Asma Gharbi
Institut Supérieur des Etudes Technologiques de Sidi Bouzid, Sidi Bouzid 9100 – Tunisia
Ecole Nationale Des Ingénieurs de Sfax, Tunisia 2014
PHD Environment’s engineering and development
(Study and modelling of the impact of the wastewater disposals
on the groundwater in Sidi Bouzid's region)
Appendix I
Tunisian Enegeneering Group (TEG), Tunisia December, 2013
Auditor in Quality management ISO 19011
Tunisian Enegeneering Group (TEG), Tunisia December, 2013
Quality Management ISO 9001
Tunisian Enegeneering Group (TEG), Tunisia November, 2013
Management Environnemental ISO 14001
Institut National d’Agronomie de Tunis, Tunisia 2010-2013
Master’s degree in Hydraulic Agriculture and Rural management
Hydrogeology Major
(Environnemental Study of the Underground Dam on the Recharge of Om Lagsab’s)
Appendix II
Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs d’Equipement Rural, Mdjez El Beb Tunisia 2006-2009
Engineering degree in Hydraulic
Institut Préparatoire des Etudes d’Ingénierie de Tunis, Tunisia 2004-2006
Physics and Chemestry undergraduate’s degree
Lycée Pilote Gafsa, Tunisia 2004
January 24 – February 21 2015
Prairie View A&M University, Texas
Cooperative Agricultural Research Center
Partnership between University of Colorado Boulder
and Iset of Sidi Bouzid in water resources management
Direction de Gestion du Projet February-June 2009
Système d’Information Géographique
DGP-SIG de la Société Nationale d’Exploitation
et de Distribution des Eaux
Project of the end of studies :
(Optimization of the management of the drinking water’s networks
of Aïn Draham City ; Diagnosis, modelisation and setting-up
of a geographical data’s base)
Appendix III
Commissariat Régional du Développement Agricole (C.R.D.A) July-August 2006
District Sidi Bouzid- Tunisia
Hydraulic resources Division
Société Nationale d’Exploitation et de Distribution des Eaux June, 2005
(SO.N.E.D.E), District Sidi Bouzid- Tunisia
Engineering consulting division
Work Experience
Ministère de formation professionnelle et de l’emploi, Tunisia 2013-2014
Distance trainning
Technological Assistant
Gamma Engineering limps with vocational training November, 2013
Institut Supérieur des Etudes Technologiques de Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia 2010 to Present
Mechanical division
Technological Assistant
Ministère de formation professionnelle et de l’emploi, Tunisia 2011-2012
In-service training
Technological Assistant
- Fluid mechanics courses ;
- Thermodynamic courses ;
- Quality courses ;
- Hydraulic and pneumatic systems courses ;
- Matlab courses ;
- Operationnal research courses.
Participation to the committees
March 24-April 1st 2015
Organization of the fourth session of water days in Sidi Bouzid
May 14th, 2014
Organization of the day of Metrology and Three-dimensional
Control at ISET Sidi Bouzid.
Elaboration of the professional Master's degree entitled 2013-2014
" Management and Development of the agricultural equipments "
at ISET Sidi Bouzid.
December 05th, 2012
Organization of the day of the new technologies
Of C.F.A.O at ISET Sidi Bouzid.
Computer : Autocad, Solidworks, Automation Studio, Arcview, Envi, Epanet, Epanet-Z, Processing
Modflow, Hydrus, RETC, Imansys, LARS, Idrisi, Surfer, Variowin, logplot,Covadis Matlab,
Fortran, C++, Maple, Microsoft Word, Excel and Photoshop
Language : Arabic (Native), French, English, German, Korean (Spoken)
Hobbies : travelling, handball and jogging
Additional informations
Driving licence
Voluntary within Office National de la Protection Civile (O.N.P.C)