G . R .Sr ee va n i,
G u n t u r (Dist ),
An d h r a P r a d esh, E m a il: gu r r ed d eeva n i@gm a
P h on e n o: 955-***-****
O b j ect ive
A challenging position in an esteemed organization where my financial accounting skills would be
utilized for the betterment of the organization, as well as fulfill the goals of the organization.
Aca d e m i c Qu a l i fi ca t i o n
M.B.A (Finance & H.R) from Osmania University with 60% in 2009.
B.C O M fr om O sm a n ia Un iver sit y wit h 59% in 2006.
Sen ior secon d a r y C .E .C,fr om P r a t ib h a j r . college wit h 57% in 2003.
S.S.C fr om Z .P .H, Sch ool K u r n ool wit h 2001 57% in 2001.
C om p u t er Sk ills
Accounting Packages : Tally 9.
Application Packages : MS-Office.
Data Base Management System : MS-Access
H ob b ies
Listening music
Watching T.V .
P er son a l Sk ills
Hard Working.
Good communication skills
Decision making skills
Self Motive
P er son a l P r ofile
Father’s Name : G.R. Nagabhushanam Reddy
DOB : 30 July 1986
Nationality : Indian, Hindu
Languages Known : English, Telugu,hindi.
I hereby declare that, all the particulars mentioned above by me are true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Dat e:
Pl ac e: Sr eev an i .G