L ekha Balk r ishna Kotkar
*** ******* ***., *** ****** Pune road Mobile: +91-977*******
Parsik Nagar Kharigaon Kalwa E-Mail
I d:************@*****.***
T hane -400605
• To succeed in an environment of growth and excellence and earn a job which
p rovides me job Satisfaction and self development and help me achieve personal as
well as organization goals.
• Notice Period :30 days
Work P rofile
Working in M ahaOnline as Traniee Software Developer on .Net technology from
January 2014
t ill present.
Educational Qualifications
I nstitution (Board
Year of passing Percentage
E xamination / University)
A. C. Patil college of
E ngineering, Kharghar
( Mumbai University)
Government Polytechnic,
Diploma in Computer
T hane July 2010 78.38%
E ngineering
S.S.C March 2005 70%
T echnical Skills
Programming Languages : Basic C++, C#, ASP.NET
Scripting Languages : H T M L, JavaScript
Database Languages : SQL server 2008
Operating System : M icrosoft Windows 98/2000/XP/2007
Project Profile
1) Company : M ahaOnline.
P roject Title : Commissioner for Cooperation and Registrar,
Cooperatives Societies.
D omain : Government Domain
T eam Size : 2 Members
T echnology used : ASP.Net with C#, SQL Server 2008.
Brief Description: I t is web application of Cooperation Department Cooperation,
M arketing and Textiles Government of Maharashtra manage The Registration of
Cooperation societies, Audit, Inquiry and Inspection, Appeals, Reviews And Revision,
P rivileges of the societies & O ffenses and Penalties. In here all the Societies Tender, GR,
Registries Information Get and monitor whole cooperative movement.
Job Responsibilities: a) RDLC reports
b) Security Audit for the application
c) Creating the file uploading and searching controls
d) Creating the Photo /Video and FAQ upload section
e) Create the department wise Email Functionality for the all department.
2) Company : M ahaOnline.
P roject Title : M aharecruitment
D uration : 3months
D omain : Government Domain
T eam Size : 5 Members
T echnology used : ASP.Net with C#, SQL Server 2008.
Brief Description: I t is web application and Job portal for the all government Job vacancy
l ike M IDC, MSRTC, Fire Department etc. in here there is generate the advertisement of
t he new vacancy as department wise, after that generate all the recruitment process means
online profile creation, form generation, exam schedule, hall t icket generate, exam center,
result and the availability of the seat. This portal is working for the recruitment process of
t he government vacancy.
A rea of interest
• Application Development- DOT NET
Personal Skills
• Good wri t ten and communication skills
• Problem solving abilities
• Quick learner
• Abili ty to deal with people tactfully
• Hard worker, positive thinker, Honest, Flexible to learn or work on other
• Won a Runner up prize in debugging code in ‘proficion techfest’ conducted in
A .C.Patil College of engineering.
• Won Best dancer award in Government polytechnic, thane
• Best dancer performer in Thane district.
• Certified Microsoft Technology Associate in DOT NET.
• Certificate of the E Governance.
T raining Attend
• SQL server all new version concepts.
• EGovernance and MGovernance t raining by DIT, Maharashtra Government.
Personal I nformation
• Date Of Bir th : 1st j une,1989
• Hobbies : Dancing,Trekking,Reading
• Languages Known : English, H indi and Marathi
D eclaration
I Lekha Balkr ishna Kotkar hereby declares that the facts stated above are authentic and
t rue to the best of my knowledge.
Date: 07 September, 2014
Place: Kalwa
a Balk rishna Kotkar