• Proficient in designing of custom objects,
custom fields, pick list, role-based Page
Layouts, Workflow Alerts & Tasks, Validation
Rules, Approval Processes, Custom Tabs,
(Salesforce Developer/Administrator) Custom Reports, report folder, report
Ph: 520-***-**** extractions to various format, design of visual
force page, record types, dashboards and
email generation according to application
• Extensive knowledge in implementing
Security/Sharing Rules, Permission Sets,
Object level Security, Field Level Security,
Record Level Security, Profiles, roles and
resource monitoring at different hierarchical
level of organization.
• Experience working on leads, case
management, web-to-lead, Web-to case,
• Designed junction objects and implemented
various advanced fields like Pick list, Custom
Formula Fields, Field Dependencies,
Validation Rules, Work Flows, and Approval
• Overall 7+ Years of professional Software
Processes for automated alerts, field updates,
Development Experience with strong Object
and email generation according to application
Oriented Analysis, designing and programming
skills including extensive experience in
• Experience in Salesforce Integration with ERP
Salesforce.com CRM and Force.com platform
applications like SAP, Oracle CRM using
with proficiency as certified developer.
• Configured and maintained user security
permissions in compliance with organization
• Experience in Salesforce Integration
with in house legacy systems using Web
• Excellent communication and people
services API like Rest, Bulk and Soap
management skills.
with third party tools like Boomi, Cast
• Experience in working with Salesforce.com
sandbox and production environments.
• Experience working across various SFDC
• Experienced in Web technologies like HTML,
implementations covering Sales Cloud,
CSS, and Java Scripts and Java technologies
Service Cloud, Call center, Chatter and App-
like JDK, J2EE, JSP, and Servlets.
exchange applications.
• Excellent communication and
• In-depth experience in CRM business process
interpersonal skills, accustomed to
like Forecasting, Campaign Management,
working in both large and small team
Lead Management, Pipeline Management,
Order Management, Account Management,
Case Management.
• Expertise in SFDC development using Apex
classes, Triggers, Visual Force, Force.com
• Good understanding of Salesforce.com
Governor Limits with an ability to optimize
code to respect those limits.
other components on a record detail and edit
• Implemented SalesForce best practices using
standard objects like Accounts, Contacts,
Cases, Leads, Campaigns, Reports and
The Kudelski Groups integrated Digital TV Dashboards.
division which provides secure access to the • Created profiles and implemented Object and
Digital TV operators, open, integrated platform field level security to hide critical information.
and applications over broadcast, broadband and • Developing Custom Controllers to implement
business logic.
mobile platforms. In this application the primary
• Designed, developed and deployed the Custom
goal is to create leads and convert them into
objects, Components, Visual Force Pages to
Accounts, Contacts and Opportunities, Also to
suit to the needs of the application.
create Operation and Billing Procedures,
• Extensive knowledge on automating command
Product scheduling, creating programs, Invoice
prompt Apex Data loader for loading .CSV
request form etc. files into salesforce.com and data migration.
• Set up Marketing Campaigns, Campaign
Responsibilities: Hierarchies, Lead Queries, Assignment rules,
Web-to-Lead and Auto-Response rules.
• Interacting with business and attending meetings
• Created Visualforce pages which identified a
to get the requirements and providing the best
region to be updated to enforce partial page
solutions for the gathered requirements.
refreshes and display the status of Ajax requests
• Worked with force.com developer toolkit
to display different values depending on whether
including visual force pages, apex classes and
it is in progress or completed.
apex triggers to develop custom business logic.
• Integrated the Web Services for extracting the
• Proficient in writing SOQL and SOSL queries
data from external systems to display in the
within custom Controllers and triggers.
pages of Salesforce.com based on SOAP API.
• Involved in Salesforce.com application setup
activities and customized the apps to match the
functional needs of the organization.
