Email id :- ialam3 83 m
Ca reer Objective:-
Ø T o work in an organization where I could utilize my potential for the mutual
benefit of the organization and for myself.
Education Quali fi cation: -
Ø 10t h Passe d from B. S. E. B Patna.
Ø 12t h Passe d from B. I.C. B Patna.
Ø B. Com from B. N Mandal University.
Professi onal Quali fi cation: -
Ø Diploma in Drafts Man Civil from Ranchi.
Ø Honest.
Ø Hard worker
Ø Positive thinking
Ø Punctual
Work Experience: _
Ø 2 y ears in Ga mmon India Ltd, Sup au l, Bihar as a Site En gineer.
Personal Detail: -
Fath er's Name : M d . Atau r Rahaman
Date o f Birth : 02 /02 /1 98 7
Sex : M ale
M arital Status : M arried
Nationality : In d ian
Lang u ag e : Hin di & En glish
Perman ent Ad d ress : Vill+Po st- Go k hlapu r, Dist- Arariy a (Bihar)
Declaratio n:-
I hereby decla re that all the informat ion provided and the parti culars given above are true to the best of
my knowledge & dedica tion.
Place (Signature of Candidate)