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State University Engineering

March 16, 2015

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I. Academic Profile


B. Department: Mathematics and Computer Science

Present rank: Professor of Physics

C. Tenure Status: Tenured

D. Administrative Title N/A

II. Educational Background

Ph.D. (Physics) University of Delaware, Newark, 1992

MS (Physics) University of Delaware, Newark, 1988

M.Sc. (Physics) University of Delhi, Delhi, India 1985

B.Sc. (Honors) in Physics University of Delhi, Delhi, India 1983

Dissertation Topic for PhD

An Investigation of a Possible Molecular Effect in Ion-Atom Collisions Using a Gaseous Argon

Target (Supervisor: Professor Cheng Ming Fou)

III. Employment History

8/03 –present Professor of Physics at Fort Valley State University

8/98 –7/03 Associate Professor of Physics at Fort Valley State University

9/93- 7/98 Assistant Professor of Physics at Fort Valley State University

6/92-8/92 Adjunct Faculty at Widener University, Chester, Pennsylvania

9/92-5/93 Adjunct Faculty at Holy Family College, Philadelphia

9/89-5/93 Course Instructor (summer and winter sessions), University of Delaware

9/89-5/93 Graduate Teaching Assistant at University of Delaware

IV. Teaching Responsibilities

Courses Taught at Various Institutions

PHY 210 (General Physics I), PHY 211(General Physics II), PHY 212 (Modern Physics), PHY

250 (Classical Mechanics), PHY 251(Electricity and Magnetism), PHY 252 (Atomic Physics),

PHY 305 (Investigations in Physics), MAT 101/MATH 1111 (College Algebra), MAT

103/MATH 1113 (Pre-Calculus), MAT 201/MATH 1154 (Calculus I), MATH 2113/MATH

1401 (Elementary Statistics), PHYS 1111(Introductory Physics I), PHYS 1111 (Introductory

Physics II), PHYS 2211(Principles of Physics I), PHYS 2212 (Principles of Physics II), PHYS

161(Physics 1), PHYS 261(Modern Physics with Applications), PHYS 104 (Elementary

Physics), PHYS 207 (Fundamentals of Physics I) PHYS 208 (Fundamentals of Physics II), and

SCEN 101 (Physical Science), MATH 3223 (Differential Equations), MATH 2203 (Introduction

to Linear Algebra)


Online Teaching Experience

• Developed online versions for both PHYS 1111 and PHYS 1112 at Fort Valley State University; offered these

courses through GeorgiaView Vista in summer 2011 and 2012

• Received training to teach for eCore in 2011 and taught physics and math courses (Principles of Physics,

College Algebra, and Elementary Statistics) for eCore

• Have training to use Blackboard Collaborate, Desire to Learn (D2L), DegreeWorks and ANGEL.

V. Research, Scholarly Activities, and/or Professional Development

Funded Grants:

• Establishing an Undergraduate STEM Teaching and Research Laboratory at FVSU

(Principal Investigator/Activity Director). Funding Agency: Title III. Total funds awarded:

$270,000.00 Duration of the Project: October 1, 2012- October 1, 2015

• Establishing a Nuclear Science and Engineering Minor at Fort Valley State University

(Co-Principal Investigator) Submitted to the Minority Serving Institutions program at the United

States Nuclear Regulatory Commission and administered by the Office of Small Business and

Civil Rights. Total funds awarded: $258, 300.00. Duration of the Project: September 28, 2012-

September 27, 2015

• Establishing an Interdisciplinary Bioinformatics Laboratory at Fort Valley State University,

Funding Agency: Department of Defense. Co-Principal investigator of the project. Funding

amount: $194,404.00 (2006-2008).

• Computer-based Instrumentation Laboratory for Undergraduate Science and Mathematics

Programs at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Fort Valley State

University. (Project Director) Funding Agency: Department of Defense. Funding amount:

$173,911.00 (2004-2006).

• Developing an Undergraduate Minor in Computer-based Measurement and Instrumentation

at Fort Valley State University, Funding Agency: National Aeronautical and Space

Administration (NASA) through United Negro College Funds UNCF, funding amount: $300,000

over three years, (January 2000 to December 2002).

• Preparing Teachers for Problem Solving Instruction (Project Director) Submitted to and

funded under the Eisenhower Higher Education Act, 1999 (RE: E10B-MSRI/RH229-


• Developing a State of the Art Physics Laboratory at Fort Valley State College (Principal

Investigator) 1995 [Purchase of laboratory equipment 608.10 (1)]. Submitted to and funded by

Title III project.

• Developing a State of the Art Physics Laboratory at Fort Valley State College (Principal

Investigator) 1996 [Purchase of Computers, Interfacing Equipment and Software 608.10(1)].