• Debug Apex scripts using Debug Logs Salesforce.com, CRM Application Platform,
and System Log Console to catch Apex Language, Visualforce, Custom Objects,
Exceptions and execute Governors and Tabs, Page Layouts, Workflows, Approval
Limits. Processes, Eclipse, Sandbox environment,
• Worked with Apex Scheduler to invoke
Apex classes at regular intervals.
• Developed various Custom Objects, Tabs,
Entity-Relationship data model, validation
rules on the objects and tabs, Components and
Visual Force Pages and Custom Approval
• Created Custom fields, pick lists, dependent Description:
pick lists, record types, Custom Settings and
The California Conservation Corps is a state
validation formulas to the custom objects.
• Configured and implemented workflow rules, agency that puts young people and the
time triggered workflows, email templates. environment together, for the benefit of both.
• Customized the Dashboards to the track usage Corps-Members: Young men and women
for productivity and performance of business between the ages of 18 and 25, signed for a year
centers and their sales teams.
of working outdoors to improve California’s
• Created page layouts, search layouts to
natural resources. They also assist with
organize fields, custom links, related lists, and
emergency response like fighting floods, fire, Developed and configured various Reports and
Report Folders for different user profiles based
pest infestation and earthquakes. The CCC,
on the need in the organization.
modeled after the original Civilian Conservation
● Assisted in Production support and helped in
Corps of the 1930’s is the oldest and largest
troubleshooting the problems faced by the
conservation corps now in operation. Created by clients like Workflows, Scheduling processes
the Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. in 1976, and Mapping, Creating and Scheduling
more than 120,000 young people have been a Reports and Dashboards.
● Integrated the Web Services for extracting the
part if the CCC since that time.
data from external systems to display in the
pages of Salesforce.com based on SOAP API.
● Implemented Apex Controller, triggers and test
classes with test code coverage of 90-100%
Windows, Salesforce Unlimited Edition, Agile
using Force.com IDE.
process, Service Cloud, Sales Cloud, Apex,
● Designing and development of visualforce
pages as per user requirements. VisualForce (Pages, Component & Controllers),
● Created Task routing using Apex controller in JQuery, JSON, XML, HTML, CSS, Workflow &
such a way that ensure the sales team follows up Approvals, Reports, Custom Objects, WSDL,
on every task within due hours.
Custom Tabs, Eclipse/Force.com IDE, Data
● Assigned profile and roles according to the
Sync with .NET developed environments,
company requirement and also involved in end
user training.
● Designed junction objects and implemented
various advanced fields like Pick list, Custom
Formula Fields, Field Dependencies,
Validation Rules, Work Flows, and Approval
Processes for automated alerts, field updates,
and Email generation leading to effective Web-
to-Lead communication with customers and
partner portals. The City of Houston eGovernment Center is
● Created integration with Apptus CPQ and
dedicated in making more services available
CLM applications and automating processes on
online through the tools and information
salesforce1 platform.
offered and also provides many of the basic
● Used asynchronous Metadata API to manage
services that affect the daily lives of
setup and customization information.
● Created Sales force sObjects and related everyone who lives and works in Houston.
metadata necessary to support customizations Primarily, the department is responsible for
across instances. Used XSLT to transform my all the things we take for granted on a daily
XML data structure into HTML pages.
basis: the administration, planning,
● Implemented Contract management using
maintenance, construction management and
Apptus AppExchange tool.
technical engineering of the City's
● Used SOQL & SOSL with in Governor Limits
for data manipulation needs of the application
using Force.com Explorer.
● Developed Apex Triggers, Apex Classes and Responsibilities:
Test Methods using proper controls & syntax
● Gathered user requirements and involved in
and also experience in writing unit test cases.
application design discussions and
● Created page layouts, search layouts to
organize fields, custom links, related lists, and
● Provided few solutions to the customers for their
other components on record pages.
● Developed custom objects, profiles, sharing Description:
rules, roles and integration using web services,
The Houston Independent School
as needed by the business.
