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Project Manager Management

Boerne, TX
March 11, 2015

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Maurice A. Shaw Cell: 830-***-****


*** ************* **.

Boerne, TX 78006


W est Virginia College of Graduate Studies, Institute, WV. 1991

MS Information Systems

U niversity of Maryland, College Park, MD.

BS Geology

A llegany Community College, Cumberland, MD.

AA Quality Control


T o use m y p roject management / b usiness analysis e xpertise in support of development and mainte nance of Information

S ystems. F urther deve lop my leadership, software engineering, and business analysis s kills and t o b e a key c ontributing

p layer i n improving organization process, performance, and business development . T o l ead, m entor, a nd develop

t echnical teams t o meet the highest professiona l and technical standards.


M S Information Systems - - f ocuses to on S oftware E ngineering, A nalysis, Design, Implementation, Structured

D ocumentation, and Management.

I TIL S ervice Management F oundations Certification # 00037896

5 y ears Sr. Project Manager Computer Solutions, Inc.

2 y ears Software Development Project Manager, CellExchange, Inc.

2 y ears Vice President for Development for Virtual Prototype and Simulation Technologies, Inc.

3 y ears Projec t Manager /Analyst f or development of an I mmersive Stereoscopic Visualization System for Sandia

N ational Laboratory Area III Engineering Research Center .

S r Research Associate Virgin i a Tech, M anager of Virginia Tech Digital Ship Laboratory f or US Navy shipboard

s ystems

2 . 5 y ears VP for Production and Technology Development for V irtual Prototyping and Visualization Technologies.

B road experience managing development of c utting edge research for immersive v irtual reality systems.

7 y ears Technical Project Manager and Consultant to the Air Force Environmental Program for g eohydrologic

s tudies, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) development, and Information Systems

8 y ears as Oil and Gas Exploration Geologist and Drilling a nd Field Operations P roject Manager


M ore than 2 0 y ears’ e xperience i n cluding Project Management, b usiness a nalysis, s oftware engineering, a nd d ata

m anagement . Experience in object oriented programming languages, data modeling, a nd relational databases.

S trong background in full life - cycle s oftware development, knowledge management, data analysis, d ata

v isualization, g eographic information systems, 3D visualization systems, logical, physical, a nd dimensional data

m odeling. Uniqu e experience in development of Imme r sive Stereoscopic Visualization/Virtual Reality systems.

S trong capability in requirements gathering, documentation, and meeting facilitation. . E xperienced in project

m anagement (> 15yr), proposal development, project estimation, and client i nteraction .


Hardware (years experience, last used)

Win/Intel PC Systems (2,2007), Silicon Graphics workstations/super comps (4,2003), immersive visualization systems (Fakespace),

desktop stereoscopic visualization systems(4,2003), flock of birds (4,2003)

Programming Languages

C++ (3, 2003), JAVA (3, 2008), Python (1, 2004), SQL (5,2004), PL/SQL (1,2004) Visual Basic (1,1999), UIML (1,2004), UML

(5,2007), OpenGL (1,2004), DirectX (1,2004),


MS-Office (current), MS-Project (current), Visio (current), Photoshop (current), 3DS Max 2013 (current), ARCINFO (1,1996).

ARCDesktop (2 2006), VGeo (5,2006), Oxygen (3,2003), Multigen/Creator (3,2003), Vega (1,2001), SharePoint (MOSS 2007,

InfoPath (2007), 3D Studio MAX (2012), Unity (2015), Jira (2015), Confluence (2015)

Relational Database Management Systems

Oracle (2,2007), MS SQL Server(1,2003), MySQL (1, 2006), MS-Access (2,2007)

Operating Systems

MS-Windows (2011), UNIX (1, 1996), LINUX (2011), IRIX (4,2004), SOLARIS (1,2003), Android (2011)


Mobiquity, Inc 8/2014-1/2015

Sr Project Manager

P M for multiple ongoing projects.

a didas, I nc – R eebokONE i OS m obile website, coordinated design and development team t hrough final

d esign and User Acceptance testing . Developed Requirements Documents for both ReebokONE Mobile and

W eb site.

