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Management Medical. MBBS, MRCOG, MD, DFFP, IVF

United Kingdom
March 28, 2015

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Consultant Gynaecologist & Andrologist

Sub-Specialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery

Reproductive Medicine Unit

Central Manchester & Manchester Children's University Hospitals

March 2014



ADDRESS: 'Jasmine'

Strathallan Close



CH60 6SU

E MAIL *.******@**********.***


TELEPHONE: 015*-***-****(Home)

079******** (Mobile)

SEX: Female

MARITAL STATUS: Married with three children.



DEFENCE ORGANISATION: Medical Protection society



March 1998

-DOWH (Ireland)

Royal College of Physicians of


April 1998

MRCOG (UK) May 2004

MD. University of Liverpool. UK

Dec 2007

CCT Obstetrics &

Gynaecology (UK)



CSST Reproductive Medicine &



May 2008


November 2013- Director of Department of Reproductive medicine &

Surgery and Person responsible of Assisted conception centre, St. Mary's

hospital Manchester, Central Manchester Foundation trust, UK.

Lead for Andrology and sperm donation services Northwest region UK

November 2008-31 October 2013 Consultant Gynaecologist and Andrologist.

Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery.


January 2008- November 2008 Locum Consultant Gynaecologist and

Subspecialist in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery. Reproductive

Medicine Unit. St. Mary's Hospital. Central Manchester Foundation trust.

Manchester. UK

August 2007- December 2007 Specialist Registrar Liverpool Women's

Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

March 2005-July 2007 Sub-Speciality Trainee in Reproductive Medicine,

Hewitt Centre for Reproductive Medicine, Liverpool Women's Hospital NHS

Foundation Trust .

April 2003 - March 2005 Specialist Registrar Rotation Mersey Deanery

April 2001- April 2003 Clinical Research Fellow in Reproductive


Hewitt Centre for

Reproductive Medicine,

Liverpool Women's Hospital

NHS Foundation Trust.

Dec 1995- April 2001 Senior SHO/SHO/ Registrar Obstetrics & Gynaecology,

Mersey Deanery


RCOG Examiner for MRCOG part 2

RCOG UK conveyor for the MRCOG part 2


Chair to RCOG Pakistan Liaision group

Member of NHS Map of Medicine Fellows board

British Society of Gynaecological Endoscopy (BSGE)

European Society of human reproduction & embryology


British fertility Society (BFS)

British Pelvic Pain Society

International pelvic pain Society

North of England Obstetric and Gynaecological Society

British Medical


Medical Protection Society

Pakistan liason group


Khyber Medical Association








. Currently I am The Head of Department of Reproductive Medicine at

Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Trust which is one of

the largest assisted reproduction unit in UK, performing 1340

IVF/ICSI cycles per year increasing to 1600 cycles by November 2014.

This is a sub-specialist post in reproductive medicine and surgery

with a special interest in Andrology (male infertility).

. My commitments include 2 Andrology clinics a week, as well as running

the sperm donation programme. Since starting this post I have

established the andrology services in full. That includes a surgical

sperm retrieval service, as well as independent Andrology and Sperm

donation clinics. These single handed clinics are dedicated to all

aspects of male fertility problems including obstructive and non-

obstructive azoospermias, testicular cancer and post chemotherapy

and radiotherapy patients. Being the only tertiary centre in the

region these clinics manage referrals not only from within the

regional hospital and primary care trust, but also referrals from

outside the region.

. I have one Andrology theatre session every alternate week when I

perform surgical sperm retrieval for these patients. I have

performed more then 400 cases so far.

. I have introduced new Integrated care pathway and documentation

including guidelines, protocols and information leaflets for the

Andrology patients within the unit to ensure safe and efficient

running of this service.

. In addition to my fertility work other clinical commitments include

managing a fortnightly inpatient gynaecological theatre list

including a significant volume of gynaecological procedures.

Gynaecological experience.

. Currently I have a gynae theatre session every other week in which I

deal with gynaecological cases. I provide emergency gynae cover and

have a hot day gynae oncall every third week.