District (HISD) is the largest public
● Developed Apex Classes, Controller Classes and
school system in Texas, and the seventh-largest
Apex Triggers for various functional needs in
in the United States.[3]Houston ISD serves as a
the application.
community school district for most of the city
● Deployed Apex using Force.com IDE,
of Houston and several nearby and insular
Force.com Migration Tool and Web Services
municipalities in addition to
some unincorporated areas. Like most districts
● Implemented Classes and Interfaces.
in Texas it is independent of the city of Houston
● Worked with Dynamic Apex to access objects
and all other municipal and county jurisdictions.
and Field describe information, execute dynamic
The district has its headquarters in the Hattie
SOQL, SOSL and DML queries.
Mae White Educational Support Center
● Responsible for designing system/Unit/UAT test
(HMWESC) in Houston.
● Used Apex Data Loader for migrating records Responsibilities:
to Salesforce.
● Primary responsibilities include custom
● Involved in data migration to Sand-box and
application development and integration.
● Created custom Entity Relationship data model
● Used sandbox mode for testing and migrated the
based on the provided business requirements and
code to the production instance in iterations.
integrated it with the
● Involved in administrative activities like
Standard SalesForce Objects.
periodic data cleansing, security setup and
● Worked with groups, Participated in
workflow update.
Requirement Gathering Sessions & JAD
● Implemented Visual force Templates and
Sessions to define their needs and developed an
Placeholders to encapsulate page elements to be
action plan and specification document.
reused across several Visual force pages.
● Developed complete Custom Objects as
● Accustomed Pick lists, Dependent Pick lists, and
specified in the scope document.
Record Types to enforce data quality.
● Created Custom fields, pick lists, field
● Created Dashboards and Dashboard
dependencies and validation formulas to the
Components and implemented multiple levels of
custom objects.
Dashboards and scheduled Dashboard refresh.
● Created pick lists and page layouts and coupled
● Worked on Many-to-Many relationships and
those using Record Types.
created Junction objects to implement Roll-up
● Added, configured workflow rules, time
Summary fields to aggregate data from child
triggered workflows, email templates resulting
records on the parent.
into effective web to lead communication with
customers and partners.
● Created page layouts, search layouts to organize
Salesforce.com platform, Workflow and
fields, custom links, related lists, and other
Approvals, Reports, Custom Objects, Tabs,
components on a record detail and edit pages.
Email Services, Apex Language, Visual Force
● Created profiles and implemented Object and
Pages, Components and Controller, Email
field level security to hide critical information.
Services, HTML,, Reports, Dashboards and
● Implemented Apex Classes & Triggers and
Informatics JavaScript, Eclipse IDE Plug-in,
linked them to manage the workflows
Data Loader.
Implemented in the system.
● Created users, roles, public groups and
implemented role hierarchies, sharing rules and
record level permissions to provide shared
access among different users.
● ●
Created test scenarios on Sandbox environment Performed in-depth analysis of business
and migrated code to deployment upon practices and provided recommendations on
successful testing. ways to improve the processes.
● ●
Integrated SalesForce CRM with Siebel CRM Designed the UI's for both Salesforce and Big
explicitly using web services API. Machines based on the Requirements involving
● in multiple brain storming sessions with the
Integrated the web services by generating the
necessary stubs from the WSDL files for team.
extracting the data from the home grown Executed & maintained all the Business Test
applications by using the home grown web Case Scenarios for different phases of the
services. project, releases & Enhancements.
● ●
Used Apex Data Loader to migrate data, such as Worked with Profiles, Roles based on
accounts, campaigns from legacy system ACT. Organization role hierarchy and implemented
● Maintained processes of CSV import file Record-Level and Field-Level security and
configured their sharing settings.
updates for customer records into Accounts,
Contacts using Data Loader and Import Wizard Implemented case sharing model and assigned
● Used the sandbox for testing and migrated the cases to users according to the role hierarchy.
code to the deployment instance after testing. Escalated cases according to the case priority.
