Palak kad,Kerala( India),
Mob : +91-954*******
Land Line:+91-466*******
E mai : ********@*****.***
O bjective
L ooking for wa rd to a challenging career as a
H ealth,Safety,Environment &Secur ity P rofessional where the conceptual
k nowledge acquired by me and can be effectively employed with emphasis
as development and without compromise on quality to provide a conducive
w ork ing atmosphere .
P rofessional Snapshot
17 years experience in I ndian Army development and management of
Security, Health & Safety in civil as well as Defence envi ronment. Works in
t he field of Health, Safety, Envi ronment&Security and has strong
m anagement skills, complemented by an extensive experience from
v arious inte rnationally recognized organizations as well as from I ndia.
05Years Experience as Security Officer & 06 Years Experience in
Construction& M EP as HSE OFF ICER at GCC Count r ies.
Educational Credentials
• STCW 95 (Certificate issued under the authority of the Di rectorate General
of Shipping,Ministry of Shipping,Govt.ofIndia)
Fi re P revention and Fi re Fighting.
Personal Survival Techniques..
Elimementary Fi rst Aid.
CertificateOf Proficiency I n Personal Safety And Social
R esponsibilities.
• CDC Holder (Continues Discharge Certificate CAMA Belize)
E RNAKU LAM F rom 07&08 Dec 2014.
• Excellent Safety Performance I n Recognation of Possitive Contribution On
t he Achievement of 15 M illion Hour LT I F ree on MPAC Project during Year
• Successful Completion of the Basic Life support/First Aid
Course(CPR,AED&Fi rst Aid)According to standards set by
Q atarResuscitation Council based onEuropean Resuscitation Council
• Has participated in the 8 th H amr iyah She-Q club T raining programme on
“Working Safely in Radiography” by government of sharjah Ham riyah F ree
Zone Authority.
• Fi rstAid international cert.no-113830/502172/613363 & Fi rst A id Course –
A pproved by Dubai Municipality, M inistry of Labor and social affairs JAFZA
a nd Dubai Aviation including CPR.
• Fi re F ighting Course. (Approved by Dubai Municipality, M inistry of Labor
a nd social affairs JAFZA and Dubai aviation)
• OSHA – USA from Occupational Safety & Health Administration
• Diploma I n F i re & Safety Engineering from N I F E Cochin.
• Degree from I ndian Army - (Safety,Security,Training & Leadership).
P rofessional T rainings
• I ncident I nvestigation Reporting
• Basic Life Support
• I n i tial F i re Response
• Gas Testing
• HSE induction
• Lifting & Rigging
• T raining on excavation and t rench work
• Confined Space Ent ry
• Permit to Work System
• Work at height
• MSDS Analysis.
Work Experience
T enure : 16 Jan 2015 to till the Date.
CC IC Group(Teyseer Contracting Company WL L-JV), Qatar – HSE
Tenu re : 23 Sep 2012 to 30 Ma r 2014
P roject : M ultipu rpose Administration Complex of Qatar Petroleum.
Aljihan Gulf Ho rizon General Cont racting L LC (UAE )
Tenu re : Oct 2010 to Jan 2012.
P roject
V illa P roject at Abudhabi Nu rai Island.
Worked as P roject HSE Advisor
Gulf Technical Construction Company L LC (UAE)
Tenu re : N ov 2008 to Dec 2009
P roject
D istrict Coolling plant project Nad Al shebha and Ha tta Oman Hospital
staff Accommodation project.
Worked as P roject HSE OFF ICER.
The rmo L LC (UAE)
Tenu re : M a r 2006 to Aug 2008
P roject
I n te rnational Airport Ter iminal -3 and Jumera Beach Residence (UAE-
Dubai)Worked as Area SAFE TY OFF ICER.
Almulla Securicor (Kuwait)
T enu re : June 1998 to Dec 2003
P roject
K uwait National Banks & K NPC Cash processing Unit
Worked as Security Officer
I ndian A rmy(Armed Corps)
Worked as Tank Crew member(Gunner) and a Tank crew Commander
Accountabilities :-
Monitoring the Safety /Security management activities in the defence
Organizing and conducting safety /security t raining .
Devising and effectuating strategic plans for C risis/Safety M anagement.
Adeptly handling Security and I ntelligence Related activities.
Ent rusted with the responsibility of working as a:
o I ntelligence officer for I ndian Army in civil environment.
o Fi re fighting instructor and coordinator
Administering overall operations at Nuclear B iological Chemical Damage
Control (NBCD) i n on shore environment.
Supervising the:-
o Emergency Evacuation procedure i n on shore environments.
o Operations and Maintenance of small arms and f ire fighting equipments.
o Lifting operation w hile handling heavy ammunition
Actively involved in handling:-
o Fi rst Aid a nd report w riting.
o Explosives.
o Camp administration /vehicle operation.
o General Administration including Maintenance and auditing of accounts.
o Manpower Management & Administration including crime analyze & evidence
h andling.
