Felipe Pozueco Zaffari
Married, Brazilian, ** years old.
Address: Pirapó Avenue, 150/203 – Petrópolis.
Post Code: 90470450 – Porto Alegre – Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil.
Phone number: +55-51-307*-****
Mobile Phone: +55-51-967*****
E-mail: ********@*****.***
• Work with software management / development for mobile devices.
Professional Experience
2011/2015 – Position: Founder. Management, analysis and app development for iOS and
Android. Technologies: Android, iOS, GIT, JEE, JSON, Eclipse, Android Studio, Gradle,
Mysql. Company: 3Manzana
* To see more information about my skills and the app’s that I’ve worked/published visit my
linkedin profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/felipezaffari
2007/2011 - Position: Software Analyst: Senior – Analysis, development, testing, installation
and maintenance ASP Web-based systems, JEE and its frameworks. Development and
maintenance of bash scripts (Linux) and webservices. Webserver’s setup and maintenance: IIS,
Tomcat and Glassfish. Development (PL / SQL), maintenance and tests in Oracle and MySQL
Company: Telehumana/Globalnova/Datora
Academic Education
2010 – Postgraduate (specialization area) in Computer Science - PPGC/UFRGS
2007 – Degree in Computer Science at UFRGS (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)
2007- Trainee (Company: Telehumana): Internship conducting tests with VOIP protocol and
developing solutions for platform’s company.
2006 – Scholarship: Partnership project UFRGS/Digistar, conducting performance tests on
network routers.
2005/2006 – Scholarship:Partnership project UFRGS/Digitel as a developer to implement a
standard on a network protocol in routers with embedded Linux.
2004/2005 – Scholarship: Network Administrator of GME (Microelectronic Group) on Federal
University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).
2009 - Streamlining projects with SCRUM – DBServer.
2008 - IT Project Management - Lexia Institute Training and Consulting Ltda.
2006 - Clusters Installation and Configuration Course – PFT - Dell – UFRGS.
2005 - TCP / IP Basic Course - PFT- Dell – UFRGS.
2005 - Java Course by PET - Computer – UFRGS.
2005 - Java Training and Object Oriented by CEI – UFRGS.
2004 - Linux Course by PET - Computer – UFRGS.
2014 - Book: Inteligência Artificial - Diálogo entre Mentes e Máquinas - Evangraf
Portuguese (native language), English (advanced), Spanish (basic).