Sandra J. Bell
• Thought leader in the development and implementation of Portfolio Management,
Resource Management, and Project Management Methodologies.
• Expert program and project management skills related to the design, construction,
i mplementation, and completion of application development and IT infrastructure
p rojects; skilled in software development lifecycle and infrastructure design
p rocesses; strong analytical skills.
• Experienced in design and implementation of IT I L Processes.
• Knowledgeable of Enterprise Architecture Concepts
• Consistently understands, conveys, and meets project budgets, deadl ines, and
• Experienced in handling vendor and 3rd party software relationships.
• Experienced in offshore development and managing vi r tual teams.
• M.B.A., Rochester Institute of Technology
• B.S. I. T., Southern I ll inois University
• PMP Certified (Project Management Professional, Project Management Institute)
• SCRUM Certified
• MCTS (Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist, M icrosoft Project 2007)
• Veteran US Air Force, Honorably Discharged
Constellation Brands Oct 2010 -
P resent
Constellation Brands, Inc. is a Global premium wine company. Constellation Brands has sales
of over $3 Billion per year in 125 countries, operates approximately 30 wineries and facilities,
and employs 4,300 persons.
Di rector, P MO Portfolio and Process Control – Cur rent Position
D rove and implemented comprehensive resource, portfolio, and project
m anagement practices. Responsibilities included:
• Drove and facilitated the annual budget planning process for the IT Project Portfolio,
i ncluding ideation, priorit ization, and estimation of portfolio of 80+ projects.
• Monitored and maintained effectiveness of PMO methodologies & tools.
• Created annual capacity model and annual staff augmentation budget, based on list
of approved, prioritized projects.
• Provided tools and processes for scheduling and monitoring resource requirements
and utilization.
• Drove portfolio planning/forecasting including financials in collaboration with the
F inance organization.
• Designed and implemented reports communicating status of project portfolio,
h ighlighting project r isks, and escalating process and control issues. Presented
monthly to senior corporate leadership.
• Owned, managed, and administered the Portfolio and Project Management tools.
(Clarity PPM).
Project Manager
M anaged, on average, 5-10 projects concur rently. Responsibilities across projects
i ncluded:
• Effectively managed assigned projects, compliant with defined processes,
methodologies, and tools.
• Planned and managed to the project schedule, obtained resources, managed issues
and r isks, planned and executed testing, and ensured compliance to change control
p rocess. Ensured completion of necessary SDLC documentation and signoffs, and
executed a lessons learned process. Projects were delivered on time and on budget,
as determined by the project sponsors, resulting in very positive feedback from
P roject Stakeholders.
• Often act as the major or sole 'business analyst' on Office Move and other
I nfrastructure projects and gather customer requirements and communicate these to
t he teams.
Portfolio Management for Technology Services Area. Responsibilities included:
• Developed and implemented an Infrastructure Portfolio Management process,
working in conjunction with IT Managers (Technical Services and PMO).
Developed and implemented a format/agenda, t rained and mentored tech leads on
t he project presentation and status review tasks, and scheduled and facilitated
p rioritization and status meetings each month.
• Participated and co-facilitated Annual Budget Planning meetings with Technical
Services management team.
• I regularly t rain/mentor/help the Tech Services managers and they often reach out to
me for assistance/instruction on PM topics.
I mplemented I T I L Change Management. Responsibilities included:
• Managed the project to develop and implement an IT I L Change Management
p rocess for the IT organization. Developed t raining content, t rained IT Managers
and personnel, managed the Change Management Governance process, facilitated
weekly Change Management Review Board meetings. Tested and implemented the
Change Management application (Remedy).
M & T Bank M ay 2008 – Oct 2010
M &T Bank Corporation, headquartered in Buffalo, NY, has over $65 billion in assets, over
15,000 employees, and is one of the 20 largest commercial bank holding companies in the U.S.
Senior Project Manager, Vice President
M anaged WebInfo Plus, a critical money t ransfer and balance reporting
a pplication, for Commercial Client Web Based Banking. Responsibilities across
several projects within the program included:
• Responsible for the management of all major projects impacting the Commercial
C lient Web Banking platform. Managed mult iple concurrent software development
p rojects, in a distributed team environment including on- site and off-shore
development teams.
• Successfully delivered the projects on time by closely managing scheduled activities.
M anaged implementation planning and post implementation issue management
w ith distributed team in multiple data center locations. Created project and
technical issues lists, and facilitated issue prioritization with diverse group of
s takeholders. M anaged project change requests, utilizing the bank’s standard
change management processes.
• Led the technical estimation process, and created and managed the budget for multi-
million dollar project investments.
• Assessed infrastructure and business r isks, and created r isk management plans.
• Managed customer migrations. Led a team of commercial banking managers and
business analysts to defin e and document client migration strategy, data migration
p rocesses, and IT support processes for the migration.
• Provided bi-weekly project status updates to senior managers, including Senior Vice
P residents of Technology, Product Management, and Commercial Banking
Managed the Enterprise Resource Planning I nitiative. Functioned as the System
A rchitect and Technical Lead for the Enterprise Resource Planning Project.
