r esume
Grygorii Novytskyi
● obile phone * * 0 6 8 1 7 4 2 2 2 2 mail ********@*****.***
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● ype rigoriy.n ovitskiy
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● n kedin ttps://lin kedin .com/in /grygoriin ovytskyi
iL h
Targeting positions: Project Manager / ScrumMaster,
Product Owner / Manager, QA Manager
E xpectation s from th e n ext job are:
● Man age 1 3 projects
● Lead 2 0 + people team. Distribu ted team will be an advan tage
● Travellin g or/an d relocation ou t of Ukrain e will be an advan tage
● Sh ort time projects (u p to on e year) are preferred
● Work closely with bu sin ess own ers an d stakeh olders
● Participation in market research an d an alysis for bu sin ess developmen t
E xperien ce, expertise an d skills:
● 1 0 + years of B2 B an d B2 C experien ce (sin ce 2 0 0 5 ) an d expertise in mobile, gamin g, fin an cial
(advan ce / loan s, decision makin g, artificial in telligen ce, math ematical an alysis, big data),
h ealth care, telecommu n ication an d electron ic sectors
● Man age 1 2 people with in QA departmen t wh ich is composed of 3 teams
● Active commu n ication s with 1 5 + people
● 6 + years of experien ce (sin ce 2 0 0 9 ) in Project Man agemen t / Agile
● Certified Scru m Master
● Participated in 1 5 + projects. 1 0 of th em from scratch to th e su ccessfu l en d
● Gradu ated PMI Project Man agemen t cou rse
● Upper In termediate E n glish level (B2 )
● Ch allen ge driven person
Myers Briggs person ality type: E STJ (Logical Sen sory E xtrovert)
Project Man agemen t I n stitu te ( PMI ) – Kyiv, Ukrain e 2012
Project Man agemen t cou rse
S cru m Allian ce – Kyiv, Ukrain e 2012
Certified Scru mMaster (CSM)
Vin n itsa Nation al Tech n ical Un iversity – Vin n itsa, Ukrain e 1 9 9 9 2 0 0 4
Bach elor of E n gin eerin g (B.E n g.)
E lectrical, E lectron ics an d Commu n ication s E n gin eerin g Field of Stu dy
Man agemen t tools: Atlassian Jira, MS Project, Redmin e, Trello
S DLC process frameworks: Agile Scru m, Agile Kan ban, Waterfall
S oftware application types: Mobile (Android, iOS, Windows Phone), Web based, Web service, Desktop
Programmin g lan gu ages: C# .NET, Java, 4Test
Test frameworks: Selen iu m WebDriver, n Un it, jUn it, xUn it, CodedUITest, TestNG
Test man agemen t tools: HP ALM / UTF / QTP, TestComplete
Testin g types: Fu n ction al, performan ce, load, stress
Testin g levels: Un it, in tegration /compon en t, system
Databases: Microsoft SQL, MySQL
RokiTT, iv, Ukraine Nov 2 0 1 4 – Presen t
QA Team Lead / P roduct Owner / Scrum Master
I am in volved in two projects:
1 . Role: Scru m Master. Con su ltin g. Qu ality Assu ran ce process improvemen t on differen t levels an d
en viron men t (web, mobile, web services) test au tomation, best practices for SDLC process
improvemen t. Commu n ication with US team members.
2 . Role: Produ ct Own er. Start u p project.