Obstetric experience:

. During my SpR training, I have gained a wealth of experience in all

aspects of antenatal and intra-partum care by working in most

maternity units in Mersey Region. The last two years of my training I

worked as Senior registrar in Liverpool Women's Hospital (LWH) which

is one of the busiest tertiary referral centre in Europe, with an

annual delivery rate of over 8500. That gave me the full competency

in dealing with all aspects of obstetric emergencies.

. As the current job is a subspecialist job therefore I don't have any

obstetrics commitments.


MD Thesis:

Expression of Androgen Receptors in the first trimester human fetal

tissues. This was awarded in December 2007 from Liverpool University UK.

Randomised control trials:

1. Duration of luteal support in assisted reproduction cycles with

progesterone pessaries to improve the success rate in assisted conception

(DOLS trial). A double blind placebo randomised control trial. I am the

principal investigator for this project, which I have designed, wrote the

protocol and all the patient information leaflets and consent form.

2. Efficacy and cost effectiveness of selective single embryo transfer

(ECOSSE trial). I was as a co-ordinator from the Hewitt centre in this

multi-centre randomised control trial for single embryo transfer vs. double

embryo transfer. 5 centres were involved but the trial was stopped because

of lack of recruitment.

Ongoing Research;

. Success rates of epididymal and testicular sperm (fresh and frozen)

extraction in ICSI cycles a 7yr audit)

. Testicular microlithiasis implications for fertility (review)

. Micro-calcification and carcinoma in situ in fertile and infertile males

Research grants secured / applied for:

. Sajjad Y, Kingsland CR. Measurement of ovarian reserve by means of

determining the amount of follicle stimulating hormone urine sample.

Genosis (pharmaceutical grant) 2003. 20,000

. Sajjad Y, Gazvani R. Duration of luteal support in assisted

reproduction cycles with progesterone pessaries to improve the success

rate in assisted conception.

Women Wellbeing . 120,000

PUBLICATIONS (in peer reviewed journals):

Map of Medicine. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). International View.

London: Map of Medicine; 2014 (Issue 1).

Akhtar MA, Owen DJ, Sajjad Y, Prelevic G, Brown J, Agrawal R

Cochrane systematic review protocol "Thyroxine replacement for subfertile

women with euthyroid autoimmune thyroid disease or subclinical

hypothyroidism" published 28/02/14.

Keene DJ, Sajad Y, Rakoczy G, Cervellione RM.

Testicular volume and semen parameters in patients aged 12 to 17 years with

idiopathic varicocele.

J Pediatr Surg. 2012 Feb;47(2):383-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2011.11.035.

PMID: 22325396 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Rafet Gazvani, Yasmin Sajjad, Richard Russell, Zarko Alfirevic

Duration of luteal support (DOLS) with progesterone pessaries to improve

the success rates in assisted conception: study protocol for a randomized

controlled trial.

Trials (Impact Factor: 2.21). 07/2012; 13(1):118. DOI:10.1186/174*-****-**-


David J B Keene, Yasmin Sajjad, Guy Makin, R M Cervellione

Sperm banking in the United Kingdom is feasible in patients 13 years old or

older with cancer. The Journal of urology 06/2012; 188(2):594-7. 4.02

Impact Factor

Akhtar M.A, Rustamov O, Sajjad Y. Mechanism of human gonadal

differentiation in early fetal development. Review article. The Journal of

Clinical Embryology 2011; 14(2): 19-23

Sajjad Y . Development of the genital ducts and external genitalia in the

early human embryo. Review article. The Journal of Obstetrics and

Gynaecology Research 2010; 36(5): 929-937

Sajjad Y, Quenby S, Nickson P, Lewis-Jones DI, Vince G. Androgen receptors

are expressed in a variety of human fetal extragenital tissues. An

Immunohistochemical study. Asian J Androl 2007; 9 (6): 751-759

Sajjad Y., Selvan G., Kirwan JM., Kingsland CR. Gynaefix frameless IUD:

Cause of bowel resection.

The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive health care. 2006

Sept. 11 (3):241-242.