R esponsibilities included:
• Managed the Requirements and Specification process. Facilitated business process
design and system analysis, including defining reporting requirements for
E nterprise Resource Planning Data Warehouse.
• Trained PMO members on Resource Planning using Project Server 2007, M icrosoft’s
E nterprise Project Management solution. Assisted with configuration of “Sandbox”
E nterprise Resource Planning Environment.
• Led technical team. Created project management plans, project schedules and all
technical project management deliverables for the project. Led the project technical
estimation process.
• Led the ongoing support and maintenance program for the application, including
eliciting enhancement requests, documenting and priori tizing issues, and creating
monthly release plans for enhancing and maintaining the program.
• Experienced in Project Server 2007 software installation, application configuration.
Paychex, I nc.
J une 2000-November 2007
Founded in 1971, Paychex, Inc. is a recognized leader in the payroll and human resource
i ndustry, serving approximately 543,000 businesses nationwide
Program Manager
E nterprise I nf rastructure Planning and Research division. Responsible for
m anaging technology programs, w r iting project charters, managing projects and
monitoring performance against project plans high-growth, online environment.
H ighlights include:
• Planning (including managing capacity, obsolescence, and architectural
assessments) for the eServices Re-architecture project, defining upgrade projects,
and developing budgets for needed technology investments.
• Presenting program plans and project status to senior IT and Business
M anagement; supervising the formation and management of various project teams,
i ncluding the HRO Database Upgrade Project, Check Stub Stability Project, and E-
Services Platform Project; mentoring project managers and coordinating with IT
F unctional Managers on long term staffing and process improvement plans.
• Managing the vendor selection process, reviewing and evaluating proposals,
selecting vendors, ensuring completion of contract, and approving payments of
i nvoices.
• Manager of the Storage Technology Program: Responsible for technology strategy,
techn ology roadmaps, program planning and execution. Led cross-divisional team of
eight technologists. Developed technology strategies, standards, and architectural
models. Defined, priori tized, and managed storage activities and storage related
p rojects. Managed Research and Development projects and “Proof of Concept”
p rojects also.
• Program Manager of In ternal Controls Program: $3 Mi llion dollar Sarbanes-Oxley
compliance program consisted of 18 p rojects and 180+ technology team members.
Designed and implemented new security infrastructure and new processes and
p rocedures, including ESM, NETIQ, ITO, SSH, Power Broker, Central Log Server,
and Encryption.
P roject Manager for the Data Center Consolidation Program. Highlights include:
• Data Center Construction Project: Responsible for building two new, state-of-the-
art, fully redundant and mi r rored facilities. Construction consisted of four sub-
projects: physical design and construction (buildings, power, generators, a/c,
network, data communications, and telecom), footprint layout, environmental
monitoring software, and management controls (data center staffing plans, t raining
p lans, standards, access controls, forms and manual creation). Completed on t ime
and within budget.
• Enterprise Backup Project: Led four teams responsible for designing and
i mplementing new backup infrastructure and converting over 400 computer systems
f rom locally attached backu ps to a Storage Area Network based backup system
(Storage Area Network consisted of EMC Storage Ar rays, McData Directors and
Switches. Enterprise Tape Library was Storage TEK.
• Request for Proposal (RFP) and vendor evaluation process for various hardware and
software purchases, and consulting services, including three tape libraries and
related backup software - IB M, Storage TEK, and EMC – and a Tape Area Network
using McData Switches.
M anaged the Corporate System Move Project, leading seven teams as they executed
m ultiple moves of over 200 key financial systems with no negative client impacts or
u nscheduled downtime during a six-month period.
• Created move teams and highly-detailed, step-by-step move plans.
• Developed methodology for moving and consolidating the corporate systems from
four locations into two new Data Centers.
• T his project had the potential to approach $500K, and was completed for just under
T enneco, I nc. (now Pactiv)
Tenneco, now Pactiv, is a leader in the consumer and foodservice /food packaging markets it
serves. With 2006 sales of $2.9 billion, part of Pactiv’s success includes its Hefty® brand of
p roducts
Production Manager in various lead roles over period of eight years, supporting
m ajor efforts across the business. H ighlights and duties include :
• Managed $1.7 million tooling upgrade project resulting in improved quality and
• Designed a new safety program structure for multiple sites utilizing a hub and spoke
p roject team system. Created selection criteria and staffed, t rained and mentored
teams. Won corporate safety award “Best large Plant, 1998.”
• Created and facilitated an annual strategic planning process, resulting in year over
year improvements, including: Manufacturing labor cost reduced by 18%;
p roductivity increased by 12%; lost work-day severity rate improved by 75%.
• Developed and facilitated front-line leadership t raining program for team-based
• Designed and managed process improvements including environmental discharge
reduction through effluent system redesign.
• Obtained and administer ed several state grants for productivity and quality
i mprovement projects.
• Won corporate innovation award for design of multi–company workers’ compensation
managed care system.
• Ini tiated manufacturing t raining, certification and documentation program f or use
i n union environment. Program became benchmark for division t raining efforts.