Cody Brown
Lake Odessa, Michigan, 48849
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Anticipated: May 2015
Saginaw Valley State University, University Center, MI
Deans’ List: 5 Semesters
GPA: 3.46 / 4.0
Lead Water Remediation Technician May 2009 – Present
AmeriPro Restoration, Lansing, Michigan
• Communicate with approximately 200+ homeowners to ensure customer satisfaction
• Effectively consult with multiple insurance adjusters by negotiating a compromised settlement
• Supervise two or more full-time employees at damaged home sites in an attempt to dry,
remediate, and/or reconstruct the establishment depending on the type of damage.
• Prepare restoration billing estimates, waivers, and liability contracts for clients to sign.
Programming Languages: C++, Java, SQL, XML, MySQL, XHTML, Javascript, Visual Basic
Applications: Microsoft SQL Server, NetBeans, NotePad++, Putty (UNIX), Eclipse, GitHub
Microsoft Office: Excel, PowerPoint, Word
Notable Concepts: OO Programing and Design, Android Mobile Application Development,
Advanced Data Structures, Group Project Collaboration, Database Systems
Software Development Project, AmeriPro Restoration July 2014 – Present
“Blueprint Maker”
• I
mplementing an application that will make gathering a blueprint of an affected home much more
efficient, neat, and easier to gather information from to hasten the billing process
• T
ools Used – NetBeans IDE, Java, various libraries
Capstone Project, Object Oriented Design & Development September 2014 – Present
“Course Management and Scheduling System”
• G
oal is to replace SVSU’s current course management and scheduling system. Current system still
requires many manual activities to be done by SVSU employees and has multiple different systems
integrated which causes confusion.
• T
his system will serve as a single point of contact for department chairpersons to add, modify, and
delete certain courses. Staff members will have the ability to review and fix conflicts.
Research Project, Under Professor Dr. K. A. Rahman August 2014 – Present
“Integrating Facial Expression Analysis into Facial Recognition Systems”
College of Science Engineering and Technology, SVSU
• G
athered feature points from human samples in an attempt to create a more robust facial recognition
security system
• P
resented project at Annual Fall 2014 Conference of the Michigan Space Grant Consortium,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Member, SVSU ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) August 2013 – Present
• O
rganization comprising of over 50 members to advance knowledge and resources in the field of
computing machinery
Bi-Monthly Excellence Award, AmeriPro Restoration June 2014 – Present
• A
ward given to employees every two weeks for being an outstanding employee. Accompanied with
a two hundred dollar bonus
• N
ever failed to receive award
Available upon request.