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ESL Teacher

London, United Kingdom
March 26, 2015

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N i kkola Jayne Stearne

** ******* ****

Grays Essex

R M17 5YJ

P ersonal Details:

28th M arch 1990

D.O.B :

Mobile: 075**-******

Email: n ******************@*****.***

Nationality : Bri tish

Education: T he Grays School Media Arts College 2001-2006

Palmers College 2006-2008

M iddlesex University: 2009-2012

Qualifications: GCSE’s Drama A*

Sociology A

Media Studies B

M usic C

M aths B

S tatistics C

E nglish Language B

E nglish L i terature B

Physical Education C

I .C.T (double award) C

Science D

BTEC National Diploma in Performing Arts – Triple Distinction

2:1 Bachelors Degree in Theatre Arts

Completion of 120 hour online TEFL course

Completion of 30 hour practical TEFL weekend

Completion of Teaching English Online course

E xperience:

J ulia’s English Academy January 2013- January 2015

E nglish Teacher

I worked at a Hagwon teaching English to a wide range of ages, the youngest

being kindergarten and the eldest being last year of middle school. I taught

debate, speaking, wri ting, conversation, phonics, grammar, TOSEL, TOEFL and

TOEFL IBT preparation.

Gladstone Park Primary School October 2012 (Agency) Teacher Assistant

I worked in a year 3 class working closely with a student who has ADHD. My role

i nvolved setting and meeting short and long-term targets for the student,

supervising groups of children during break t ime and general classroom duties.

Hong Kong / SuperCamp July 8th 2012- August 19th 2012 Team


SuperCamp is an accelerated learning summer camp for children aged between

10-18 years. I t involves being physical, personal and academic and this is

achieved th rough a fun learning environment. I worked as team leader which

i nvolved classroom participation, entertainment, organising games and

mentoring the students. This required a high level of commitment and

organisation as i t entailed 16-hour days. As this was my second year working for

SuperCamp I had the chance to take more of a leadership role and acted as a role

model for other staff as well as the children.

B rookland Junior School March 2012- July 2012 Teacher


I mostly worked on a one to one basis with a year 4 student who has special

needs. In addition to this I assisted with general classroom duties that included

leading games and activities, demonstrations, photocopying and designing

d isplay boards.

September 2009- June 2012

Pizza Hu t Waitress

I worked as part of a team in a fast paced restaurant in Central London which

i nvolves catering to customers’ needs. The job involved serving customers,

working behind the bar, hosting, running food, bussing tables and preparing


J une 2011- August 2011

Stanford University/ SuperCamp Team


I worked as team leader which involved classroom participation, entertainment,

organising games and mentoring the students. This required a high level of

commitment and organisation as i t entailed 16-hour days.

September 2008- July 2009

The Grays School Media Arts College D rama


T his position involved leading classes, GCSE direction, School t rip organisation

and supervision, administration, designing display boards and focusing on

s tudents with special needs.

July 2009 [5 day workshop]

Sussex University Workshop


I worked as a Drama instructor which involved leading lessons, directing and

guiding students to work hard in order for them to gain the grades necessary for

t heir GCSE’s.

P ersonal P rofile:

I am a well-motivated f lexible person capable of working efficiently both

i ndividually and as part of a team. I am an excellent communicator who is able

to organise time and workload efficiently and am competent of achieving

completion of goals within deadlines. I am loyal and passionate with the

determination to succeed. I wish not only to utilise my abilities but also develop

new skills. My passion is in the field of Education and I hope to pursue it as a


I n terests:

Outside of work my main passions lie in sports, music, and studying. I achieved a

b lack belt in Taekwondo whilst working in Korea as well as regularly running

and hiking. In addition to the lat ter, the other necessities in my life are

t ravelling, experiencing new cultures and meeting new people. I have t ravelled

a round Europe, Asia, Australia and North America, either alone or with friends.

F ur thermore, I have obtained my “Advanced Diver Certificate”, and I am in the

p rocess of becoming an aerobics instructor as well as retaking my Science

E dexcel Examination.

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