M a.Alejah May Dela T r inidad Satiada
Blk ** lot 23 Saint Louie Vill. Talon 3, Las Pinas City
091********/ a ************@**********.***
To obtain a position within the company that will help me grow as a person as well as give
t he company all the services needed to properly perform the job position. I would like to
gain new skills in customer assistance and services along with utilizing my current
Personal I nformation
Age : 22 years old
Gender : Female
Date of Bir th : May 17, 1992
Place of Bi r th : Albay, Bicol
Height : 160 cm
Weight : 130 lbs
Religion : Catholic
Nationality : Filipino
C ivil Status : Single
Educational Attainment
Tertia ry
Las Pinas City Manpower Training Center TESDA
Saint Francis of Assisi College
Talon 3, Admiral Subdivision. Las Piñas City
U nder Graduate
Saint Mark’s Institu te
Casimiro Village, Las Piñas City
Year Graduated 2008-2009
P r ima ry
Saint Mark’s Institu te
Casimiro Village, Las Piñas City
Year Graduated 2004-2005
• Former member of IndakSining dance t roupe in Saint Mark’s Institute
• Awarded as Terpsichorean, in Saint Mark’s Institute last April 2009
• Former member of GintongLahi Dance Company in Saint Francis of Assisi
• Finalist in LAPRISA SOLO Singing Contest during H igh School in Saint
M ark’s Institute
• Finalist in the Ms. Waterlily 2012
• Human Behavior at Work: An Int roduction to Industrial and Organizational
• Conceptualizing Abnormal Psychology
I do hereby certify that the above information is t rue and correct based on my
k nowledge and experience
Ma.Alejah May Dela T rinidad Satiada