A iyswarya Parthasarathy
L akewood, Colorado 80226
Contact Number: 361-***-****
( Willing to Relocate)
Multi-Faceted, efficient, and reliable Materials and Metallurgical/Environmental Engineer, with over two
years’ experience handling Stormwater, Low Impact Development, Front End Engineering Design, and
Wastewater Projects to improve the environment. Excellent knowledge in NAAQS, NPDES, Clean Air Act
(Title V, NSPS, MACT ), Clean Water Act, OSHA, DOT and EPA permit ting regulations, likewise in
RCRA, CERCLA regulations. Proficient in Geographic Information System (GIS), all standard office
desktop software, and AutoCAD tools. Highly focused and success driven person with excellent
i nterpersonal, oral and writ ten communication skills.
Texas A&M University
December 2014
M aster of Science -Envi ronmental Engineering
Gujarat Technological University, Gujarat, India
May 2012
B achelor of Engineering- Materials and Metallurgical Engineering
Texas A&M University
J une 2013 –
Graduate Research Assistant
D ecember 2014
• Assisted in using Geographic Information System (GIS) in mapping Best Management Practices
(BMP’s) in different cities in South Texas, to aid easier access by city workers.
• Aided in GIS analysis and GIS toolsets for land planning and modeling for various BMP’s in South
• Hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, hydrologic studies.
• Designed BMP’s; mainly concentrating on wetlands, permeable pavements, bioswales, detention
ponds, for the Low Impact Development project in the Rio Grande Valley.
• Built a model for cost benefit analysis of permeable pavements as compared to t raditional
• Groundwater f low studies; water supply; f lood control evaluation and protection.
• Pollutant loading assessments; water quality monitoring and sampling.
• Conducted stormwater management t reatment system analysis and design.
• Design of d rainage collection/conveyance systems, pipes/culverts, swales, detention/retention
ponds, inlet/outlet control structures.
• Performed data collections, and spatial database development for Low Impact Development (LID)
p rojects implemented in South Texas.
• Performed the collection of groundwater samples and water samples of U.S Wastewater Treatment
Facilities for TCEQ Rio Grande Wastewater Monitoring Project
• Thorough knowledge of NAAQS, NPDES, RCRA, CERCLA regulations, Clean A ir Act (Title V,
NSPS, MACT ), Clean Water Act, OSHA, EPA and DOT permit ting regulations .
• Created reports, charts, and manuals related to GIS projects.
• Led the installation, operation and maintenance of various environmental instruments used in
monitoring stormwater runoffs within regional stormwater detention facilities.
• Led the analysis of data obtained from environmental monitoring instruments for compliance with
regulatory requirements.
• Aided in the quality assurance and quality control processes of the project (QAQC).
• Conducted the collection and laboratory analysis of composite and grab stormwater samples from
wetlands in South Texas.
• Assisted in Phase 1 and Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments at city facilities.
• In teracted with both city stake holders and regulatory bodies on how to identify, quantify and
manage environmental r isks within the regional stormwater detention facilities.
• Led the weekly and monthly review of project stage-gates to ensure adherence to project plans and
• Maintained proper engineering documentation of project activities.
A ll-Win Aluminum I ndustries, I ndia
J uly 2010-May 2012
P roject I ntern
• Designed leak proof castings for gunmetal and assisted in the production of the same.
• Performed product failure analyses for gunmetal. Areas of expertise include fracture, deformation,
wear, corrosion, and environmental degradation in metals and polymers.
• Performed materials engineering evaluations and materials characterization for products
• Designed and performed specialized testing to evaluate product performance and simulate failure
Proficient in SWMM, WinSLAMM, AutoCAD, GIS, ArcGIS, ENVI 4.4, M icrosoft office suite (Excel,
PowerPoint, Outlook, Access), Adobe Photoshop 7.0, M ATLAB, and ISCO Flowlink.
• Geographic Information Systems in water resources, August 8- October 15, Texas A and M
U niversity Kingsville, Texas
• Attended the Soil Erosion Pollution Awareness Training (SEPA), March 6, 2014, Edinburgh, Texas.
• Received the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems Web Permit Manager t raining to be
equipped in using the Stormwater permit software, November 11, 2013 at Texas A and M University-
K ingsville
• Attended the Texas Watershed Planning Short Course, November 4-8, 2013, Bandera, Texas
• Attended the t raining on Low Impact Development Stormwater BMP Technical design t raining,
A ugust 6- August 7, 2013 CPS Training Facility, San Antonio.
• Contributed in the 15th Annual EPA Region 6 Stormwater Conference New Orleans, Louisiana
J une 16 - 21, 2013
• Contributed in the Storm Water Conference as a Moderator, Myr t le Beach, South Carolina, August
18-22, 2013.
• Contributed in the Lower Rio Grande Valley Water Quality Management & Planning Conference,
South Padre Island, Texas, April 9-11,2014
Dr. K im David Jones Ph.D., P.E.
Javier Guerrero
P rofessor and Chair, Environmental Engineering Research
E ngineering Associate I I I
Director, Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment Lower Rio Grande Valley TPDES
S tormwater Texas A& M University-K ingsville
Task Force Liaison,
phone: 361-***-**** Texas A& M
U niversity - Kingsville
fax: 361-***-**** I nstitute for Sustainable Energy and
t he E nvironment,
email: k jones@tamuk. edu E nvironmental
E ngineering Department
*********@***.*** 956-***-****