Submitted to and funded by Title III project.

Refereed Papers:

Developing a Minor Program in Nuclear Science and Engineering, Masoud Naghedolfeizi, Sanjeev

Arora, and Nabil Yousif, 121st Annual ASEE Conference, Indianapolis, June 15-18, 2014.

Illumination and Rotation Invariant Texture Representation, Xiangyan Zeng, Masoud

Naghedolfeizi, Sanjeev Arora, Nabil Yousif, Ramana Gosukonda, Dawit Aberra, International

Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition, Las Vegas, June 22-25,


Visualizing Conductive and Convective Heat Transfer using Thermographic Techniques (with

Masoud Naghedolfeizi and James Glover), 41st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference,

October 12-15, 2011 Rapid City, SD (paper and presentation)

Engaging Computer Science Students in Electromechanical Engineering Projects (with Masoud

Naghedolfeizi, Ramana Gosukonda and Nabil Yousif), 118th Annual Conference &. Exposition,

June 26 - 29, 2011, Vancouver, BC, Canada (paper only)

Establishing an Interdisciplinary Bioinformatics Curriculum at Fort Valley State University,

Ramana Gosukonda, Masoud Naghedolfeizi, and Sanjeev Arora, Proceedings of the 2007 Annual

Meeting of American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), Honolulu, Hawaii, June 24-27,


Performance Analysis of a High-end CPU under a Heavy Computational Load and varying RAM

amounts using thermal imaging Techniques Masoud Naghedolfeizi, Sanjeev Arora and Singli

Garcia, AUTOTESTCON 2005, Orlando, FL, September 26-30, 2005

Signal Validation of Control systems using Computational Neural Networks, Masoud

Naghedolfeizi, Sanjeev Arora AUTOTESTCON 2004, and San-Antonio, TX September 21-23,


Operating, Monitoring, and Controlling Plant Components over Cyberspace, Masoud

Naghedolfeizi, and Sanjeev Arora, AUTOTESTCON 2002, Sponsored by Institute for Electrical

and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Huntsville, AL, October 16-18, 2002

Developing a Minor Program in Computer-Based Measurement and Instrumentation for

Undergraduate Science and Engineering Majors, Masoud Naghedolfeizi, Sanjeev Arora and

Fariborz Asadian, Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Meeting of American Society for Engineering

Education (ASEE), Montreal, Canada, June 16-19, 2002.

Survey of LabVIEW Technologies for Building Web/Internet-Enabled Experimental Setups, Masoud

Naghedolfeizi, Sanjeev Arora and Singli Garcia, Proceedings of the 2002 Annual Meeting of

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), Montreal, Canada, June 16-19, 2002. Also it

was published in the Proceedings of the Southeastern Regional Meeting of American Society for

Engineering Education (ASEE), University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, April 7-9, 2002.

Curriculum Development in Computer-Based Measurement and Instrumentation for

Undergraduate Physics and Engineering Majors, Masoud Naghedolfeizi and Sanjeev Arora,

Proceedings of the Southeastern Regional Meeting of American Society for Engineering Education

(ASEE), University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, April 7-9, 2002

Effect of RAM Amount on the Thermal Behavior of CPU Operating under a Heavy Computational

Load, Masoud Naghedolfeizi, Sanjeev Arora and Singli Garcia, Nineteenth Annual IEEE

Semiconductor Thermal Measurement and Management Symposium, San Jose, CA, March 11-13,


Remote Laboratory Operation: Web Technology Successes,” Masoud Naghedolfeizi, Sanjeev

Arora and Jim Henry, Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)

Annual Conference & Exposition National Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 24-27, 2001.

Abstracts and Presentations:

Teaching Engineering and Science Students Computer-based Measurement Systems using Real

World Applications (with Masoud Naghedolfeizi and Ugur Tanriver), ASEE SE Section Annual

Conference, April 6-8, 2008, The University of Memphis, TN

The Normal Distribution: an exploration (with M Howard). Presented at the Eagle Undergraduate

Mathematics Conference at Georgia Southern University, March 6, 2008

Survey of LabVIEW Technologies for Building Web/Internet-Enabled Experimental Setups, Masoud

Naghedolfeizi, Sanjeev Arora and Singli Garcia, Southeastern Regional Meeting of American

Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, April 7-9, 2002.