S unLife, iOS, Mobile site, full life - cycle development. Brought project in at > 20% design margin

Z ipCar – i nitial design a nd stakeholder interview cycle for Mobile Development

Computer Solutions, Inc 8/2009-6/2014

Program Manager/Senior Project Manager

P M for multiple Cisco UCS, UCM, Dial Plan, Virtualization, and network design and implementation projects

W orked with the M anagement team to develop required processes for Cisco Silver and Cisco Gold certifications.

P M for Cisco UC, UCCx upgrades at UT Health Sciences Center and Whataburger, Inc.

P roject/ Program Manager t he South Texas Blood and Tissue Information Systems (S TBTC) development

p rogram

A lso serve as Sr. Project Manger, Business Analyst for other Computer Solutions c lient projects

P roved extensive support to Business Development Account Managers as a Solution Architect

S erve as mentor application development team i n process improvement, documentation standards, and Joint

A pplication development, Scrum, Agile, and waterfall development methodologies

P roject Manager /Business Analyst f or B roadway National Bank IVR Telebank and 9 D epartment C all Center

u pgrades .

CellExchange, Inc. Cambridge, MA 6/2007- 7/2009

Senior Project Manager

M anaged team of 7 people in the development of the Air Force Development Team Board (DT - Boards) support

s ystem (HR and Promotions). Lead the team in conversion of Army Selective B oard System for Air Force use.

M anaged team of 26 developing Air Force MyEDP, MyODP, MyCDP for the virtual Personnel System Center

( vPSC) (HR).

D evelopment in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) environment (J2EE, Webshpere WAS, WPS, Oracle)

M anagement o f USAF vPSC Virtual Personnel Services Center (HR) Block 10 and Block 20 sustainment activities.

D eveloped CMMI Level 2 procedures for: Project Management, Project Planning, Project Monitoring and Control,

M easurement and Analysis. Company successfully re ached CMMI Level 2.

D eveloped CMMI Level 3 procedures for: Product Integration, Requirements Development, and Integrated

P roject Management.

SAIC, Inc., Abingdon, MD. 7/2006-1/2007

S enior Operations Analyst

A nalysis and documentation of the legacy Hazardous Waste Tracking System (HWTS) at the Deseret Chemical

D epot, Tooele, UT. D eveloped business r ules, and functional system diagrams. Documented data model for

l egacy chemical weapons disposal tracking system . A uthored systems assessment for capability of the HWTS to

m eet requirements for the DCD RCRA Permit requirements for the Administrative Record.

P rovided recommendation for process improvement for HW data management, an optimized data model and data

a cqu isition process.

P rovided oversight of the closure waste estimation data management system. Principal author of the Chemical

A gent Munitions Demolition System RCRA Material/Waste Management Plan.

Mitretek Systems, Inc., San Antonio, TX 7/2005-5/2006

P rincipal, Information and Visualization Systems

B usiness Analyst in development of the Air Force Real Property Agency (AFRPA) Enterprise Architecture.

D eveloped logical and physical data model under DoD Architecture Framework (DoDAF). Consolidated legacy

d ata models from the AF Environmental Restoration Program Information Management System (ERPIMS) and the

A FRPA Management Information System (contract accounting) into Enterprise logical and physical data models.

D eveloped requirements for data aggregatio n against the physical data schema. Proposed design

r ecommendations for optimization.

D ocumented use cases, business rules and l ogical and physical d ata model using Popkin’s System A nalyst

s oftware.

P rovided consulting for AFRPA agency wide geographic sys tem development (GIS). Authoring of the concept of

o perations white paper.

D eveloped 3D real - time contaminant fate and transport visualization model to support Air Force litigation.

( VRCO.s, VGeo)

SAIC, Inc. San Antonio, TX 7/2004-4/2005

S r. Environmental S cientist

S ite Information Technology Manager, managed staff of 18 supporting environmental remediation staff, technical

d ata systems, GIS.

P art of development team for Kelly AFB, Operations and Management Database which included w eb - based user

a ccess.

L ead remediation team in successfully bringing all project documentation and reports up to client standards.

D esigned process for maintaining project reporting excellence.

P articipated in IT p roposal development including p roject d esign, project cost and staffing estimates.

