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Test Cases Manager

Harriman, NY
April 30, 2015

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E rica Zhang

Tel: 201-***-****



To obtain a senior QA/Support analyst position in a financial field.

S umma ry :

More than 12 years of experience in quality assurance, support and application

development, testing, supporting and developing interfaces of equity t rading, Java

F IX application products. Specializing in data analysis and reporting. Excellent

i nterpersonal and communication skills with emphasis on customer support.

Capable of working on multiple projects with functional teams and business users.

E xperienced in wri ting test plans, test cases and test scripts.

P rofessional Skills:

L anguages: C/C++, SQL, Shell Script, Perl.

Protocol : Strong F IX, AP I, C MS…

O/S: L inux/Unix/Windows

RDBMS: Sybase, Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL

Automation Testing Tools: VeriF IX, IBM Robot

Bug t races tools: Agile, Clear Quest, Bugzilla, Remedy, and Collabnet.

E xperiences

D i rectEdge 06/11- 1/15

Senior QA Analyst on D i rect Edge exchange platform (NGX):

1. Matching system -- M E, BSI, F H, QR, T M, TR, D TCC, BOOK.

2. Limit Up and Limit Down (LU L D) -- for all the order types and


3. Routing system -- Smar t Router

4. N ASDAQ Expanded Symbology

• Created testing plan and test cases by working w ith BA, P M and

developer team.

• Created automated Verifix scripts for the test cases with applications

such as M E, F H, BSI, BOOK, Router…..

• Executed regression and new features test cases.

• Created test cases and tested verities order types match

f unctionalities – Limit, Ma rket, Reserve, pegged, midpoint pegged,

stop, D iscretiona ry, Pegged D iscretiona ry, Route Peg, M idpoint

D iscretiona ry Pegged, H idden, M idpoint, I n te rmarket Sweep ( ISO),

O dd Lots etc… vs Re-P r ice Options.

• Created test cases and tested F H process SIP market data feed with

p rotocols CQS/UQD F/CTS/UT DF.

• Created test cases and tested Smart Router on verity routing

S trategies.

• Created test cases and tested D E BOOK w ith Unicast and M ulticast

p rotocols.

• Matching System

• Matching Engine (ME)

T he Matching Engine is the heart of the system responsible for maintaining an

order book and matching opposing orders. When orders can be matched the engine

generates executions. The bulk of the business logic exists in the Matching Engine.

ME Responsibil ities:

• Validation – M atching Engine must perform full validation of all order


• I mplement Ma tching Rules – A ll matching logic is contained in the engine.

O rder types and matching rules are according to Business Requirements.

• I mplement Order P rotection r ules – T he Matching Engine must prevent

orders t rading through, locking or crossing away markets. ME must process

t he BBO from all protected Market Centers and make decisions on when to


• Generate NGX BBO – T he Matching Engine must calculate and generate a

d isplayed BBO for each t raded name.

• Business Service I n te rface (BSI) – T his a front-end component that

i nterfaces with member systems and send order messages to the ME. The ME

sends order acknowledgements and execution messages back to the front-end.

• I n te rmarket Gateway ( I MG) – T his component receives route out order

messages from the ME and sends to the NGX Smart Router. I t receives order

execution and administrative messages from the Smart Router and sends

t hem to the ME.

• Feed H andler (F H) – T his component sends external market data

(Outbound SIPs CQ/UQ/CT/UT ) into the Matching Engine. The market

data contains the BBO and last sale information for all other protected

market systems.

• Quote Reporter ( QR)– Receives NGX BBO information from ME and

reports to S IP ( Inbound SIPs CQ/UQ)

• T rade Manager T M – Receives t rades from ME, stores then forwards to

Tape Reporter and DTTC L ink Manager.

• Tape Reporter (TR) – Receives t rades from ME via the Trade Manager and

reports to S IP ( Inbound SIPs CT/UT)

• D T TC Link MGR – Receives t rades from ME via the Trade Manager and

reports to DTCC

• Book Feed (BOOK) – Receives all orders related messages from ME and

p roduces the depth-of-book feed.

