Susan M. Lee
Norfolk, Virginia ***** 757-***-**** **********@*******.***
A position as an active employee, involving responsibility and working with others as a team
• Excellent personal motivation with a proven ability to build and work collaboration
i n a strong team concept environment, and independently.
• Focused, versatile, dependable, multi-task orientated, positive, able to adapt
effectively to challenging and emergency situation.
B abysitter, 2013-2014
Babysat my neighbor’s child in the mornings and afternoons. Transported her to and from her
school. Done creative activities, arts and crafts and outside activities during the school year.
U .S. Navy, 1999-2012
Force-wide reduction due to mandated budget constraints. Combat Veteran.
V FA-37, V irginia Beach, Virginia
M anager/Master T rainer/Supervisor, 2010-2012
Key Player in the removal and replacement of 14 Aircraft Engines, three Auxiliary Power Units
and 14 Generator convertor Units. Her efforts greatly contributed to achieving 3,254 mishap free
combat f light hours in support of Operations ENDURING FREEDOM and NEW DAWN.
• Personally removed, inspected, repaired, and installed three in-f light
refueling stores and external fuel tanks returning critical aircraft to full
operational condition for f l ight operations with zero discrepancies and zero
• Directly responsible for training 171 personnel, maintaining current 122
t raining records and scanned 200 qualifications with zero errors, resulting in
seamless t ransition from Legacy to Advanced Skills Management System.
N avy Legal/Tax Center, Norfolk, Virginia
M anager/Customer Service Representative, 2009-2010
Consummate professional, sought after for her knowledge in the Legal/Tax Field.
• Screened 200 customers for tax preparation assuring that all essential
documents and paperwork are correct and present for the tax return period with
zero discrepancies.
• Ability to work extremely well with people directly resulting keeping
customers calm and relaxed while waiting long periods of t ime in high stress
U SS Nassau, L HA-4, Norfolk,, VA.
US Navy Amphibious ship carrying US Marines and aircraft deployed in support of the Global War on
Q uality Assurance I nspector and Publication Librarian 2008-2009
M anaged over 4,000 line i tems in 24 production work centers valued in excess of $250,000,
ordering and t racking 250 replacement tools, while maintaining 100 % fiscal accountability and
ensuring AIMD work centers were properly stocked with required tools to accomplish their
m ission.
Personally performed 12 work shop tool audits, directly contributed to the grade of "on track" with
zero discrepancies, during the quarterly tool control audit.
Supervised seven technicians in the completion of 103 maintenance evolutions and 57
acceptance/transfer equipment inspections and assisted in the acceptance of 145 pieces of MV-22
Support Equipment with 100 % accountability and establishing a new war fighting capability for
t he Air Combat Element.
A ir Test and Evaluation Squadron 23, Patuxent River, Maryland
A ircraft Mechanic/Command T raining Coordinator, 2006-2008
• Instrumental to the completion of over 600 aircraft inspections, thee fuel
cells and two engine replacements directly contributing to the Squadron’s
successful completion of 2,600 sorties and 3,400 mishap free f l ight hours.
• Personally responsible for quarterly training lectures on general mili tary
t raining, and safety lectures ensuring 100% compliance with all required
t raining.
• Expertly managed the quality and structure of over 300 command training
records with zero errors or discrepancies, resulting in increasing the command
t raining readiness by 20 %.
A ircraft I n termediate Maintenance Department, K aneohe Bay, Hawaii,
A ircraft Mechanic/Trainer/Dispersed Technical Publications Librarian, 2003-2005
• Revamped the work center’s Training and DTPL Programs, resulting in a
g rade of “on-t rack” during the Quality Assurance Audit.
• Assisted in the teardown and build-up of 10 propeller assemblies, three T-
56-A-14 engines, four dome repacks, one over-the-wing-gearbox change, two
auxiliary power unit starters and 15 reduction gearbox mounts returning them to
f ull mission capable status.
• Directly responsible and single-handedly organized the build-up of three
over-the-wing reduction gearbox flyaway tool boxes in support of geographically
remote detachment sites with limited P-3 support.
Komplex Kids, G rants Pass, Oregon
Childcare Provider, 1991-1994
• Nearly 4 years of experience working with infants, children and
t oddlers of different age groups
• Provided care for infants and toddlers including changing, feeding
and comforting
Current Student at Tidewater Community College for Elementary Education.
T400 Series Engine First Degree Intermediate Maintenance, 2008
F/18A/B/C/D Power Plants and Related Systems Organizational Maintenance, 2005
H amilton Standard 54H60-111 Propeller In termediate Maintenance, 2000
T-56 Turboprop Engine and 54H60 Series Propeller First Degree/IMA Mechanic, 2000
Aviation Machinist Mate Common Core, 1999
Aviation Machinist Mate Helicopter Fundamentals, 1999
M icrosoft Office Suite
Personal Awards for recognition of performance:
Navy Achievement Medal 2012
Good Conduct Award (4 Awards) 2002, 2005, 2008, 2011
F lag Letter of Commendation, 2004
Campaign and Unit Awards:
Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, 2010
G lobal War on Terrorism Service Medal, 2010
Navy "E" Medal, 2010
NATO KOSOVO Medal, 2001
National Defense Service Medal, 2002