Shravanthi Manohar
*** **** *** *****, **** Lake City, Utah, ****************@*****.***
Master’s student in Computer Science with two years of continuous development experience;successful working in
both team and self-directed settings.
M.S. in Computer Science Aug 2013 - May 2015(Expected)
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA GPA: 3.58/4.00
Coursework: Data Mining,Computer Architecture,Network Security, Operating Systems,Advanced Algorithms,
Operating Systems,Data Visualization,Big data Computer systems,Parallel Computing for many cores,Advanced
B.E in Information Science and Engineering Aug 2008 - May 2012
Visweswaraya Technological University, India GPA: 8.84/10
Programming and Scripting: C, C++, Java/J2EE, Python, Bash,Javascript,Angular.js, R-language,PHP
Tools: Visual Studio,Matlab,Apache Hadoop,MS SQL server,SSRS, Tableau,Eclipse
Research Assistant University of Utah, Salt lake city, Utah December 2014-Feb 2015
Developed effective info visualization for gaining meaningful insight of huge data sets in Tableau and D3.js. Encoded
data using color brewer and rendered using javascript.
Intern Clienttrack, Utah April 2014-Aug 2014
Analyzed functional requirements and improved query performance;automated report generation for clients.Improved
companys product decision making by developing an application for the sales team.
Research Assistant - Algorithms University of Utah August 2014 - December 2014
Studied and surveyed literature on Misra Gries, frequent Items and frequent directions algorithms. Implemented
Misra gries in Python.
Product Engineer -Data analyst clienttrack January 2014 - May 2014
Redesigned and Deployed features for data conversion in SQL and built interactive charts using D3 Javascript library.
Developed data flows and report using SSRS.
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Computer programming for Non-Majors and Introduction to Scientific Computing January 2015 - Present
Introduction to Probability August 2014 - December 2014
Duties included proctoring labs, grading weekly assignments and lab work, and tutoring students.Got good appraisals
from Professors
Web Application -Developed a Business to consumer application for procuring and serving orders using JSP.
Centrality of Networks-Successful in finding the degree and betweenness centrality for a large graph in a parallel
setting. The project was implemented in a Map-Reduce framework.
Rate Adapation for High Performance Networks-Efficiently implemented a congestion control algorithm for
bulk data transfer using a modified UDP based protocol setting and optimized routing of packets.Developed a GUI
application to simulate the data transfer.
Geo Visualization of Tweets - Visualize the origin of tweets from around the world. The project was tested
on data collected over 1 month, but can easily be extended for any period of time. The widget was developed in