• Routing Engine (RE/Smar t router) -- Receives all routable orders from

M E through I MG and Route to the Venues with one of the street bound

s trategies ROUT, ROUE, ROOC, ROUD…..


01/08- 06/11

Senior QA Analyst on Retail and I nstitutional t rading products

I nstitutional – Ma rket Data - QDS, ESIS, I M M TT, F IX Server, F IX

G ateway.

• Created testing plan and test cases, test scripts by wor king with P M

a nd technology group on new feature for all products.

• Executed regression and new features test cases.

• QDS- Quote Distribution Server: is to consolidate identical subscriptions

f rom multiple clients and maintain a single subscription to external feed

• I M M- I n ternational Market Maker: convert from foreign quote

• Pink F IXGateway – sends quote to PINK sheet and gets market data

f rom Bridge Feed

• Underlying quote – O riginal quote in foreign currency.

• ESIS - ETrade Symbol Information Server: server provides other applications

(e.g. FIX servers, FIX gateways, RoutEx, IMM WebGUI) with market/symbol

information. It also provides QDS with Bridge aliases.

• I M M T T - is an Excel based application which allows IMM traders to monitor

current security values, apply “adjustments” to the bid and ask prices and see

final values. Adjustments are applied as offsets or overrides, with overrides

taking precedence over offsets.

• Automation Testing – F IX - C reated test scripts by using tool V ER I F I X

for Institu tional Routex, F ixServer, and F I X Gateway.

R etail: OMS, RoutEx WEB GU I, Routing engine -SURF, ADPGW,

ACTGW, OSI-Option Symbolygy …

.RoutEx is an Order Management System. I t routes/execute the orders to other

market makers or exchanges. When an order is sent to RoutEx the user is required

to provide the destination where he wants the order to be executed, RoutEx does not

have the abili ty to determine the destination on its own but SURF server does. The

S URF engine will give the clients f lexibili ties to define the routing rules and send

t he user configurable components in to RoutEx, SURF also provides Routex with

t he capability to determine a destination for those orders that do not have a

destination. There are three main levels to the SURF engine. They are Symbol

Routing Rules, Exchange profile and account routing rules. The Routex Web GUI is

a web based application which is the Routex Front End engine.

• Routex WEB GUI Regression Test.

• Setup test environment and made configurations change for RoutEx and

S URF servers failover testing,

• Created and executed regressing test cases for SURF engine based on three

layers routing rules: Symbol, Exchange profile and account routing rules.

• NASDAQ Symbol Changes – Created regression testing cases and executed.

• OSI – Option Symbolygy Changes – Created new feature test plans, test cases

for all the applications who apply for OSI and test them.

• ADPGW – Created new feature – OSI test cases and test plane and executed.

N YF IX, I nc. 01/07-


Senior QA Analyst on Java F IX applications products on Appia, Crouter,

F ixomter, T radescope .

A pia is NYFIX's FIX Engine and application server that provides the foundation

For sending and receiving t rading messages electronically across the front, middle,

A nd back office.

c Router is an order routing utili ty that provides business logic handling, dynamic

Contend-based message routing, message normalization and enrichment, and


F IX version t ranslation.

T radeScope p roduct has been u niquely designed to help monitor and control

t he

p rotocol engines d istributed t h roughout your enterprise network i n t he most


And convenient manner possible. TradeScope collects real-time data from the

p rotocol engines and s tores i t i n i ts own database, w hich is optimized for

fast retrieval even in response to complex queries. Details are captured about the

operating s tatus of t he p rotocol engine and i ts sessions, i n addition to

details about the messages that pass through the engines. TradeScope’s user

i nterface is highly customizable; making sure those different types of users

can quickly locate essential data when they need i t. Extraneous data and functions

can be hidden from view on both role based level and an individual user level.