Experienced in:-
o Man management, Supervision of Office and important storage area.
o Testing and conducting mock drills regarding Fi re fighting equipments
o Loss Prevention from Theft, Fi re and Other Means.
o Experienced in Emergency Control System.
o Automation of Offices, administrative functions like discipline.
o Efficient supervisor of quality control and impart training to subordinates.
o Issue and implement the safety/security instruction and checking their
a dherence.
o Car ry out Surprise check in stores, depots, and living bar racks for their
correctness as well as house-keeping standard.
S kill Set
Reporting of injuries as per R I D DOR
Confined Space entry
Permit to work System.
Management of contractors/sub-contractors.
T raining & Supervision on HSE matters.
Strong Analytical & Risk assessment.
Work at height, lifting and r igging.
Strong communication(Oral & w r itten)
Revision and updating of HSE Policy
Career Contour
O ver all responsible to the Management at site level for any advise on HSE. P rovide
H SE leadership and technical expertise to company and sub contacto r’s personnel to
continuously improve HSE.
Conducting Health and safety I nspections, Audits to ensure compliance with
Company’s HSE MS. Coordinating and attending HSE Meeting, Operational meeting,
T op Management meeting and actively pa rticipating in decision making to imp rove
safe working conditions / practices to achieve optimum safety standards.
P reparation and implementation of project specific HSE plans to ensure safe
w orking practices and adequate emergency response. Establish and monitor an
e mergency rescue/response plan and periodic d rills / t raining in case of an
e mergency prepa ration and updating overall staff’s HSE Mat r ix.
D iscuss HSE issues every day th rough daily meeting to promote and enhance HSE
p erformance. Facilitate and use the regula r Safety and Communications Meetings to
r einforce everyone’s HSE commitments and behaviors.
C ar ryout daily site inspections and advice for corrective actions and conducting
safety audits on the company’s operation to ensure safe methods of work with staff to
m onitor and improve health and safety standards in thei r workplaces. Strict
e nforcement of Company HSE Policy.
P rovide monthly report to the Top Management and report any short fall to the
a ppropriate authority with proper justification and recommendations. Strict
i mplementation of permits to Work system.
F oster a strong health, safety and envi ronmental protection cultu re to the enti re
t eam always looking for opportunities to raise the level of HSE awareness.
E nsure accident-reporting system is in operation and used effectively. I nvestigate
a ll incidents including near misses and establish cause and cor rective action to avoid
f u rther recu r rence.
M aintain accurate safety statistics of accidents, I ncidents and near misses. Review
a nd upgrade standards and procedure in the work envi ronments focusing on
continue improvements to eliminate and prevent inju ry or decease.
P rovide monthly report to the Top Management. Organizing and conducting
p eriodic d rill and report any short fall to the appropriate authority with proper
j ustification and recommendations. Strict implementation of pe rmits to work system.
E nsure that company procedures relating to HSE are followed, lifting tools, tackles
a nd equipments checked periodically by the competent person wi th high degree of
supervision and that all lifting tackles/ equipments certificates are maintained.
P romoting, motivating, and maintaining a standard of health, safety and
envi ronment awareness at the work site and the camp area by conducting safety
m eeting, in house t raining and competitions.
Carry o ut regular inspection on all vehicles and equipment, workshop, site
l ocations, camp inspections, F i rst aid box inspection, F i re extinguishers I nspection,
P PE inspection, L ifting Tools & Equipment inspection, Store I nspection, Yard
I nspection etc.
I nvolving in Accident I nvestigation team, Handling Emergencies, Pe rforming a Job
H azard Analysis (J HA), I nspection of H aza rdous Condition.
Conducting weekly and monthly HSE meeting and qua rterly corporate HSE
m eeting, Emergency Mock drills, F i re d rills, rescue d rills at site level along w ith
c lient’s representatives. Recommends disciplina ry action to HSE violators who
u nnecessarily expose themselves and other personnel to inju ry or prope rty damage.
I nvolving in Management Walkth rough & HSE Walkth rough along with client
r epresentatives. Advising the Management about the potential hazards, unsafe
equipments, unsafe working conditions and w ill car ry out any remedial actions
r equi red to protect from such hazard. P roviding guidelines to management about the
safe work implementations in existing facilities such as gathering station, sub-
station, beam pump, tank areas, etc., I dentifying hazards, unsafe conditions, and
u nsafe behaviors and taking quick and prompt remedial actions to correct them.
Personal Details
Fathe r’s Name : EK.Gopalan Nai r (Late)
Mothe r’s Name : Devaki Amma
D ate of Bi rth : 26 May 1963
N ationality : I ndian
M a r i tal Status : M a r r ied
P assport No. :F 9908494
Passport Validity : 01 Nov 2016
I hereby declare that the above information given is t rue and correct to the best of
my knowledge and belief .