Phil Hebert
Phil Hebert
*** ****** ****** ****, *****, Ontario
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Be able to work within a company that will encourage professional and personal
growth and that will value hard work.
College Height Secondary School
OSSD achieved
Owner A . M . P . V P i p e f i t t i n g a n d W e l d i n g
2001- Present
Managing: Company billing, design piping systems that are user
-Welding, polishing, reconstruction of pipes, overhaul conveyers of
existing systems, steam piping, air piping and water piping.
Project Manager/Supervisor/Welder S t a i n l e s s P r o c e s s
Run job sites
-Welding, polishing, reconstruction of pipes, overhaul
Factory Manager Welder A r g o n A r c
- Fabrication of tanks, conveyers system, piping system, welding
and polishing.
Factory Manager Welder H e a v y d u t y p r o d u c e
- Welding, polishing, fabrication of all the equipment, plumbing,
electricity, refrigeration piping, build walk in coolers, install duct
work fresh air intake and exhaust, build complete āāuāā brewery.
Factory Manager Welder W . H . E
Manager of: Installation Quebec
- Welding, polishing, cutting, full system installation
Language Spoken and Written: English
Phil Hebert
Language understood but not spoken: French
Computer Literate (MS word Point)
Reference Available Upon Request
Willing to relocate
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