Sajjad Y, Sharma S, Thomas K. Three consecutive uterine rupture in the same

woman, each with fetal survival.

BJOG 2005 Jul;112(7):1005.

Sajjad Y, Quenby S, Nickson P, Lewis-Jones DI, Vince G. Immunohistochemical

localisation of androgen receptors in the urogenital tracts of human

embryos. Reproduction. 2004 Sep; 128(3): 331-9.

Sajjad Y, Quenby S, Nickson P, Lewis-Jones DI, Vince G.. Expression of

androgen receptors in upper human fetal reproductive tract. Human

Reproduction. 2004 July; 19(7):1659-65.

The front cover of Human Reproduction. 2004 July; 19(7):1659-65.

Shows the illustration from the above mentioned paper.

Sajjad Y, Doyle PM, Leonard M. Antioxidant Levels in the Cord blood of Term

Fetus. Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2000 Sep; 20 (5): 468-471.

Sajjad Y, Aust T, Nwosu E C. Splenic Artery Aneurysm Rupture- Case Report

and Literature Review. Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2000 Nov;


Chavez-Badiola A, Drakeley AJ, Finney V, Sajjad Y, Lewis-Jones DI.

Necrospermia, antisperm antibodies and vasectomy.

Fertil Steril. 2008 Mar:89(3):723. e5-7. Epub 2007 Jul 5. Review

Chavez-Badiola A, Drakeley AJ, Finney V, Sajjad Y.

Adnexal torsion, a medical complication of in vitrofertilization.

Minerva Ginecologica. 2007. Aug 59(4):465-8.

Wood S, Montazeri N, Sajjad Y, Troup S, Kingsland CR, Lewis-Jones DI.

Current practice in the management of vasectomy reversal and unobstructive

azoospermia in Merseyside & North Wales: a questionnaire-based survey. BJU

Int.2003 Jun; 91(9):839-44.

Wood S, Rahim R, Searle S, Sajjad Y, Troup S, Lewis-Jones DI, Kingsland CR.

Optimal treatment for poor responders to ovarian stimulation: does in vitro

insemination offer any advantages to intrauterine insemination? Human

Fertil (Camb). 2003 Feb; 6(1):13-8.

Wood S, Sajjad Y, Searle T, Troup S, Thomas K, Lewis-Jones DI, Kingsland


The role of the ultra short protocol (USP or co-flare regimen) for poor

responders to controlled ovarian hyper stimulation (COH) in assisted

conception cycles. Human fertility (2002)5, (2); 87.

Schofield HJ, Sajjad Y, Morgan PR. Recurrence of cutaneous malignant

melanoma at 24 years, mimicking ovarian malignancy. Journal of Obstetrics &

Gynaecology. 2002 May; 22(3):324-5.

Schofield HJ, Sajjad Y, Morgan PR. Current endometriosis and its

association with caesarean section and gynaecological procedures. Journal

of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2002 Sep; 22 (5):553-4.

Nwosu E C., Sajjad Y, Barnet A. Management difficulties with Catamenial

Pneumothorax. Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. 2000 Sep; 20(5):547-548.


Y. Sajjad, V. Finney, A. Chavez-Badiola, D.I. Lewis-Jones, W Taylor Is the

measurement of free and bio available testosterone of value in

endocrinological assessment of the infertile male? Fertility and Sterility

Sept 2006 Vol 86 Supp 2.

Y. Sajjad, V. Finney, G. Selvan, A. Drakeley, D I Lewis-Jones. Karyotypic

abnormalities in patients undergoing ICSI treatment. Human Reproduction,

Volume 21, Supplement1 2006:

Sajjad Y, Quenby SM, Nickson P, Lewis-Jones DI, Vince G.

Expression of Androgen Receptors in the first trimester extra genital

tissues. Abstract Book of Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of

Pakistan. November 2005. 11 Biennial Conference. Peshawar Pakistan.

Sajjad Y, Quenby SM, Nickson P, Lewis-Jones DI, Vince G.

