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Customer Service Representative

United States
April 21, 2015

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* * * * *** a ns R o a d Ap t #10 2 W a s hing t o n DC 2 0 0 2 0

M o bile: (3 04 ) 27 9 -2 17 7 Ema il: Sha kira b.d df @g ma m

C ertifica tio n s a nd Skills

Cer tifications:

● afeServe Food Pr otection Management


● PR certified


● kills:


● anitor ial


● ousekeeping


● olitical Speech wr iting


● er sonal assitance


Hardwar e: Windows, Mac, Hewitt- Packar d,

~ Excel, Wor d Pr ocessing

● kill Public Speaker


●nter ior Design



Present – ugust 2 012

CleanHouse, LLC, Washingt on DC A

Tit le: Head Sit e Housek eep er

Super vised the duties of local site technicians for the daily, weekly and month ly maintenance of the homes, buildin gs and off ices.

Mon itor ed the fun ctionality of the employees and employer s, Steam Cleaners, On- site vehicles, Staffs cleaning pr ecision, iter ar ary goals and

cleanin systems.

Cr eated detailed r epor ts of on- site electrical complications and tr oubleshoo ting pr ocedur es used to cor r ect the issues.

Pr epared and planned site equipment such as bleach, disinf ectants, pr otective gear, consultant info r mation and contr acts to ensur e the safety of

the customer s and staff.

Assisted in r enovations, bulk movin g, for t lifting, and exter minations and tr anspor tation pr ocedur es for the company

Utilized commer cial tr ucks, vans, and suvs for tr anspor tive r easons, and technical documentation to tr oubleshoo t technical pr oblems.

Maintained cr itical info r mation thr ough out the system to ensur e optimal commun ication between management and the oper ations teams.

St reet Cream,LLC Washingt on, DC–Columbia, MD Pr esent - May 2013

Tit le: Foo d Tr uck A ssist ant Manager

Actively par ticipated in the mechanical and electrical assembly of foo d and bever age platfor ms.

Ensu r ed that the electrical wir ing/har dwar e of the r egisters system wor ked efficiently and kept foo d handland managementgement code for

legal foo d tr uck oper ations

Assisted in contr acted events pr epar ation as a member of the Str eet Cr eam and gover nmental systems.

Checked and monitor ed the customer s, foo d and publicity platfor m for efficient success our busin essess endeavor s

Mon itor ed the gener ated power supp ly with in gener ative mode in the tr ucks systems to ensur e optimal power distr ibution.

Contr ibuted to the disassembly, or ganizing, labeling and shipp ing of the foo d and bever ages also taking inventor y

Temple University College of Engineering, Philadelphia, PA August 200 9- May 2 010

Tit le: Design Engineer ( Point and C lick – ouse Glove)


Cr eated a mouse r eplacement device for a standar d computer oper ating system.

Utilized techniques and applications of electrical engineer ing such as stochastic signal pr ocessing contr ol systems and cir cuit design to r everse

engineer the Wii signal r eception pr ocess.

Pr ogr ammed the devices micr ocontr oller using the C shar p pr ogr amming system.

Or ganized detailed technical r epor ts/schematics of the cir cuitr y needed to maintain the fun ctionality of the device.

Constr ucted the pr ototype/f inal mouse glove device to incr ease the feasibility, ease of use, tr acking speed, accur acy and comfor t. Tested and

tr eated the electrical cir cuitr y of the device for optimal accur acy.

Utilized I R LED’and infr ar ed technology to tr ansmit Bluetooth signals to a r eceiver (Wii- mote) within a 14 ft r adius of space.


May 200 8 – ugust 20 08

Temple University College of Engineering, Philadelphia, PA A

Proj ect: “ eurological Electronic Pulse Cont rol” Tit le: Engineer ing Int ern


Cr eated a high gain cir cuit to detect electric cur r ents in muscle contr actions in the ar m in or der to contr ol a r obotic device.

Cond ucted r esear ch on the development of similar devices and the techniques used to implement the design.

Pr epared data based on hands- on use of lab equipment and electrical engineer ing application.

Pr ovided detailed technical r epor ts on the pr ogr ess/shor tcoming made dur ing the r esear ch pr ocedur es.

Developed electrical schematics, wir ing diagr ams and the Gr aphical user inter face thr ough HMI pr ogr amming.

Maintained familiar ity with cur r ent scientific liter atur e that contr ibuted to the development of the pr oject.

Cr eated pulse- detecting cir cuit using wir es, tape, electrodes, and an oscilloscope in or der to detect electric cur r ents.

Educa tio n

Bennet Hair Inst it ut e, Washingt on DC

Cosmet ologist License 20 12

Ballou Culinary Arts

Culinary Certif icat ion 2 012

Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

Bachelor of S cience, Electrical Eng ineering 201 1

Cosmetolog y

R eferences A v ailable U po n R equest

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