● ●
Provided support on-going salesforce.com Analyzed Business Processes to enhance the
maintenance and administration services Service Console Applications and reviewed it
including periodic data cleansing, custom with the client requirements.
objects, workflow, campaign management and Implemented on Auto response rules and
triggers. supported End-Users with solutions to the issues
they face with any functionality as per the
Environment: SLA's.
● Efficiently implemented Case Queues which
Salesforce.com, Force.com Platform including
automatically assign cases to a specific user or
Apex Programming Language and Visual force
group of users based on predefined criteria
pages, Web Services, Data Loader, HTML,
● Customized the platform using Visualforce and
JavaScript, SOQL, SOSL, Force.com IDE, MS
Apex triggers and configuring the applications
Access, Microsoft Office 2008.
based on Client needs for automation using
Configured Validation Rules, Workflow
Processes, and Approval Processes & Sharing
Rules for various Custom Objects.
● Planned and conducted requirements elicitation
meetings with the business to collect functional
and non-functional requirements relating to
client's Salesforce technology enhancement and
● Maintained various instances of Salesforce for
consistency in data by monthly refresh of
Merck is an American pharmaceutical company Sandboxes.
and one of the largest pharmaceutical companies Environment:
in the world. The company was established in Salesforce.com platform, Record types, Reports,
the year 1891. The main idea of this project was Dashboards, Email, MS Visio, Triggers, Sharing
to upgrade their system to Salesforce to serve Rules, MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Waterfall,
their clients, manage their sales activities and Validation Rules, Messaging, Dashboard, MS
market their product in a better way. Project, Standard and Custom Objects.
CMC Limited is a leading system engineering This project was designed with focus on content
based image retrieval system (CBIR) and
and integration company in India, offering
designed a program which enables to access all
application design, development, testing services
kinds of images present in huge databases using
and asset-based solution in niche segments
sketches, color and various pixel alignments
through turnkey project for mission critical rather than text as an input query.
system. CMC has also been expanding its
service presence in international markets Single Timer Wheel
offering offshoring advantages and delivering
This project is mainly networking oriented
value through service level-based and project
one where I designed a program which
scope-based deliveries.
enables the server and client communication
without any loss of data by creating a timer on
Responsibilities: both the sides. If in a prescribed time gap the
• Involved in Business Analysis and data sent from one side to other is not received
Requirements collection. then the data is again sent to the other end by
• Used JDBC for communicating with the using this timer.
• Migration of application to WebLogic 9.2 from
Technical Skills:
JRun server.
• Changing the code accordingly to work with
● CRM Tools Salesforce.com
WebLogic server.
● Salesforce Technologies
• Designed and developed web pages using JSP,
● Apex Language, Apex Classes/Controllers, Test
HTML and used JavaScript for client side
Classes, Apex Triggers, Standard objects,
Workflow & Approvals, Apex Data Loader,
• Involved in design, development of the
AppExchange, Web Services, Reports,
application in n-tier fashion based on MVC
Dashboards, Force.com IDE, SOQL, SOSL,
architecture standards and utilized Struts
Custom objects, Sandbox/Production
frame work.
Deployment and Testing.
• Developed data model and stored procedures.
● Salesforce Tools Eclipse, Force.com Explorer,
• Testing the application in WebLogic instances
Data Loader
with load balance environment.
● Salesforce Integration Tools Knowledge on
• Developed Servlets and java files for control of
Cast Iron tool
the business processes in the middle-tier.
● Programming Languages C, C++, Java, Apex
• Designed Integration test plan for testing and
● Web Technologies Servlets, Java Server Pages,
Integration of all use cases for a module.
JDBC, Visual Force
● Databases MS Access, Oracle 8
Environment: ● Operating Systems Windows NT / 2000/XP Pro
Software Used Languages: Java (JAva1.4, Struts / Vista, Windows Server 2000/2003/2008,
Linux, Unix
1.2, Ajax, JSP, Stellent7.5, MS SQL Server
● Web Servers Apache Tomcat
● IDE's Eclipse, NetBeans.
Tools: Eclipse.