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Project Manager Engineer

Orlando, FL
April 21, 2015

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Carlos A. Moreno

*** ********* ***

Kissimmee, FL 34744




Education Bachelor’s Degree August, 1992 – December, 1997

Civil Engineering

University of Puerto Rico

Mayagüez Campus

Work Puerto Rico DOT August 2000 – July 2013

Experience (PRHTA)

Position: Project Manager / Highway Engineer

Area: Design Area

Management of highway and transportation in-house

projects, contract administration of projects designed by

consultants. Coordination and design of highway and transportation

related projects with other offices within the PR DOT in order to

complete the final set of plans for bid, construction, an d FHWA

approval for federal funding projects.

Highway Design Analysis according to AASHTO guidelines,

the Highway Design Manual, and other required design standards to

complete a successful design, meeting design criteria and comply

with Federal Highway Administration requirements.

Roadside safety design, analysis and evaluation of highway

projects according to the Roadside Design Guide and the Highway

Safety Manual. Analysis, evaluation and shop drawings approval of

proprietary systems and attenuators. Coordination and revision of

highway design to comply with Design Directives and Standard


Revision and development of Maintenance of Traffic (MOT)

plans and Transportation Management Plans (TMP's) for

maintenance of traffic during construction.

Prepare and revise cost estimates, progress reports and

schedules of highway projects by consultants. Research,

development and revision of specifications, design directives and

special provisions to include in the final plans and contract

documents. Revision, evaluation and response of Request for

Information (RFI's) of contractors during construction of highway

projects. Meeting coordination and participation with PR DOT staff,

design representatives, consultants, utility agencies and

municipalities to achieve goals successfully. Active participation in

Value Engineering team work.

Provide technical assistance to staff manager, executives,

consultants and contractors about highway guidelines, design

directives and specifications for project completion.

Highway projects design includes major interstate

reconstruction projects, interchanges, urban projects, landslides and

other emergency projects. Highway design includes horizontal and

vertical geometry, cross sections, surveying analysis, typical

sections, intersection details, grading plans, pavement and roadside

safety design, etc. Highway projects design includes major

interstate reconstruction projects, interchanges, urban projects,

landslides and other emergency projects.

Puerto Rico DOT February,1998 to August 2000


Position: Engineer in Training

Area : Planning

I realized weekly field inspection of new project requests and

proposals for the construction of bridges, municipal roads, highways

and transportation related projects to submit recommendations to

the Executive Director. I prepared reports of highway projects to be

presented to the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) so they

can be included in the Statewide Transportation Improvement

Program (STIP) or the Construction Improvement Program (CIP) of

the PR DOT.

I monitored and supervised the PR DOT Research Program

with local universities, and was an active member of the Research

Committee for the development of new project development and

transportation technologies to response to transportation needs.

Licenses and FL PE License #76540

Certifications: OSHA Work Zone Safety Certificate.

Job related 1. Roadside Safety Design – FHWA-NHI-380032A, ( March5-7,

training 2013),

by the National Highway Institute

2. Highway Safety for Vulnerable Users, (April, 2012), by

National Highway Institute

3. Flexibility from theory to implementation in Utilities

Relocation - Every Day Counts by Federal Highway

Administration (FHWA), (December 7,2011)

4. From Theory to Implementation of Warm Mix Asphalt in

Puerto Rico (November 4,2011), by Federal Highway

Administration (FHWA)

5. Traffic Control Design Specialist-Grant (April 21,2010), by

National Highway Institute

6. FHWA Interstate Access and Design Exception Workshop,

(February 1-3, 2010)

7. Guidelines for the Selection and Inspection of Safety Barriers

and Safety Audit

( July 8,10, 2008) by PR Technology Transfer Center.

8. Context Sensitive Solutions, FHWA – NHI – 142050, (

September 9-11, 2008) by National Highway Institute.

9. OSHA Certification for Work Zone Safety Areas, ( October

2,3 2007 ) by PR Technology Transfer Center.

10. Overview of the Mechanistical – Empirical Pavement Design

Guide ( August 27,28, 2007 ) by Federal Highway


11. Eagle Point Survey and Design Training ( May 21-25, 2007 )

by Eagle Point Software and Solutions.

12. Guidelines for Temporary Traffic Control on Highway

Projects ( April 20, 2007 )

by PR Technology Transfer Center.

13. Innovative Transportation Solutions and Urbanism ( June 1,

2006 )

by The College of Engineers and Surveyors of Puerto Rico

and International Association for Continuing Education and

Training ( IACET).

14. Designing and Operating Intersections for Safety, by Federal

Highway Administration ( December 9, 2005)

15. Transportation Conformity 101 ( April 5, 2006 ) by PRHTA

and Federal Highway Administration.

16. Proprietary Terminals for Safety Barriers SKT 350 and

FLEAT 350 ( April 7, 2005) by PRHTA and Road Systems Inc.

17. Proprietary Terminals for Safety Barrier Quad Guard Elite

( April 21, 2005 ) by PRHTA and Quixote Corporation,

Energy Absorptions Systems, Inc.

18. 64th Annual Meeting SASHTO 2005, ( August 22-24, 2005 )


18. Transportation of Hazardous Materials, Tendencies

and Mobility on Puerto Rico Infrastructure, (March 26,


19. Guidelines for the Inspection and Maintenance of

Safety Barriers (December 10, 2003 ) by PR Technology

Transfer Center.

20. Tort Liability – ( March 28, 2003 )

by PR Technology Transfer Center.

22. Federal Contract Administration, ( October 3, 2002 ),

by Federal Highway Administration

23. Managing Multiple Projects, Objectives and Deadlines,

( June 14, 2002 )

24. Pavement Rehabilitation Techniques ( June 11, 2002 )

by FHWA Southern Resource Center.

25. Conceptual Geometric Design ( November 9 & 16, 2001)

by PR Technology Transfer Center.

26. Introduction to the Highway Capacity Manual, 2000 Edition

( May 14-15, 2001 ) by PR Technology Transfer Center.

27. Construction Project Management (March 17 & 24, 2000 )

by PR Technology Transfer Center.

28. Introduction to Arc View GIS ( February 16 & 17, 2000 )

by Geographic Mapping Technologies.

29. Introduction to Computer Aided Design

( may 28, June1-4, 1999 )

by PR Technology Transfer Center.

Abilities Strong computer skills using Autodesk AutoCAD, MS Office software,

Eagle Point Software, M-E-PDG Pavement Design, and internet

applications. Highly motivated and performance oriented to

accomplish projects on schedule, ability to communicate verbally

and in writing to succeed in a team work.

Other Bilingual English/ Spanish


References Eng. Alvin Gutierrez

Urban Transportation/ Major Projects Engineer

Federal Highway Transportation - Georgia Division

787-***-****, work 404-***-****

Eng. Gisela González

Program Manager and Administrator

Puerto Rico Technology Transfer Center

University of Puerto Rico

Mayaguez, PR

787-***-****, work 787-***-****

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