[pic] School: Rochester, NY [pic] Current Location: Long Valley, NJ
[pic] 908-***-**** [pic] **.*****@*****.***
Quality hands-on XEROX CORPORATION, Albany NY
experience in product and November 2013 to July 2014
market research, web Services and Solutions Executive, Account Manager
analytics, strategic Completed the Xerox sales training program, one of the most
planning, business comprehensive programs in the country.
analysis, sales and Responsible for selling Xerox solutions, as well as
marketing. marketing the full line of Xerox hardware/
Adept in gathering and Prospected new business while actively balancing management
leveraging data to draw of of existing customers in the Albany New York area.
and define accurate Comfortable meeting with C-Level executives on a weekly
conclusions and business basis in pursuit of B2B sales.
decisions. KB INGREDIENTS, Budd Lake NJ
Proficient in compiling June 2013 to August 2013
and maintaining physical Social Media Marketing, Project Manager and Sales Associate
and automated databases. Internship
Top notch business Planned and established all social media networking sites
communication skills for the company.
verbal, written and in Developed and organized construction procedures for company
preparing and delivering warehouse.
formal presentations. Commenced project for a new sales department for a brand
Trustworthy to uphold new product line, and initiated contact with several large
confidentiality. firms to assist with account acquisition.
Strong administrative / Managed prospect list and identifying new opportunities for
organizational skills the company to boost revenue.
including data entry. DOAN BUICK GMC, Rochester NY
SKILL SETS November 2012 to February 2013
Knowledgeable in Social Junior Sales and Marketing Consultant Internship
Media, Search Engine Assisted customers in product choice and financing options
Optimization, Search and completed all paperwork for over thirty car sales.
Engine Marketing and web Developed a successful customer sales referral program that
site design; experienced when adapted generated an increase in customers coming
in statistical analytical into the dealership and the number of cars being sold.
programs such as Minitab INNOVATION FACTORY Entrepreneurial Project 2010 -
etc. Present
Creative in designing a As a member of a RIT incubator program, reconstruct and
fully functional website optimize the underperforming company website to make it
and optimizing it on the more appealing and increase site traffic.
web. As the Project Leader, led a team of 3 to implement a
EDUCATION robust new strategy including search engine optimization
Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt (SEO), search engine marketing (SEM) and to the design and
launch of a more user friendly design for the web site.
Rochester Institute of After presenting it to the president to the company, he
Technology Bachelor of implemented our recommendations and web site design.
Science May 2013 Continue consulting with the company on an as needed basis.
Major: Business Management
RESULTS: Within 4 months of the new web design and our
Minor: Marketing optimization recommendations being implemented the company
Concentration: Psychology reported quarterly earnings improved by nearly 15.3%.
Sandler Training HENRY P. THOMSON INC., Mendham, NJ June
Presidents Club 2006 to August 2010
May 2013-Present Product Testing & Statistical Analysis
Xerox Sales Training Worked for this family owned global tea importer during the
November 2013-January 2014 summers and school breaks since high school, assisting in
chemical lab tests of tea imported from Asia, South America
and the Far East.
Created statistical reports and Excel spreadsheets
identifying the potential and suitability of a bulk
purchase for flavoring and blending.
Attend international tea conventions as a company
ambassador meeting with representatives of Lipton Tea,
Tetley Tea and other major tea manufacturers.