R aj e s h R a me s h B i d i k i n a ma n e
* * ***** ********* **., Apt 612, Boston MA 02120 b ***********.*@*****.***.***
(857) 2 05 - 2 458
Mas ters in Information Ass urance Expected Graduation Date : May 2015
N o rth east ern Un iversit y, Bos ton, MA GPA : 3.6/4.0
Relat ed Cou r sework: Foundations of Information Ass urance, C omputer Sys tem Sec uri ty, Network Securi ty,
C yber la w, Digital Forensics, Software Vulnerability and Security.
P ap er : C ros s s ite s cri pti ng attacks and defens es
Bachelor of Eng i neeri ng in C omputer Science 2006-2010
Ras htreeya Vidyala ya C oll eg e of Eng ineering
Langu ag es : Java (SCJP), C++, C, Pytho n, Perl
Op er at in g S y st ems : Linux
W eb Techno log ies : HTML, XML, C SS, JavaScript
Networking Protocols : TCP/IP, HTTP/S, DNS, SIP
Too ls : Eclips e, Perforce, SVN, O racle Synerg y
S ecur it y Too ls : Wires hark, Metas ploit, Nes s us, Burp Suite, Nmap
Multi-stage attack execution by implementing the Needham -Schroeder key exchange protocol
Bypassed an application level firewall to obtain a secret flag from a network service.
Cracked user passwords of a leaked table of hash chains generated using MD5 by using a reduction function.
Implemented the Needham-Schroeder Symmetric key protocol to create a secure channel for communication by establishing
a session key.
Stack Smashing
Wrote a script which exploits the buffer overflow vulnerability in remote service running on the lab environment.
Using stack smashing technique placed reverse shell code on the stack to get the shell access of the remote server .
Heap Overflow
Implemented a code which exploits heap unlink chunk vulnerability in remote service running on the lab environment.
Using reverse shell code gained the root access to the remote server.
Fast and reliable transfer of files over TCP/IP
Implemented a utility to transfer files fast and reliably over a lossy link. Used UDP instead of TCP.
Achieved 20Mbps for 20% loss 200ms RTT for 100MB file over 100mbps link.
Ad-hoc client server file sharing system
Simulated a file-sharing network using TCP and UDP sockets in a Linux C programming Environment. The network consists of a
central directory server, file servers and multiple clients. The file servers are the repositories and clients need the data at the
lowest cost possible. The directory server acts as an intermediary, directing clients to the appropriate file servers.
Appli cations Eng ineer at Or acle Ret ail, Bang alo r e, Ind ia Au g 2010 – Au g 2013
RP AS Fu sio n Clien t Development
Developed web bas ed client for Oracle Retail Predictive Application Server (RPAS) us ing Java.
Impl emented “In C ontext Launch” for the appli cation us i ng XML Pars i ng and JAXB Mars haller.
Wrote the automa tion s cripts for the functional cas es us ing O racle Synerg y Tool.
Software Engineering Intern at Or acle Communications, Bedford, MA May 2014 –Au g2014
MSRP Load Test Tool Development and Automation
Developed load test tool for testing Message Session Relay Protocol (MSRP) implemented in Oracle 6300 session border
controller using Perl and Multithreading.
Automated the test tool for handling more than one test case and generate a report on the status of each test case for
further review.
Penetration testing, Software Defined Networking, Network Forensics and Incident Response.