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Design Engineer Training

April 01, 2015

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Nikam Shekhar Dipak

B.E Mechanical E-mail: **************@*****.***

Mobile Number: +917********* Linkedin: **************@*****.***

Academic credentials:

Sr. No. Examination Institute Year of passing %/GPA

1. B.E. MET’s Institute of Engineering 2014 64.46

2. Diploma Government Polytechnic Nashik 2011 83.00

3. SSC Nampur English School, Nampur 2008 86.76

Currently Working:

(VRM Metazine Pvt. Ltd. )

Currently I’m working with VRM Metazine Pvt. Ltd. as a Design Engineer.

Professional/Technical Achievement:

1. Automated Cleaning Machine (Project Work)

(Fortuna Industries, Nashik)

We group of four members Designed & Fabricated an Automated Cleaning Machine which is used for

cleaning of different types of Mechanical components in an industry within couple of minutes by integrating

various processes which were conventionally carried out separately. The cleaning time taken by the

proposed prototype was 3 times faster than the conventional process.

2. Hyundai Motor Training (Ujwal Hyundai, Nashik)

Every vehicle whether new or old experiences some faults. In the training period each and every fault and

its remedies & studied under the guidance of skilled professionals. Along with this Interacting & Costumer

Handling Techniques were learnt.

3. TVS Motor Training (Pava TVS, Nashik)

The training session included process of Dismantling, Assembling & Overhauling of different parts to repair

or to enhance performance of the vehicle.

College/School Achievements:

Technical Paper-State Level

(Emission Reducer Device based on Urea SCR Technology)

With a view to understand this most valuable technique in the field of Emission Reduction, I presented

Technical paper in Government Polytechnic Nashik and MET’s polytechnic institute. This Technology is

first introduced by Volkswagen which reduces the most hazardous gas element NOx up to 20%.

2. Co-ordinator Robowar (METECH 2013)

The Event witnessed participation from all over the state & I was assigned with the task of Track design

and Modification. Along with this I was one of the marshals appointed for the Event.

3. Organizer – Awareness Drive Road Safety & Transport Management

( RTO Nashik)

The awareness drive was conducted in Association with RTO Nashik for the betterment Road safety

understanding and Transport management Regulations. The participation was kept open for all the students

and Auto rickshaw drivers of Nashik road area.

State Level Scholarship Exam (Maharashtra State 2002 & 2005 )


Appeared for this exam during primary and Secondary Schooling and received Consolation price which

was awarded to only 2% of the appeared students.

Extra curricular Achievements:

Artificial idol Immersion (Ganesh Utsav – MET BKC Nashik)


Ganesh Utsav the most popular festival in Maharashtra ends with Immersion of Lord Ganapati’s Idol. On

behalf of MET BKC Nashik working in various groups we took the initiative of Immersing the Idols in an

artificial tank made in college campus instead of Rivers and Lakes.

State Level Player, KHO-KHO (Karad, Satara-2008)


Represented Government Polytechnic, Nashik at the State Won various Championship at Zonal Level

which was its first appearance in last 5 years.

Trip Planer & Organizer – Final Year Diploma Students


(Industrial visit and outing - Pune)

We group of five students arranged an Industrial Visit at John Deer and after that visited to Alibag and

Fort Murud Janjira. We were responsible for Transportation, Budget Mangement, Refreshment and Halt


Hobbies and Likings:

Listening and Exploring Songs (Bollywood Hindi songs )


Listening various Bollywood songs and finding out the Persons or Resources it has been hobby for me.

the most common element about a particular song are Singer, Music director and lyricist.



Being born and bought in Agriculture dominant family, gardening has been one of the beloved hobby for

me. In the childhood I used to gardening in front of my house and later I started help my father in farm

whenever I get free time.

Relevant Software:

Auto CAD


Completed Certified Course from CAD Center, Nashik and done various projects at the academic level

includes isometric views orthographic views and assembly of components.



Completed Certified Course from IJTR Aurangabad and Design different types of models used in project

work and BAJA vehicle.

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