E-mail: **************@*******.***. Currently based in Madrid Cell Phone:+34-690-******
GLENCORE: Multinational Company Industrial/Mining Company.
Since May 2013 to February 2015. After the Merger Glencore-Xstrata, Glencore-Zinc
Division, Global Head of Human Resources. 37.000 employees + 14.000 contractors, 14
countries. I am responsible to define, develop and implement Global HR strategies.
Since April 2007. Xstrata Zinc Corporate Human Resources Director ( 5,300 employees +
1,800 contractors, in Australia, Canada, Germany, UK and Spain ). Xstrata Zinc is the
world’s largest miner and zinc producer. Xstrata Zinc in Spain is Asturiana de Zinc S.A.
Reporting to the Xstrata Zinc CEO,
FLOWSERVE CORPORATION.: Multinational Company, Industrial sector:
Feb. 2006- April 2007. FPD-Sales, Division EMEA HR Director ( Europe, Africa & Middle
East region), supporting sales Division and Company expansions plans in the area. Responsible
for developing and implementing HR strategies and driving performance management, HR
guidelines and practices, leadership coaching, recruitment and selection, internal communication,
training and professional development.
Feb 2004- Feb 2006: Human Resources Director for South of Europe (France, Italy, Spain
and Portugal).. Defining and implementing common policies in comp & benefits, compensation,
etc. Hr development, communication process, staffing plans, etc. Leading the group of HR
managers per country.
ALCOA (Multinational Company, Industrial sector) May, 1998- Jan. 2004.: Two roles:
As Specialties Division HR Director 2001-2004 : Among other functions: developed programs
for staffing, recruitment and assisted departments with all HR issues, recommending program
goals and objectives in all areas of employee relations and negotiating Collective Labour
Agreements. I also administer benefit programs and oversee an effective training/communication
program providing a healthy work environment through consistent application of Flowserve
policies and procedures.
I was charged with strategic planning, with managing the cultural transition in the area of
industrial relations and with improving the internal communications systems.
As Industrial Relations Manager 1998-2001, by implementing my strategic plan, I: reduced
labor costs; modified the salary structure by replacing the old fixed formulas based on seniority
with objective-based salaries at all levels; performed staff reductions; designed early retirement
plans and employee renewal plans; reoriented fringe benefits so they would meet the company’s
strategic goals; improved relations with labor unions.
DRAGADOS. Spanish multinational, largest constructor company in Spain: October 1990- May 1998
Industrial Relations Manager and Labor Law Advisor,,
1993 – 1998, Industrial Relations Manager, URBASER Group, S.A. (26,000 employees).
1990 – 1993, Corporate Attorney, URBASER Group, S.A.
I managed human resources and provided legal counsel on labor issues. Industrial relations are
critical in this services company in which labor costs take up 80% of business costs. The
company negotiated an average of 60 agreements per year and I was the main negotiator in most
of them. Also, I successfully applied my negotiation skills in numerous labor conflicts.
May 1989 - October 1990
Attorney, Joaquin Ruiz-Gimenez’s private law firm, Madrid, Spain.
I advised corporations on various legal and labor law issues.
• Juris Doctor, 1987, Autonoma University, Madrid, Spain.(University Degree in Laws).
• Member of the Bar Association of Madrid nº 42.102
• Master A. in Strategic Human Resources Management, 1998, Complutense University, Madrid.
• Green Belt certified. Six Sigma (2005)
• Senior Management Development Program- Toronto University, Canada. (2008)
• Senior Management Development Program- Queensland University, Australia. (2009)
• Senior Management Development Program. ESADE, Madrid (2010)
• Industrial Relations Diploma, Advanced Program, Instituto de Empresa, Madrid.(2001)
• Labor Law and Pension Benefits Diploma, 1990. Centro Estudios Financieros, Madrid (1990)
• Diploma on Legal Practice, 1990, Complutense University, Madrid.
• Languages: English and Spanish fluent.