Harmonia, Inc Blacksburg, VA 6/2003-8/2003

V ice President Federal Systems

P rovided support of subcontract to SAIC, Inc. for development of User Interface Modeling Language (UIML

( based systems for t he Army Training Information Architecture system, and system performance test

d esign and analysis (LoadRunner and custom JAVA applications).

P roject management for a 7 person t team. Marketed UIML technology, client interface.

L ead in for needs assessment t o support UIML as interface language for the presentation layer in the Raytheon

D D(X) Total Ship Computing Environment (TSCE).

L ead in development of two SBIR proposals and development support in an additional two successful SBIR Phase

I p rojects for Nav y projects.

Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 9/1999-12/2002

S enior Research Associate

L ead for design and implementation of the Digital Ship © L aboratory, a research and testing center for U.S. Navy

f leet information infrastructure supporting the N avy C ollaborative Integrated Information Technology Initiative


S andia National Laboratories (SNL) – L ead in development of a scientific data analysis capability using immersive

v isualization/virtual reality system to support experimental and computa tional model comparisons for the Area

I II engineering test range.

M ultispectral Medical Visualization – P rincipal Investigator f or integration of sensor technology using multi -

spectral and hyper - spectral data acquisition systems with immersive data visuali zation techniques to produce

e nhanced reconstructions of a patient’s condition for diagnostic purposes.

C omposite Material Structural Assessment – I ntegrated the NIST Fire Dynamics Simulator with the ANSYS finite

e lement analysis application for assessin g structural integrity of Composite Materials subjected to fire. Full - life

c ycle development of composite material research data system.

C apability Degradation Model, Digital Ship © L aboratory – L ead researcher for full life - cycle development of a

s oftware a gent - based shipboard systems monitoring system prototype for the NAVCIITI project.

VE Technologies, Inc., Blacksburg, VA 1999-2002

C hief Executive Officer and President

V irtual Environment/Virtual Reality consulting company. VE Technologies, Inc. p rovides consulting, development,

a nd support services for immersive, interactive, stereoscopic environments.

C lients included: Ethereal Technologies, Inc. (, Daimler - Chrysler, Virginia’s Explore

P ark, Thomas Jefferson’s Poplar F orest, ET Boggess Architects, United Technologies Research Center, and U.S.

N avy Trident Refit Facility .

Virtual Prototyping and Simulation Technologies, Inc., Blacksburg, VA 1998-1999

V ice President: Production and Technology Development

R esponsible f or business development, project management, technical development, quality, and customer

s atisfaction. Developed project cost estimates, cost and work breakdown, proposals, grants, and SBIR proposals.

S taff of 10 full and part - time employees.

P rimary Pro ject Leader and hands - on development support for interactive VR/VE systems for many clients

i ncluding ETB Boggess Architects, Virginia’s Explore Park, Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian,

S mithsonian Natural History Museum, Nation’s Bank.

C o ncept and proposal developments included a natural locomotion interface for immersive environments for U.S.

A rmy DBBL, Ft. Benning, GA,

D eveloped technical sections of business plan supporting VR - based e - commerce product visualization system.

I ncluded hard ware, software, project management, costing, schedule, and system roll - out specifications.

W aste Policy Institute, Blacksburg, VA 1 996 - 1998

T echnical Manager, IT and Environmental Programs

M anager for the Environmental Assessment Group, a team of e nvironmental chemists, engineers, and earth

s cientists. Included project management, staff oversight, and quality, for 15 member staff.

S upported Air Force programs for GIS, IT development, IRPIMS data management consulting.

The MITRE Corp./Mitretek Systems, San Antonio, TX 1991-1996

M ember of the Technical Staff, Sr. Environmental Scientist

F ull life cycle for the Air Force - wide environmental database, the Installation Restoration Program Information

M anagement System (IRPIMS). Consulted to Air Fo rce installations for base closure data management and

G eographic Information Systems.

S upported AFCEE environmental programs, programmatic support, POC for Bergstrom AFB closure. Modflow and

f ate and transport hydrological modeling, GIS consultant.

Columbia Gas System 1981-1989

O il and Gas Exploration Geologist

O il and Gas prospect development, well site exploration duties.

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