Immunohistochemical localization of Androgen receptors in the Urogenital

tract of human embryos. Abstract Book of Society of Gynaecological

investigations (SGI) Year 2003 Annual Meeting Washington, USA. March


Sajjad Y, Aust TR, Drakeley A, Curran S, Kingsland CR. Which position do

patients prefer during transvaginal ultrasound scanning?. A prospective

randomized crossover questionnaire study. Fertility 2003. (Abstract book)

Aust TR, Rowley G, Sklavounos J, Drakeley A, Sajjad Y, Gazvani R, Kingsland


Pilot study for a randomized controlled trial of ultrasound guidance in

embryo transfer. Fertility 2003. (Abstract book)

Aust TR, Kiernan T, Sajjad Y,Drakeley A, Gazvani R, Kingsland CR. The

effect of difficult embryo transfer on pregnancy rates. Fertility 2003.

(Abstract book)

Sajjad Y, Quenby SM, Nickson P, Lewis-Jones DI, Vince G.

Expression and distribution of androgen receptors in first trimester extra

genital fetal tissues. Fertility 2003. (Abstract book)

Wood S, Montazeri N, Sajjad Y, Troup S, Kingsland CR,Lewis-Jones DI.

Current practice with regard to the surgical management of azoospermia in

Mersey side &North Wales: A questionnaire based survey. Fertility 2003.

(Abstract book)

Sajjad Y, Quenby SM, Nickson P, Lewis-Jones DI, Vince G.

Immunohistochemical localization of Androgen Receptors in the lower genital

tract of human fetuses. British Andrology Society (abstract book).

Sajjad Y, Quenby SM, Nickson P, Lewis-Jones DI, Vince G.

Immunohistochemical localization of Androgen Receptors in the urogenital

tract of human fetuses. European Journal of Anatomy. July 2002 Vol 6.

Supplement .

Sajjad Y, Nwosu EC, Hamed H, Ramsden G.

Maternal satisfaction with the method of delivery in pregnancy.

Transactions of the North of England Obs & Gynae Society 2000.

Sajjad Y, Doyle PM, Leonard M. Antioxidants in arterial and venous cord

blood. Focus 99, Page 62. ( Abstract book of clinical biochemistry)

Sajjad Y, Doyle PM, Leonard M.

The effect of mode of delivery on cord blood antioxidant levels. 4th

International Scientific Meeting of RCOG.(Abstract booklet).


Audit of ovarian stimulation protocol & inpatient hospital management

following a cluster of OHSS admission

RCOG Irish development conference 27-28 Feb 2014

Boyle S, Lacey L, Anand S, Akhtar MA, Sajjad Y

The European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). Prague

18-21 June 2006. Karyotypic abnormalities in patients undergoing ICSI


Y. Sajjad, V. Finney, G. Selvan, A. Drakeley, D I Lewis-Jones

BFS Annual Meeting Sept 2006. Glasgow. Is the measurement of free and bio

available testosterone of value in endocrinological assessment of the

infertile male?

Y. Sajjad, V. Finney, A. Chavez-Badiola, D.I. Lewis-Jones, W Taylor.

Annual meeting of American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). October

2006. Is the measurement of free and bio available testosterone of value in

endocrinological assessment of the infertile male? Y. Sajjad, V. Finney, A.

Chavez-Badiola, D.I. Lewis-Jones, W Taylor.

3rd joint meeting of the British Andrology Society, the British Fertility

Society and the Society for Reproduction and Fertility. Aberdeen. 13-17

July 2003.

Which position do patients prefer during transvaginal ultrasound scanning?.

A prospective randomized crossover questionnaire study.

Sajjad Y, Aust TR, Drakeley A, Curran S, Kingsland CR.

3rd joint meeting of the British Andrology Society, the British Fertility

Society and the Society for Reproduction and Fertility. Aberdeen. 13-17

July 2003.

Expression and distribution of androgen receptors in first trimester extra

genital fetal tissues.

Sajjad Y, Quenby SM, Nickson P, Lewis-Jones DI, Vince G.

3rd joint meeting of the British Andrology Society, the British Fertility

Society and the Society for Reproduction and Fertility. Aberdeen. 13-17

July 2003.

