Mr. Roshan Rajeshrao Padole Mobile No: +91-956*******
To learn and function effectively in an organization. To constantly upgrade my knowledge and skills and
make use the best out of it.
Educational Qualification
Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering – SIPNA College of Engg. & Technology,
Amravati (Amravati University) – 60.22%
Higher Secondary School Certificate – R. R. Lahoti science college, Morshi (Amravati Divisional Board) –
Secondary School Certificate– Shri. Shivaji high school, Morshi (Amravati Divisional Board)– 54%
Technical Skills
Microsoft Technologies .Net Framework 4.0, ADO.NET, ASP.NET 4.0.
RDBMS SQL Server 2008.
Languages C#.
Operating Systems Windows .
Development Tools Visual Studio 2010.
Certification Qualification
Dot Net Diploma from NIIT, Hyderabad.
Current Company
Currently Working in V Kumar Solution (I) Pvt.Ltd. as a .Net Developer from 22Dec 2014.
Project 1:
Title: Online Aptitude test.
Role: .Net Developer.
Team Member : 1
Technology Used : C#,HTML,ASP.NET4.0
Database : SQL Server 2008
Project Details: It is developed on dot net platform.
This project has Four modules:
1.Student Registration
Student Registration: It consists of registration form, in that students data is inserted into database.
After that student can access Login form. After successful login Examination Form is Display.
Examination : It consist of Student name, Exam Name,Reg ID,Number of
Questions, Total marks, Marks per Question, Total Marks, Question No.,
Question, Four Option.
Result: It displays Result of student.
Admin: Admin can set Paper of the given exam and set the given time of
Project 2:
Title: Coaching Administration System.
Role: .Net Developer.
Team Member : 1
Technology used : C#, HTML, ASP.NET4.0
Database : SQL Server 2008
Project Details: It was developed on dot net platform.
This project has Six modules:
1.Student Registration
2. Admission Form
3. Employee Registration
4. Student Information
5. Employee Information
6. Salary report
Student Registration: It consists of registration form, in that student will be inserted into database. After
that student can access Login form. After successful login student can take Admission form is display.
Admission Form : It consist of Student name, Join Date, Date of birth, Local Address, Course name,
Year, Local Phone, Fee, First Name, Middle Name, Last Name. After clicking on Submit button
Admission will be done successfully.
Employee Registration: It consists of registration form, in that Employee will be inserted into database.
After that employee can access Login form. Employees have two types Lecturer and Staff Member.
Student Information: Lecturer can insert student information Awards, Internal Marks, Semester Marks,
Total Marks, result.
Employee Information: Admin can insert Employee information Fix Salary, No. Of leave, Salary in hand.
Salary Report: Employee can get Salary Report.
Academic Project :
Title: Internal Communication in Organisation.
Role: .Net Developer
Team Member : 4
Technology used : C#, HTML,ASP.NET4.0
Database : SQL Server 2008
Project Details: It was developed on dot net platform.
This project has three modules:
Admin: It consists of registration form, login form, product Management. In that admin after login admin
can view all information about product.
HR: It consist of registration form, login form, Employee details. It also consists of Mailbox .
Employee: It consists of registration form, login form.
Curriculum Activities
Participated in Robotics held at Jawaharlal Darda College of Engineering and
Technology (National Level Event 2009).
Worked as organizing committee member in Vidyotan 2010, a national level
technical symposium.
Presented a paper on ‘Optical Camouflage’.
Personal Information:
Mr. Roshan Rajeshrao Padole
Birth Date
Flat No.3, Vinit App, Alkapuri housing Society,
Current Address Near Vanaz, Kothrud depot, Pune 38, Maharashtra
Playing Outdoor and Indoor games, Travelling with friends
English, Hindi, Marathi
Languages Known