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Customer Service Representative

Los Angeles, CA
April 25, 2015

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Deisy Villarreal

*** * ** **

Los Angeles Ca, ***37



Objective: To contribute to a positive work Environment that can utilize

my clerical skills and for future advancement.


Los Angeles Job Corps, Los Angeles, CA 03/10-12/11

SIATech Charter High school, Los Angeles, CA 06/10-12/11


Classic Parking Los Angeles 09/13-Present

o Receptionist

o Ski Data

o Customer service

o Cashier

Ennabe Properties Los Angeles, CA 12/11-01/15

o Receptionist

o Accounts payable

o Clerical Work

Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant Los Angeles, CA

07/10 - 12/10

Customer Service Representative/Sales Associate

. Answering phone calls

. Provided customer service

. Operated cash register

Office Administration Certificate

. Proficient in MS PowerPoint 2007

. MS Excel 2007 (Certified)

. Proficient in MS Word 2007

Skills and Abilities:

Office Procedures

o Experience in the usage of multi-line phones.

o Acquainted with the use of photocopy and fax machines.

o Office supply orders and control preparation of inventory.


o Type 50 wpm

o Identified key components

o Filing System

o Excellent filing methods

Record Keeping

o Able to calculate large numeral numbers.

o Able to prepare bank deposits and checks.

o Able to prepare invoices.

Business Math Skills

o Experience with the usage of 10 key touch calculators.

Reference: Available upon request

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