Activity as Produ ct Own er:
● Produc t requirement c ollec tion and prioritiz ation
● Communic ation with s tak eholders
● Manage Produc t Bac k log
● Write us er s tories
● Define ac c eptanc e c riteria
● Us e c as e Analy s is
Activity as Scru m Master:
● Follow Sc rum methodology : organiz e s tand up meetings, grooming, retros pec tiv e, demo
● Fac ilitate meetings and k eep foc us on the
● Share Sc rum princ iples within team
● Remov ing impediments
● Configure Atlas s ian J ira
Activity as rainian QA Team Lead:
● Team members motiv ation (5 people within team)
● Define pos itiv e and negativ e influenc e of team performanc e
● Reduc e negativ e and enhanc e pos itiv e fac tors
Playson, (Globo Tech) Kyiv, Ukraine Ju l 2 0 1 4 – Nov 2 0 1 4
Agile coach, Software Quality Assurance Manager
● Got on board to improv e QA proc es s
● Rev iew c urrent s oftware dev elopment life c y c le and analy z e its pros and c ons
● Define improv ement s teps of Quality As s uranc e proc es s within produc t life c y c le
● Manage and k eep in order three s ub departments (teams )
● Hiring Tes t Team members
● Managing QA department (planning, leading / c oac hing, monitoring)
● Lead and build a highly motiv ated group
● Solv e Management Problems With Root Caus e Analy s is
● Fac ilitating c ros s departmental c ollaboration
● Dev elop s trategy and routines for automated and manual tes ting and s upport
● Es tablis hing, implementing and adjus ting QA proc es s es as well as ov erall s oftware dev elopment
proc es s es
Freelance, Ukraine and Internet Dec 2 0 1 3 – Ju l 2 0 1 4
P roject Coordinator, Software Engineer
● Participate in differen t projects
● Worked on u krain ian an d abroad compan ies
● An alyze an d propose approach es to in crease qu ality on th e project
● Provide team Agile an d QA coach in g
● Write au tomated test scripts u sin g TestComplete
ZoralLabs, Kyiv, Ukraine Ju n 2 0 1 1 – Au g 2 0 1 3
QA Lead, P roject coordinator, Agile coach
● Lead QA team
● Facilitate meetin gs
● Implemen t Agile practice
● Defin e process bottlen ecks an d redu ce th eir impact
● Participate in th e project from th e begin n in g
● Plan an d syn ch ron ize QA activity, defin e scope, meet release deadlin e requ iremen ts
● Depu tized Project Man ager 2 weeks
● Main tain an d expan d test su ite
● Defects trackin g
Don e:
● Design ed an d implemen ted from scratch test su ite for WPF desktop an d WE B UI application s system
testin g. C# .NE T Visu al Stu dio 2 0 1 0 an d WebDriver (Selen iu m 2 .0 ) were u sed
● Con figu red con tin u ou s in tegration server based on TeamCity
Betsson Ciklum office), Kyiv, Ukraine Jan 2 0 0 9 Ju n 2 0 1 1
Scrum Master, Software Engineer
Project 2
● Facilitate meetin gs, Sprin t plan n in g, Sprin t review an d an oth er Scru m Master activities
● Participated in th e project from scratch to th e su ccessfu l en d
● Was Agile Scru m team member: participated in design meetin gs, plan n in g, retrospective an d oth er
scru m activities
● Was respon sible person of organ izin g au tomation testin g of start u p project on differen t levels: u n it
testin g, fu n ction al modu le testin g, fu n ction al, performan ce an d load system testin g.
● Developed test au tomation of WCF service an d Web based UI application . C# .NE T Visu al Stu dio
2 0 1 0 an d Selen iu m were u sed
Project 1
● Made more clear requ iremen ts in dialogu e with Produ ct Own er to h elp h im with Acceptan ce Criteria
● Bu ilt from scratch test au tomation su ite for UI Web based application
● Wrote an d main tain ed test cases based on Selen iu m IDE /RC + Visu al Stu dio .NE T 2008 C# +
NUn it.
● E xecu ted pre release man u al regression fu n ction al testin g
● Agile SCRUM
● C# .NE T Visu al Stu dio 2008 + Selen iu m IDE / RC, WatiN
● LINQ, Microsoft SQL Server
● Un it / modu le / system testin g
● Fu n ction al / performan ce / load system testin g
SDL Tridion Ju n 2 0 0 8 – Dec 2 0 0 8
Automation Test Engineer
● Agile Scru m team member
● Main tain ed already exists test au tomation code for fu n ction al testin g (regression testin g) WE B
based application
● E xten ded an d main tain ed already exist solu tion of WE B service performan ce an d load test
au tomation
GlobalLogic Nov 2 0 0 7 – Ju n 2 0 0 8
Senior automation engineer
● Learn ed programmin g lan gu age Java an d n ew au tomation tool IBM Ration al Fu n ction al Tester (RFT)
from scratch in fou r weeks
● Was a team member of distribu ted team
● Bu ilt test au tomation framework for desktop produ ct from scratch
Aricent May 2 0 0 5 – Nov 2 0 0 7
Senior automation engineer
● Participated in 8 projects, 7 of wh ich were started an d su ccessfu lly fin ish ed
● Tes t automation s truc ture dev elopment: automation s trategy, framework, tes t data
● Dev eloped us ing 4Tes t (Silk Tes t) s c ripts us ing MS SQL queries .
● Did fu n ction al ok e and regres s ion tes ts on c lient and s erv er s ides, remote and loc al ins tallations
Tech n ologies:
● .NE T clien t server based application + Microsoft SQL Server
● Win 32 application
● MsiE xec (Win dows In staller) comman d lin e
● Web based clien t/server application + Microsoft SQL Server
KSK AUTOMATION ( ww.kck.ua Ju n 2 0 0 4 – Feb 2 0 0 5
ICS Engineer
Projec t: Emergenc y s y s tem for oil manufac turing
● Participated in th e project from scratch to th e su ccessfu l en d
● Embedded s oftware dev elopment bas ed on Mits ubis hi FX s eries PLC and Mits ubis hi HMI.
Implementation s y s tem and s tarted up on the plant