Center
• Oversee the following areas: Echo, Vascular, EKG, EEG, Pedi Echo, for 2
hospitals and
assist coordinating 2 new cardiac imaging centers.
• Perform Echo and Vascular studies: Vein Mappings. AVF/AVG
Surveillance, Venous
I nsufficiency, Palmar Arch, Upper and Lower extremity Venous and
A rterial Duplex
i maging, Non-Imaging physiological studies, Carotid Duplex Imaging,
Adult Echo,
Pediatric Echo, TEE, Contrast Echo, Bubble studies.
• Schedules, Payroll, Cross Training, Policies, Protocols and Procedures
• Overall Improvements: Decreased turnaround times, saved the hospital
$30,000/mo. by
omitting contract labor, and increased the overall standard of
i maging quality.
• Teambuilding, patient satisfaction, physician satisfaction, employee
• Experience in Lab Accreditation for Echo and Vascular.
• I T P roficiencies: Meditech, MARS Super User, McKesson PACS
S uper User, Echo Pacs, M USE Super User, Cit r ix, C rystal
R eporting .
• Assisted Marketing department with Health Fairs
• Collaborated w ith I T depa rtments for efficient work flow in many
a reas aprox 6 years (Bayshore/East):
*Echo Pacs E-sign * H L7 inte rface
* Radiology Pacs * Meditech Structure
*Scheduling- Dept. workflow * M use Go Live
*C reated workflow charts for I maging staff
June 2006-August, 2006 Pediatric Echo Sonographer U T MB, Galveston
• Performed Pediatric Echocardiogram Studies at UTMB, Shriner’s and
C linic in Clear Lake.
Apri l 2005-June 2006 Registered Echo/Vascular S pace Center MR I and D i agnostics
• Performed Adult Echocardiograms
• Vascular Studies- Carotid Duplex Imaging, Upper and Lower Extremities
Venous and Arterial Duplex imaging.
August 2003-August 2008 NASA Data Analyst IV M E I Technologies I nc .
• Intermittent between Part time and Full Time
• Worked On-Site at NASA
• Traveled to California and Russia for Flight Studies
• Researched Aerospace and the biological effects of Cardio and Vascular
• Scanned Pediatric Echocardiograms and Analyzed data for the Pediatric
H ypertension Project
• Performed Vascular Duplex Imaging studies and Analyzed data for the
Reactive Hyperemia Project
• Tilt Testing: performed non-imaging spectral Doppler of stroke volume,
and analyzed data.
• Bed Rest Projects (Included Adult Echocardiograms, Reactive Hyperemia,
T ilt, Venous Duplex Imaging)
• Sublingual Nitro Studies
• Pre and Post Flights
• Tissue Doppler and Strain Analysis
• Mars Studies /Lunar Studies (included vibration plates)
• Stress Echo
• Assisted in installing improved computer softwa re for more
e fficient data acquisition . T u rned 1 hardwa re station into 4
software stations.
• High Quality studies required for accurate minute records and analysis of
physical and physiological changes throughout each Research Project.
S ki lls:
F luently Bilingual in English and Spanish, marketing background, management background,
I T proficient, strong in Excel, Word, and Power Point, Echo Pacs, and Muse Super User, able to
teach others well, professional, team building, face to face time with doctors, team player, hard
worker, easy to work with.
B LS Certified
Alvin Community College - Associates of Applied Science in Diagnostic Cardiovascular
Sonography (Echo)
U niversity of Houston - Hotel Restaurant Management Program 2001-2003 (changed career)
Pearland H igh School - Distinguished Achievement Program 2001
Affil i ations:
A lvin Community College : Chairman of DCVS Advisory Committee; Clinical Preceptor;
Guest speaker; Guest speaker for job readiness.
H SN I V T (Houston Society of Non-I nvasive Vascula r Technologist): Member
G HSE ( Greater Houston Society of Echocardiographers): Member
Semina rs Attended:
• Patient Ca re Experience Seminar – Sponsored by Bayshore Medical Center
• Designed to improve employee morale and aide in better understanding
employee/patient perceptions.
• Development Dimensions I n te rnational- Sponsored by HCA
• Presentation of tools for managers to improve t ime management, employee
relations and create a stable work environment to increase customer service and
i mprove the institutions financial base.
• Definity Contrast P resentation- Sponsored by Definity
• Demonstrated risk/ benefits to patients, and how to properly administer the
• AVF/AVG Semina r- Sponsored by Houston Society of Non-Invasive Vascular Technology
• Vascular Society training on procedures for mapping, surveillance of arteriovenous
f istulas and grafts along with proper procedure for palmar arch examination.
• Several Pediat ric Echo Lectures- Sponsored by Jose Quiñones and Monesha Gupta
• Given by Dr. Quiñones and Gupta focusing in pediatric echo pathology and
scanning technique.
*References upon request.