Bringing Laboratory Experiments On-line: Pros and Cons, M. Nagadolfeizi and S. Arora, 2002

Annual Meeting of Southeastern Section of the American Society for Engineering Education,

University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, April 7-9, 2002 (refereed)

The Big Bang: Scientific Truth or Improbable Conjecture? J. Verrett and S. Arora, 59th Joint

Annual Meeting National Institute of Science (NIS) and BKX Scientific Society, Benedict College,

Columbia, SC, March 27-March 31, 2002.(Won the first prize in Science Education Division)

Is wave-particle duality an adequate model of light? H. Toliver, and S. Arora, 59th Joint Annual

Meeting National Institute of Science (NIS) and BKX Scientific Society, Benedict College,

Columbia, SC, March 27-March 31, 2002.

Nuclear Fusion: A Viable Energy Source for the Future . U. Obi and S. Arora. 59th Joint Annual

Meeting National Institute of Science (NIS) and BKX Scientific Society, Benedict College,

Columbia, SC, March 27-March 31, 2002.

A Holographic Paradigm for the Brain and the Universe . C. Canady and S. Arora, 59th Joint

Annual Meeting National Institute of Science (NIS) and BKX Scientific Society, Benedict College,

Columbia, SC, March 27-March 31, 2002.

Performance evaluation of two-networked computers, D. Harris, T. Turner, M. Feizi and S. Arora,

58th Joint Annual Meeting National Institute of Science (NIS) and BKX Scientific Society,

Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA, March 30-April 2, 2001. (Won the second prize in Math. &

Comp. Sc. Division)

Comparing the Performance of AA Name Brand Batteries Using Computer Based Measurement,”

D. Harris, R. Mutua, S. James, S. Arora and M. Feizi, 58th Joint Annual Meeting National Institute

of Science (NIS) and BKX Scientific Society, Morehouse College, Atlanta, GA, March 30-April 2,


Paper and Proposal Reviews:

• Proposal # 54723CS entitled “Computer-Aided Design of Drugs on Emerging Hybrid

High Performance Computers” for Army Department of Defense

• Proposal # 09-URC 2009-0016 entitled “Center for Sensors and Instrumentation for

Planetary Exploration” for NASA

• Proposal # 09-URC 2009-0029 entitled “NASA Universidad del Turabo Research Center

for Multiscale Systems” for NASA

• Seven (7) proposals submitted to the program Teaching to Increase Diversity and Equity in

STEM (TIDES), America Association of Colleges and Universities

Book Reviews:

• Contemporary College Physics by Jones and Childers, Third edition. Published by McGraw-

Hill. The entire book was reviewed

• College Physics by Giambattista, Richardson, Richardson. Published by McGraw-Hill. Selected

chapters were reviewed.

•Visualizing Physics by Martin Nikolo and Sue Mendelson. Published by John Wiley and Sons

•College Physics by Freedman, Ruskell, Keston and Tauck. Published by Worth Publishers

Professional Development and Workshops Attended:

2013 ASEE Annual Conference, Atlanta GA June23-26, 2013

Faculty Center for Improving Instruction and Leadership Luncheon Roundtables Active

Teaching and Learning-Keeping Your Head in the “Cloud” April 19, 2012

• 2nd Annual Research Day at FVSU: Scholarship in Action April 12, 2012

• Georgia Southern University Division of Continuing Education The Georgia Scholarship of

STEM Teaching & Learning Conference, March 9, 2012

• 41st ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference October 12-15, 2011 Rapid City, South


• Improving Large Lecture Class Learning Outcomes and Adapting STEM LABS September

16, 2011 USG Development Series

• Brenau University PKAL MEETING Fall 2010

• Faculty Center for Improving Instruction and Leadership at FVSU: eLearning Workshop IV-

Apps and Student Retention, November 29 and 30, 2009

• Fifth Annual Fall Symposium and Research Conference (UGA) September 24-25, 2010

• NSF Advanced Workshop to Enhance Proposal Development Skills and Promote Research

Collaborations March 15-16, 2010

• West Central Georgia Regional STEM Institute 'Developing STEM Learning Communities'

Columbus State University, December 4-5, 2009

• Faculty Center for Improving Instruction and Leadership at FVSU: Empowering Students

and Community through GIS, November 10, 2009

• PKAL-Atlanta Network Meeting: Enriching the STEM Undergraduate Experience:

Pedagogy and Interdisciplinary Connections, Gainesville College, GA November 6, 2009

• Luncheon Roundtables Workshop on Publications, FVSU, April 16, 2009

Class-Room Communication Technology: Bring Energy and Interactivity into the Class-

Room, FVSU, March 25, 2009

• USG Stem Initiative State Institute, Stone Mountain, GA February 27-28, 2009

• Exploring Computational Tools for Biological Research, Bioinformatics Laboratory, Fort

Valley State University, June 16-17, 2008

• 2002 Annual Conference & Exposition National Meeting of ASEE, June 16-19, 2002,

Montreal, Canada.