The effect of difficult embryo transfer on pregnancy rates.

Aust TR, Kiernan T, Sajjad Y,Drakeley A, Gazvani R, Kingsland CR.

3rd joint meeting of the British Andrology Society, the British Fertility

Society and the Society for Reproduction and Fertility. Aberdeen. 13-17

July 2003.

Pilot study for a randomized controlled trial of ultrasound guidance in

embryo transfer.

Aust TR, Rowley G, Sklavounos J, Drakeley A, Sajjad Y, Gazvani R, Kingsland


3rd joint meeting of the British Andrology Society, the British Fertility

Society and the Society for Reproduction and Fertility. Aberdeen. 13-17

July 2003.

Current practice with regard to the surgical management of azoospermia in

Mersey side &North Wales: A questionnaire based survey.

Wood S, Montazeri N, Sajjad Y, Troup S, Kingsland CR,Lewis-Jones DI.

Society of Gynaecological investigations (SGI) Year 2003 Annual Meeting

Washington, USA. March 2003 Immunohistochemical localization of Androgen

receptors in the Urogenital tract of human embryos.

Sajjad Y, Quenby SM, Nickson P, Lewis-Jones DI, Vince G.

10TH World Congress on Pain, San Diego. August 2002.

The reasons why primigravidas choose a particular method of pain relief

during labour and the quality of pain relief with epidural and non epidural

methods of pain relief.

Sajjad Y, Sajjad T.

British Fertility Society Oxford 2002. The reproductive potential of

excess epididymal and testicular spermatozoa cryopreserved following ICSI

with freshly retrieved spermatozoa.

Wood S, Sajjad Y, Thomas K, Schnauffer K, Troup S, Lewis-Jones DI,

Kingsland CR.

British Fertility Society Nottingham 2002. The role of ultra short protocol

(coflare) treatment for poor responders to ovarian stimulation.

Wood S, Sajjad Y, Thomas K, Schnauffer K, Troup S, Lewis-Jones DI,

Kingsland CR.

American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) Seattle Washington, USA

2002. The effect of different stimulation regimens on outcomes in IVF/ICSI

for poor responders to ovarian stimulation.

Sajjad Y, Wood S, Searle T, Thomas K Lewis-Jones DI, Troup S, Kingsland


American society of reproductive medicine, Seatle, Washington, October


The role of ultra short protocol (USP or coflare regimens) for poor

responders to controlled ovarian hyper stimulation (COH) in assisted

conception cycles.

Wood S, Sajjad Y, Thomas K, Schnauffer K, Troup S, Lewis-Jones DI,

Kingsland CR.

Recent Advances in Assisted Reproduction techniques.

18th November. 11 Biennial Conference of the Society of Obstetricians and

Gynaecologists of Pakistan. Hotel Pearl Continental, Peshawar, Pakistan. 15-

19 November 2005.

North-West Obstetrics and Gynaecological Consultant association meeting.

Newby Bridge Lake district. November 2002.

Immunohistochemical localisation of Androgen Receptors in the lower genital

tract of human fetuses.

Sajjad Y, Quenby SM, Nickson P, Lewis-Jones DI, Vince G.

British Andrology Society Annual Meeting November 2002.

Immunohistochemical localization of Androgen Receptors in the lower genital

tract of human fetuses. Sajjad Y, Quenby SM, Nickson P, Lewis-Jones DI,

Vince G.

The British Association of Clinical Anatomist and the Spanish Anatomical

Society (BACA/SAE). Barcelona, Spain. July 2002.

Immunohistochemical localisation of Androgen Receptors in the urogenital

tract of first trimester human fetus.

Sajjad Y, Quenby SM, Nickson P, Lewis-Jones DI, Vince G.

British Fertility Society Annual meeting. Oxford April 2002.

Expression of Androgen Receptors in the first trimester human fetal gonads.

Sajjad Y, Quenby SM, Nickson P, Lewis-Jones DI, Vince G.


. Director and Person Responsible for Reproductive medicine unit. St.

Mary's hospital Manchester.

