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Electrical Maintenance

Barrow upon Humber, NLN, United Kingdom
April 22, 2015

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Personal details

FirstName Danut

Name Budes

Address str. C-tin cel Mare, A12,sc. A, apt.2,

Timisoara, Timis, Romania

Mobile Phone +44-079**-******


E-mail ********@*****.***

Nationality rom n

Date of birth April/5/1963

Sex Man

Marital status Single

Weight 72 kg

Height 1.70

Driving licence B

Education and training

Date September 1978 - June 1982

Educational Institution High School Vocational

Level Highschool

City Mangalia

Specialization electro-mechanic

Date September 1998-July 2002

University Tibiscus Timisoara, legal


Courses, certificates & awards

West University Timisoara- Phare Course

"Management of small and medium businesses"


Mother language Romanian language

Engleza Intermediate

Franceza Beginner

Additional Information Excellent working conditions and pay.

- Available in overtime

- Seriously

- Hardworking

- Punctual

- Follow the rules of the organization

- Teamwork

Job wanted similar studies

Looking for jobs into Hull, U.K.

NINO: SR956636A

Professional experience

Employer Stafffinders Yorkshire, Hull(agency) for

Walker Modular Limited-Hull


August 2014-February 2015

maintenance technical, electrician

Occupation or position held

Permanent and acquisition parameters and

Main activities and rules for carrying out the maintenance and

responsabilities repair of equipment types and functional

parameters and electrical installations,

types of work, raw materials and basic

materials used;

- Continuous tracking and observing the

quality parameters required by specific

work procedures or technological


- Disclosure, line manager about tasks,

opportunities and events through written or

oral reports;

- Perform work safely, in accordance with

company policy, legislation and technical

work safety rules specific to the


Employer - mounted electrical equipment such as

lights, fans, lights, sockets for shaving,



Stafffinders Yorkshire, Hull(agency) for

Occupation or position held Maple Fleet Services ltd.

Main activities and March 2014 - July 2014

responsabilities August

maintenance technical, electician

installation of electronic equipment such

as GPS, laptop, wireless antennas, optical

sensors, check all these electronic

components to operate the parameters of



activities and

responsabilities July 2005 - march 2014

Lawyer practicing in Timisoara, Romania

representing the legal interests of

clients, analyzing legal problems of

clients, consulting with clients to assess

the case on legal solutions and the chances

of success, guiding clients on the

possibilities of amicable settlement of

their problems and recommending appropriate

steps to be followed in relation to the

adverse party or with other people or

institutions, preparation of letters and

requests on behalf of clients, negotiating

with the opposing party or any other

persons, companies and institutions

involved, the client's behalf to obtain the

best result for the client, protect the

interests of clients in disputes with other

individuals and / or organizations, in the

case of divorce representation,

representing the interests of citizens who

filed action against government

institutions and / or against other

organizations and companies, representing

individuals accused of violating the law,

representing companies and / or

institutions in disputes with other

individuals or organizations representing

the interests of companies and institutions

accused of breaking the law, in general

conducting specific operations of law


Employer Sc Banat Forest SRL

Date July 2002-August 2005

Occupation or position held legal adviser, city Timisoara

Departament: legal/lawyers/notary public

Company activity field : 30 employees,


Main activities and

responsabilities Implements all forms, procedures and

policies relating to the companies on legal


- Assists the business units in the process

of contracting by drafting the legal

documents in order to ensure the best

representation of company's interest;

- Provides support for all departments,

advising on norms and regulations;

- Permanent review of the regulatory and

commercial materials and the legislation

and the implications of all changes over

the organization.

- Understands and applies the legal

requirements in the company day-to-day


Employer - Represents the company in relationships

Type of business with third parties (Trade Register,

Date notaries etc.);

Occupation or position held - Monitors legally mandated changes in the

company documents

Sc. Dunio SRL


September 1996 - July 2002


Main activities and Familiar in using equipment and technology

responsabilities in auto repair (car body straightening

stands) welding environment protection,

over 20 years experience in the repair of

automobiles and electro-mechanical skills

in using specific SDV operations to repair

damaged bodies, repair performance

standards of various car brands,

disassembled / reassembled electrical

components, disassembled / reassembled

headlights, disassembled / reassembled

electrical side mirrors, disassembled /

reassembled bumpers, disassembled /

reassembled stops, disassembled /

reassembled the door trim, disassembled /

reassembled the roof trim, disassembled /

reassembled the door,

Employer Sc Timnovdac Service SRL

Type of business Automobile

Date September 1993 - September 1996

Occupation or position held electro-mechanical

Main activities and Familiar in using equipment and technology

responsabilities in auto repair (car body straightening

stands) welding environment protection,

over 20 years experience in the repair of

automobiles and electro-mechanical skills

in using specific SDV operations to repair

damaged bodies, repair performance

standards of various car brands,

disassembled / reassembled electrical

components, disassembled / reassembled

headlights, disassembled / reassembled

electrical side mirrors, disassembled /

reassembled bumpers, disassembled /

reassembled stops, disassembled /

reassembled the door trim, disassembled /

reassembled the roof trim, disassembled /

reassembled the door

Employer Sc Auto Impex SRL

Type of business Automobile

Date November 1983 - September 1993

Occupation or position held electro-mechanical

Main activities and disassembled / reassembled electrical

responsabilities components, disassembled / reassembled

headlights, disassembled / reassembled

electrical side mirrors, disassembled /

reassembled bumpers, disassembled /

reassembled stops, disassembled /

reassembled the door trim, disassembled /

reassembled the roof trim, disassembled /

reassembled the door, installed / replaced

defective parts, assembly machines and

their operating performance evidence,

cutting, trimming, riveting, welding and

soldering metal and enforcement

their incorporation, stock verification and

maintenance materials, spare parts and

tools, Manufacture of spare parts for

machinery and carrying out maintenance and


Compliance verification and quality

products made and address any deficiencies


Control and verification of installation,

operation mode, maintenance and repair of

machinery and

Safety equipment that they are installed

and operated according to technical


Employer Sc Industria L nii Timisoara

Type of business Industrii / Productie

Date July 1982 - November 1983

Occupation or position held electro-mechanical

Main activities and As an apprentice, under the supervision of

responsabilities a skilled worker had responsibilities in

learning practical skills on the various

electro and mechanical repairs and

maintenance of the Romanian Navy warships

Employer The central Romanian Navy ship repair

Type of business Industrii / Productie

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