Meehee Cho * *** Central Parkway S te .*** Cincinnati, OH 45214
( 513) 317 - 7008 *********@*****.***
Miami University O xford, OH
M aster of Science in Statistics E xpected A ug. 2 015
R elevant Coursework: S tatistical Learning, D ata Practicum, Q uality Control, T heory of Statistics, G eneral Linear
M odels, Experimental Design, T ime Series, R egression Analysis, I nferential Statistics a nd SAS Programming
U niversity of Cincinnati C incinnati, OH
B achelor of S cience i n Math ematics 2 013
R elevant Coursework: A pplied Statistics and Mathematical Statistics
N ational I nstitute for O ccupational S afety and H ealth ( NIOSH) C incinnati, OH
D ivision of Applied Research and Technology ( DART)
M athe matics and Statistics Student Trainee A ug . 2014 - P resent
C onduct statistical analysis u sing SAS o n longitudinal data to explain the relationship between the
b iomachenic exposure, psychosocial factors and health outcome w ith minimal supervisory input and
m onitoring
U tilize s tudy designs, survey desi g n s, statistical methods, and/or statis tic al technology that demonstrate
c reativity, independent thinking, and appropriate prioritization
I ndependently plan r esearch activities in current and on - going projects w hich, barring unforeseen
c ircumstances, adhere closely to delivery dates and timelines originally included in project proposals
D emonstrate f lexibility in responding to changing events and competing priorities when unanticipated
e vents occur
N ational I nst itute for O ccupational S afety and H ealth ( NIOSH) C incinnati, OH
D ivision of Surveillance, Hazard Evaluations, and Field Studies (DSHEFS)
T echnical Writer M ay 2 013 – J ul. 2014
C ombined n ew f ollow up survey d ata set s t o existing data sets u sing S AS b y compa ring and validating
d ata
D esigned and organized questionnaire modules for H ealth Hazard Evaluations(HHE) s ite visits w ith
c onditional skip patterns u sing data validation
O rganized questionnaire modules into multiple validated questionnaire groups with refe rences
D esigned and launched online survey for the "HHE Brochure Evaluation" using Epi Info™ a nd analyzed the
c ollected data
P resented data entry and analysis method using Microsoft Info Path and Epi Info™ to HHE Team
M edical Media Intern J an. 2013 – M ay 2 013
C oded d ata entry fields o n a web - based survey for a specific I nfluenza Vaccination Survey f or Forest Hills
S chool D istrict in Ohio using Epi Info™
A nalyze d d ata collected from t he I nfluenza Vaccination Survey, and c ollaborated with Survey Field Team
A ssisted investigative team f or the D ry Cleaning Solvent Evaluations s tudy b y interpreting and speaking to
K orean workers and managers
S ung Korean Bistro C incinnati, OH
G en eral Manager O ct. 2009 – D ec. 2012
B y observing sales patter n, predicted monthly and quarterly sales and created promotions in order to
m aximize company profit
C onduct ed m arketing project s w ith the Duke Energy Convention Center, Cincinnati Shakespeare Theater
a nd Music Hall w hich increased in the number of patron p er day and daily sales
C ontracted with L ivingsocial f or promotion and yielded $18,000 in profit
D etermined target demographics for future marketing project using the data set obtained by L ivingsocial
P revious P ositions: S erver, B artender a nd Assistant Man ager O ct. 2007 – O ct. 2009
Meehee Cho 1 403 Central Parkway S te .302 Cincinnati, OH 45214
( 513) 317 - 7008 *********@*****.***
A pr. 2 014 - P resent
Ticket Sales for the Cincinnati Shakespeare Theater
F orecast the future ticket sales o f different g enres b y fitting m ultiple models by applying the survival
a nalysis method u sing statistical software such as SAS and R
A pply different me thods to build predictive models such as, but not limited to, Bass model, logistic
r egression, Weibull - Gamma model, neural network and the Classification And Regression Trees(CART)
m odel
C onduct data manipulation i n SAS and R w ith minimal supervisory input and monitoring
N ov. 2 014 – D ec. 2 014
O ffice of Enrollment Management, Miami University
C onstructed a model to predict i n coming f reshman college s tudents ’ r etention rate a nd c lassified t he
s tudents who are at risk b efore the summer.
D istinguished t he significant factors t hat are obtained before the first semester u sing the Cla ssification
A nd Regression Tree ( CART) model
N ov. 2 014 – D ec. 2 014
N ational Institute for Occupational Safety and Health ( NIOSH)
E valuate the accuracy of hazard banding procedure developed by the NIOSH by comparing two
c ontractors health endpoints to those of NIOSH experts’
C oordinated analysis pla n as a leader of the group a nd ensured delivery dates were a lways m et
K ept team members a nd the clients r egularly informed of progress and problems encountered
O rganized meetings with the clients and the presentations to deliver the analysis result
O ct. 2 014 – N ov. 2 014
D epart ment of Kinesiology and Health, Miami University
E stimated the metabolic cost associated with r esistant exercise u sing linear mixed effect regression model
C onduct data manipulation in SAS and R prior to the analysis
E nsured data, rep orts, and resp onses to inquiries or requests, w ere accurate and relevant
S ep. 2 014 – O ct. 2 014
O pening Minds through Art (OMA)
V alidat ed C r e a tive - Expressive Abilities Assessment(CEAA) t o ol that r ates o f engagement of p eople with
d ementia(PWD) i n seven dif ferent domains using SAS
C onducted the data analysis using the L inear Mixed Models a nd N on - parametric statistical analysis i n SAS
a nd R
D emonstrated communication with other external professional staff for knowledge sharing and problem
s olving
Castricone, P., C ho, M., Gilbert, C. ( 2014, December ). N IOSH Hazard Banding . Presented at STA 660
D ata Practicum C lass i n Miami University .
B arnhard, A., C ho, M., Music, C. (2014, December). P redicting a Student’s Second Year Retention
B ased on Demog raphic and Academic Performance. P oster presented at the STA 660 Data
P racticum C lass i n Miami University.
B arnhard, A., Castricone, P., C ho, M., Sun, Z. ( 2014, October ) . C reative - Expressive Abilities
A ssessment(CEAA) Study . Presented at STA 660 Data Prac ticum C lass i n Miami University .
Technical S kills
M astery of Microsoft ® O ffice Programs i ncluding, but not limited to, E xcel a nd PowerPoint
S AS ®, R, J MP ®, S QL, E piInfo7 TM a nd Mathematica
F oreign Language
P roficient in written and conversational K orean
B eginner’s level in written and conversational Japanese and Spanish