R omel Reyes
Los Angeles, CA 90011
Employment H istory
Valla r ta Supermarkets
Jun, 2012-Feb, 2013
North Hollywood, CA 91606
• Courtesy Clerk
• Deli
Mega Toys
Dec, 2013-Mar, 2014
6443 E Slauson Ave,
City Of Commerce, CA 90040
• Packing, Assembled Boxes
N ippon Express Mar, 2014-
970 Francisco Street
Torrance, CA 90502
• Shipping
• Receiving
• Forklift/Loading-Unloading
Shipping: Ship and pack products, also we 2nd check them to make
sure the amount of products are correct before shipping. I t also includes
scanning the r ight amount of boxes/products the customer desires.
Receiving: Receive Pallets sometimes boxes. I t
requires a scanner to log in the products. When done scanning the
p roducts, we put them away to stock.
When making sure the product is r ight and correct, we palletize the boxes
and load them up on the t ruck with a forklift.
E ducational H istory
Huntington Park Adult School 2009-2011
H igh School Diploma
Special skills
Bilingual: English/Spanish, Read/wri te English and Spanish,
basic computer skills, office skills, permit for Forklift,
p unctual, reliable to work, good communication