Tyrone Blevins
St. Louis MO, 63112
Phone: 314-359- 4780
Email: blevi **********@*****.***
Whom It May Concern, are you in search of an individual wit h:
* Outst anding Customer Service skills
* Management experience
* Works exceptionally well wit h others
* Interm ediate knowledge of MS Word, Excel, Outlook
* Over 10 yrs. of experience in Food Production, Inventory and General Labor
If so, then look no furt her. You will see from my enclosed resume that I meet all
of your qualifications and more. I have an exceptional track record at acquiring
skills exceeding fast in various fields, and a strong will to grow in a new career.
I would very much like to discuss opportunities for this position. To schedule an
interview, please feel free to email me at blevinsfam *****@*****.***. Thank you
for taking the tim e to review my resume.
Looking for a position where I can gain a long term career at a company that provides a
stable work environment. And in return I will provide nothing more than my best.
Key Skills:
Ty ping 35- 40 w pm Train ing MSOffic e Mana ge ment C us tomer Serv ic e
Ability to lift 50 lbs or more Inv entor y Stoc k C ar Porter
Work History:
*General Labor, B. Loehr Staffing 06/2014-Current
W ork ed at Barn es J ew is h H os pital for Supply D is tribu tion. In c harg e of s ev eral differen t tow ers w ith
deliv er y of c lean linen and medic al s upply . R emov al of s oiled linen and c leanu p of my are a of the hos pital.
*Crew Member, Jack n Box 10/ 2013- 06/2014
C as hier and Grill C ook . R es pons ible for pre par ing and pre ppin g ord er s . As w ell mak e s ure ord er s are
fres h to the J ac k n Box s tandar ds for our c us tomers .
*Production and Lead Crew Member, Park West 02/2012- 04/2013
Train ing pro c edu res on detailin g of v ehic les to new emplo y ees . C us tomer s erv ic e s k ills w hen help ing
c us tomers pic k out the v ehic les for their ren tal. R es pons ible that bre ak s are giv en and all v ehic les are
detaile d to Park W es t’ s tandar ds .
*Production Cook, Krispy Kreme 10/2010-01/2012
R es pons ible for s olv ing dis agr eem ents in the env iro nme nt of high pre s s ure. Tak e par tic ipation in the
ope ning of the s tore. H elp in food s erv ic e qua lity . D one v ariou s other duties as as s igned .
*Production, Dewey’Pizza 04/ 2008- 08/2010
R es pons ible for the mos t impor tant pro duc t in the c ompan y the dou gh. Maintain qua lity in pro duc t,
s anitary of the buildin g. Train ed und er s uper v is ion of s uper v is ors and reg iona l mana ge rs . Train ing and
inv entor y .
*Pizza/Production, Racanelli's Pizza 05/ 2005- 08/2008
Follow ing rec ipe s to ins ure qua lity is alw ay s c ons is tent. H elped ex ped ite ord er s w hen front of hou s e w as
bus y . Prep, Pantry, and Piz z a C ook .
Kirkwood Sr. High
Kirkwood, MO 63122
September 1999 - June 2002