Senior QA Analyst on t rading applications: Fusion and F IX T rader

Fusion T he market Access workstation for the OTC and L IST market enables

p rincipal

And agency t raders to receive orders electronically from multiple sources, execute


According to best execution principles, route orders to ECN or ATS destinations and

Manage r isk. Fusion provides a completely configurable system to suit any fi rm's

t rading

S trategy.

F IX T rader is an end-to-end electronic t rading solution suite that enables order and

execution management across a wide array of t rading disciplines, including L isted,

Agency, OTC and Market Making. I t electronically manages order and execution

f lows, matches client allocations, sends t rades to clearing agents and provides on-

demand access to t rade information.

• Wrote test plans, test cases according to requirements and specifications,

coordinating with project managers, developers and business analysts.

• Setup test environment for failover testing, performance testing,

communicate with clients requesting enhancements testing and reproducing

t he defects on old version and make sure they are fixed on new version.

• Created regressing test cases based on new functionalities.

• Test client and application Server response FIX messages.

• Proficient in Functional, Negative, Regression, System in tegration,


Version Compatibili ty (Backward Compatibility between versions) testing

d uring

Various phases of application development.

• Created auto-install-deploy script (Perl/Shell) for Java fix products.

• Recreate defects and interacted with developers to resolve technical issues.

SunGard T rading Systems

02/04- 01/07

Senior Application Support Analyst and QA

Second Level product knowledge and support of OMS (Order Management Trading

System called BRASS) client and server application. The OMS receives orders from

either a system’s interface or manual user messages entered into the system.

• Determine which action has created the order, whether through automatic

execution, auto take, feed base, manual entry, through limit order display or

order routing. The application support is performed by both fi rst level

customer support (Client Service) and technical development. Customer

support t roubleshoots, investigates and identifies the source of the problem in

an application, while developers resolve application issues.

• Provide routine status updates on arising application issues to Client

Services. Using project management skills estimate t ime length needed to

resolve these issues.

• Perform QA tests on Fixes of existing code before approving these fixes for the

p roduction.

• Perform unit testing on new products and enhancements for current products

• Support ECNs, OMSD, SUMO and In terface system for BRASS.

• Troubleshoot t rade processes to and from BNET, SDOT, SUMO, ATO, LOD,

M ANN ING, through auto-execution and manually.

• Support processes for ACT Reporting to NASDAQ. Analyze user display logs,

f ront end, back-end set up and server logs while t roubleshooting.

• Debug and check source code for analysis of processing errors and

i nconsistencies.

• Simulate problems for developers and in teract with account managers to

determine the t rue functionality of application for outside client

• Support interface process. Handle production issues: connection and error


• Created shell (PERL/SHELL) scripts to search data, analyze the data as

p roductions application support tools.

S unGard T rading System 10/99 – 02/04

I n te rface Developer and Support Specialist

Designed, developed, support and maintained the complete life cycle of B RASS real

t ime order management system. This equity t rading system receives orders from

dealers/brokers via TCP/IP, X.25, BISYNC connection using FIX, CMS, etc. protocol

and enables brokers to execute or route an order to another broker or f loor (SDOT)

t hrough BNET server or to send an ACT report across CTCI to NASDQ.

• Designed and developed various interfaces for clients. Each interface was

developed to receive an order, route order, cancel/ replace Order, send

execution, UROUT, order status, admin, etc.

• Designed and developed a drop down copy of the interface for different

sources such as FLEXTRADE, ECN (ARCA, REDI, etc.)

• Supported product related issues during market hours by t roubleshooting

e rrors, detecting connection, analyzing messages and distributing system

issues to appropriate groups.

• Developed clearance reports for clients such as ADP, BEAR STERN,


c reated order and position (P & L) mismatch reports using (C/C++, SQR,

SQL, FIX protocol, Sybase, CMS, TCP/IP, Socket, Perl, Shell scripts.)

• Create Shell scripts to t ransfer the various t rading reports to brokers and

t heir back offices.


M.S. in Computer Science


Brooklyn College of City University of New York

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