. Regional (North west deanery) tutor for the Advanced training skill

module (ATSM) in Reproductive medicine and surgery.

. Lead for male fertility services. Reproductive medicine unit. St.

Mary's hospital. Manchester

. Conveynor for MRCOG UK courses.

. MRCOG Examiner

. Course director for the RCOG Basic surgical skills course

. Chair person for RCOG "Pakistan Liason Group".

. Supervisor for Gynaecological scanning training

. Examiner for the Special Skill Module (SSM) in Reproductive Medicine.


. Examiner for the Sub-specialist trainee in Reproductive medicine

. I am on the review panel for the following journals;

Journal of Andrologia, Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics,

Human Fertility, Reproductive BioMedicine on line. Journal of Pakistan

Medical institute


Teaching & Training; UK

. MRCOG Course conveynor ; I am the MRCOG part 2 course coveynor for the

RCOG. I hold MRCOG Part 2 courses at the college twice a year. I am

also involved in running these course overseas.

. MRCOG Examiner for the RCOG.

I have been involved with the RCOG for the following examination


. Standard setting for the DRCOG

. Marking the short answer assay for MRCOG part 2 exam

. Examine on the oral OSCE part 2 MRCOG exam.

. Course Director for RCOG Basic practical skills course

I am the course director for the RCOG franchise Basic practical skills

course that I run twice a year.

MSc Teaching

I am involved in teaching the MSc students for University of


. Undergraduates Teaching

I supervise undergraduates for the Personal Excellence Pathways

(PEPs) and project option from Manchester Medical school

Teaching & Training; Overseas

1. I have helped the RCOG to pilot the first MRCOG Enhanced revision

programme in Pakistan.

This 15-week on line learning programme supports overseas candidates

passing the Part 2 MRCOG written exam to achieve membership of the

RCOG. It helps to Provide clear understanding of the structure of the

NHS, consent and patient-centred care. I help Coach candidates on exam

techniques through practice SAQs, EMQs and MCQs and provide individual


2. I regularly undertake skills and drills training in Obstetrics and

basic life support in Pakistan (atleast once a year) to help improve

maternal and neonatal mortality in the developing countries.

3. I have Established MRCOG part 2 course overseas in Pakistan.

4. I am on the list of Course director for the Liverpool Tropical

school of medicine.

Multidisciplinary activities:

. Member of NHS Map of Medicine Fellows board.

I Help in updating & developing the "Infertility, Andrology and Assisted

Reproduction care pathway in the New Map of Medicine care Maps. This was

published in May 2013. Recently, updated the PCOS care pathway that was

published in February 2014.

Map of Medicine's evidence-based care maps are used by local healthcare

communities for commissioning and designing services. As the patient

pathway is displayed across both generalist and specialist care settings,

communities can plan for an overall treatment strategy. They can also adapt

the care maps to reflect local practice.

. Endocrinology/ Urology & Andrology Activities

I actively take part in the Multidsciplinary team meetings that is

held monthly in the endocrinology department attended by the

endcocrinology and the Urology team

. I was involved in UKIVAS Rare Disease Group Guidelines Development.

ADAPTIV: A Delphi study to Assess morbidity Prevention and Treatment

In Vasculitis . in the development of these guidelines. The study

focused on current strategies for treatment/ morbidity prevention in

patients with vasculitis. and my input was for the male and female

fertility patients.

Academic activities

1. Book Chapter "Surgical management of male


I have recently written a chapter on "Surgical management of male

infertility' which will be included in "The role of Reproductive

Surgery in the age of IVF" edited by Metwally M and T.C Lee. This book

will be published in 2014.

2. Cochrane systematic review protocol "Thyroxine

replacement for subfertile women with euthyroid

autoimmune thyroid disease or subclinical

hypothyroidism". Has been accepted for publication.

3. I peer review articles regularly for many peer

reviewed international journals including;

Journal of Andrologia, Journal of Assisted

Reproduction and Genetics, Human Fertility

and Reproductive Biomedicine on line.

4. I am writing an Article on effect of muscle boost supplements on male

fertility and sperm parameters.

