Emily A. Baughman
**************@*****.*** ** N. Illinois St. Apt 711
Mobile: 248-***-**** Indianapolis, IN 46204
Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) May 2014
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
Concentration: Health Communication and Health Education
Bachelor of Arts (BA) April 2008
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Concentration: Psychology
Outreach Specialist (ORISE Fellow) June 2013 June 2014
Office of Women’s Health, Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD
• Identified organizational partners for launch of a digital engagement strategy using Pinterest
• Designed social media toolkits and best practices for social media messaging on Twitter
• Worked with FDA subject-matter experts to plan and develop science- and regulatory-based
educational fact sheets
• Managed printing and warehousing processes for over 50 health education publication titles
• Performed usability testing on FDA websites through task analysis and updated web content
organization based on findings
• Exhibited at national conferences to expand the reach of health education resources and
established three new organizational partnerships
• Maintained a partner network portal to support ongoing public-private partnerships
• Collaborated with internal working groups to share health communication best practices and
revise the FDA digital communication strategy
• Developed a consumer survey to provide data on the use of FDA consumer health information
• Provided expert review and consultation for health literacy funding research proposals as a
member of the Georgetown University Health and Science Literacy Working Group
Graduate Student Researcher January 2013 April 2014
Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, Baltimore, MD; Islamabad, Pakistan
• Researched best practices in e-learning and m-learning for a comprehensive literature review
used as a USAID framework for global partner health communication trainings
• Collaborated with colleagues in Pakistan to conduct key informant interviews with five Islamic
religious leaders
• Conducted two literature reviews on Pakistani citizen journalism and strategies to engage Islamic
scholars in development issues
• Designed, launched, and evaluated a communication campaign on Vitamin D intake within the
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health community as part of a seven-person team
Research Assistant April 2010 June 2012
Public Health Division, ICF International, Atlanta, GA
• Conducted semi-structured interviews, analyzed interview data, and wrote reports of qualitative
analysis findings
• Provided evaluation technical assistance to four campus suicide prevention SAMHSA grantees
• Designed and wrote various violence prevention fact sheets as well as marketing collateral
• Recruited individually by clients to assist in focus group research sessions and report writing
• Wrote sections for two successfully awarded proposals and independently procured two sole
source contracts
Emily A. Baughman, pg. 2
• Managed three conferences of over 100 attendees by creating registration websites, writing
conference white papers, and organizing reimbursements
• Conceptualized and led corporate engagement activities resulting in the company becoming a
finalist for Park Pride’s Corporate Volunteerism Award
• Launched an office wellness workgroup which offered monthly seminars, initiated an innovative
composting program, and secured $5,000 for installment of office art
English Lecturer and Consultant September 2008 August 2009
FPT University / Agribank, Hanoi, Vietnam
• Created and implemented daily lesson plans for five classes of 25-30 students
• Directed English language support within four centers at Agribank, the largest bank in Vietnam
• Assessed English language education needs and produced recommendations about strategies
for organizational improvement and change
Site Leader February 2008 May 2008
University of Michigan Pangaea World Service Team, Managua, Nicaragua
• Co-led a seven student team to achieve $5,000 fundraising goal
• Collaborated with Nicaraguan non-profit organization in designing a health education curriculum
• Administered a month-long health clinic in Nicaragua serving over 500 community members
Technical Papers and Presentations
Baughman, E. Engaging Ulama: A Strategy for Involving Islamic Religious Leaders in Maternal and
Child Health Advocacy in Pakistan. Poster Session at Johns Hopkins Global Health Day,
Baltimore, MD. 10 April 2014.
Baughman, E. Sentiment analysis: Turning attitudes and opinions into useful data. Presentation to the
Atlanta-area Evaluation Association. 22 February 2014.
Kagel, R., Baughman, E., Hercik, K., Ezratty, E. (2015). Qualitative analysis of perceived barriers and
facilitators to campus suicide prevention. Manuscript submitted for publication.
ICF International (2012). Campus Infrastructure Key Informant Interviews: Initial Progress Report.
Atlanta, GA: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).
ICF International (2012). Popular Opinion Leaders for Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence
Prevention Training Manual. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Certificate in Public Health Informatics, Certified Health Education Specialist, Certified in Public
Computer Skills
Atlas.ti, EndNote, Microsoft Software (Access, Excel, PowerPoint, SharePoint, Word), STATA,
SPSS, Social Media/Networking Tools (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube)
Professional Recognition
Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Workforce Training
Grant (September 2012); ICF International Performance Award (3rd Quarter 2011; 4th Quarter 2011)