• Technology Workshops offered by Dr. Hedden, Fort Valley State University, May 25-June 2,


• Performance Evaluation Workshop, Fort Valley State University, August 30, 2001.

• Seminar organized by the National Instrumentation on LabVIEW, Duluth, GA (June 5-June

6, 2001).

• Teachers for Two Year Colleges Macon, GA (October 2000).

• QUE Workshop in University of Reno, Reno, NV 89557 (July 31, 1999).

• Faculty Development Program Workshop, Georgia Institute of Technology, College of

Sciences March 12-13, 1999.

• Praxis II Curriculum Alignment Workshop organized by Georgia Professional Standards

Commission, Macon, GA (January 27, 1999).

• PKAL F21 National Meeting in Arlington Heights, IL (September 18-20, 1998).

• QEM/NAFEO Scholarly Productivity Workshop, Spelman College, Atlanta (June 5-6,


• Introduction to MATHEMATICA 3.0 Workshop, Fort Valley State University, April 17,


National Educator’s Orientation program (CDEP) Fort Valley State University (October 3-

5, 1997).

• Physics Faculty Development Workshop-Computers in Physics Instruction and Mossbauer

Spectroscopy (Carrolton, Georgia, April 25, 1997).

• Assessment Workshop (Fort Valley State University, January 24-25, 1997).

• Middle Georgia P-16 Council Writing Conference (Fort Valley State University, January 10,


• Mercer/FVSU Engineering/Technical Faculty Warner Robins Air Logistics Center Orientation

on December10, 1996. This meeting was organized by the Mercer Engineering Research

Center (MERC) in order to explore the possibility of collaboration between the two institutions

in various research fields.

• Web Information Seminar Epitome (WISE) at the Fort Valley State University campus (March

29-May 31, 1996).

• Cooperative Development Energy Program (CDEP) Consortium at University Of Las Vegas

(Las Vegas, October 25-28, 1995).

• Title III workshop on Writing Measurable Objectives (Fort Valley State College, October 11,


• Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management/Historically Black Colleges and

Universities Faculty Workshop (Las Vegas, May 21-23, 1995).

• Together We Can Make It Work in Georgia (A Georgia Mathematics, Science, and

Engineering (MSE) State-wide Conference Co-convened by Clark Atlanta University and the

Quality Education for Minorities Network (QEM) (Atlanta, March 3-4, 1995).

Webinars Attended

• USG Faculty Development Online presentation (Teaching with D2L) September 12,


• Speaking about Mathematics and Statistics Webinar, April 17 2012

• Smarthinking Orientation April 16, 2012

• April USG Faculty Development Online presentation (What’s Online Will Hurt You) April

13, 2012 Tablet PCs-Immersive Education in Today’s Classrooms Web Seminar March 28, 2012

• PASCO Live Online Training Course (Getting Started with the SPARK) March 21, 2012

• Exploring Conic Sections with Sketch-Pad Webinar (Key Curriculum Press) March 20, 2012

Beginning Constructions with Sketch-Pad Webinar (Key Curriculum Press) March 6, 2012

• Climbing the Ladder of Student Success (hosted by Turnitin), March 1, 2012

• Minimizing Your Workload When Teaching Online (NWELC) February 28, 2012

• Computer and Graphing Calculator workshop by Vernier Software and Technology (October

15, 2011)

• Marketing Online Programs Using Social Media USG Initiative October 12, 2011

• ePubs less expensive USG Faculty Development (online) October 12, 2011 Distance

Learning Leadership: Operations, Opposition and Opportunities September 14, 2011 Connect

For Physics Webinar March 4, 2009

VI. Committee Work (Selected)

Member, Institutional Search Committee for Dean of College of Arts and Sciences, 2014

Member, Institutional Appeals Committee, 2014

Member, Departmental Search Committee for Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 2012

Member, Departmental Committee on Promotion and Tenure (2013, 2011, 2010)

Member, Sub-Committee for Learning Outcome for Content Area D, 2010

Member, Presidents’ Promotion, and Tenure Appeals Committee, 2009

Chair, Departmental Committee on Promotion and Tenure (2009, 2008, 2007)

Member, Education Policy Sub Committee (Standing Committee)

Member, Departmental Curriculum Committee (Mathematics)

Member, Academic Advisory Committee for Physics (USG Academic Advisory Council)

VII. Awards

Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers (1996)


Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers (2000)


VIII. Memberships

American Physical Society


American Association of Engineering Education


Project Kaleidoscope (PKAL)


Beta Kappa Chi National Scientific Honor Society


Academic Advisory Committee for Physics


(University System of Georgia Academic Advisory Council)

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