5. I am planning to analyse Retrospective data analysis of Ethnicity

based Fertility treatment outcomes at Manchester in last 4 years.


Courses and Meetings relevant to sub specialist interest:

. Reproductive Medicine Away day. Chancellors Hotel Manchester- 30th

August 2013

. BPS Faculty and Trainers Update?Friday 19 July 2013?Venue: RCOG,


. Training day- MRCOG Enhanced Revision Programme - 17th July RCOG


. MRCOG Examiners training day- 27th June 2013. RCOG London

. Pakistan Liaison group meeting- 24th June 2013. Eco Arena. Liverpool

. Meeting of Chairs of RCOG International Representative Committees-

23th June 2013. Liverpool Tropical school of Medicine. Liverpool

. Global health Meeting. 25th April 2013. RCOG London

. MRCOG Part 2 OSCE Exam course- 29-30th October 2012. RCOG London

. Course directors day. Liverpool Tropical school of Medicine. 19th

October 2012. Liverpool

. GP Educational event. Manchester. 18th October 2012

. Invited speaker at the Multidisciplinary Cystic Fibrosis regional

centre 2nd October 2012. Wythenshaw Hospital Manchester

. Senior fertility subspecialist conference- 27th September 2012

Manchester Airport Hotel. Manchester

. SOGP Meeting. 14th April 2012 Islamabad. Pakistan

. British Fertility Society Meeting. 6th January 2012. Queens Hotel


. Orientation Workshop for facilitators of BPS- 29th November-1sth

December 2011. RCOG London

. ASRM Florida USA 15-19TH October 2011

. Joint RCOG/BFS Meeting- 4-5th April 2011. RCOG London

. National Obesity Forum. Northwest Obesity Training day. Salford Royal

Hospital Manchester. 1st February 2011.

. Obesity/diabetes/Metabolic syndrome Meeting. 16th September 2010.

Vermillion. Manchester

. ESHRE. Stocholme. Sweden June 2010

. British fertility Meeting. April 2010

. Northwest Obstetrics & Gynaecology Consultants Annual meeting. 13-14TH

November 2009. Liverpool

. 14th Annual Participants Meeting Neqas UK - 18th March 2009.


. Update on GnRH in IVF - can we improve success?

Hilton Deansgate Hotel, Manchester. 9th May 2008.

. Controversies in Clinical Embryology- Seminar

Chancellor's Hotel Manchester. 16 July 2008

. Seminar- Fertility aspects of infertility for GP's.

Ethical dilemmas in assisted reproduction.

Chancellor's Hotel. Manchester. 6th March 2008.

. Controversies in Male Reproduction. Seminar.

Chancellor's Hotel. Manchester. 7 November 2007


. I am actively involved in Charity work. I organise different

programmes and fashion shows. Under my leadership and organisation, we

raised 45,000 for the flood donation victims of Pakistan in 2010.

. I thoroughly enjoy cooking and find it very relaxing after a hard day

at work. I love to organise parties and invite friends over to enjoy

my cuisines. I like to try cooking different dishes and am always

looking for unique and fresh ideas.

. I love singing Urdu songs and have taken part in many competitions

prior to arriving in the UK.

. I am fluent in speaking the Pakistani / Afghanistan/ North Indian

languages which are Urdu, Pushto, Dari, Punjabi and Hindi

respectively, and I teach these languages to children (my own three

and others).

. I love driving, and I share my husband's interest on fast cars which

has taken us on many long journeys.


Dr. Edmond Edi-Osagie.

Consultant Gynaecologist

Department of Reproductive Medicine

Central Manchester and Manchester Children's University Hospital

Whitworth Park

Manchester, M13 OJH.

Telephone: 016*-***-****

Fax: 016*-***-****

e-mail: ***-******@****.***.**

Mr. S. D Sharma.

Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and Regional Advisor for RCOG

SouthPort & Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust

Ormskirk, PR8 6PN

Telephone: 017**-***-***

Fax: 017**-***-***

e-mail: ******.******@********************.***.**

Contact this candidate