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Engineer Manufacturing

Malden, MA
March 12, 2015

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A lexander A ppel

** * ****** * ***** U nit * • M alden, M A 02148 • 774-***-****

• a ***.******.*****@*****.***

Summary Statement:

Dedicated engineer with exceptional i nterpersonal and team skills and a strong analytical

t hought p rocess. Solid background i n mechanical engineering as well as i ndustrial

engineering, w ith particular i nterests i n p roduct

design, manufacturing, and technical d rafting.


University of M assachusetts A mherst,

May 2013

Bachelor of Science i n Mechanical E ngineering and I ndustrial

E ngineering (Dual Degree) GPA 3.06

Work Experience:

Manufacturing E ngineer / AutoCAD d rafter

New E ngland W ire P roducts – Leominster, M A June

2013 – A ug 2014

- Designed and drafted d isplay r acks for customer’s approval and p roduction using

A utoDesk Inventor.

- Managed cross-functional departments to ensure a ll necessary parts a re p repared

for shipping.

- Streamlined operations and reduced downtime by effectively using ERP manufacturing


- Conducted time studies t o expose bottlenecks i n p rocesses and changed t hem to

maximize t hroughput.


New E ngland W ire P roducts – F itchburg, M A May

2012 – Sept 2012

- Created b ill of materials and work order routers for jobs i n four factories using G lobal

Shop Solutions.

- Updated p roduction drawings t o reflect revisions and changes using AutoDesk Inventor.

- Managed factory workers t o p repare and send out f irst order samples for customer


- Purchased necessary components and r aw material to ready p roduction projects.

Manufacturing Processes Teaching Assistant

University of M assachusetts A mherst Sept

2012 – Dec 2012

- Assisted p rofessor w i th g rading of homework and exams for 150 student class w ith t wo

other TA’s.

- Managed office hours to f urther student education and p repare students outside of


- Facilitated proctoring exams and answered students’ questions.


Campus Design and Copy –UMass A mherst, A mherst, M A Dec

2008 - May 2013

- Co-managed a business of eleven to t hi r teen co-workers and facilitated meetings w ith


- Collaborated with t he steering, design, h iring and marketing committees to help f urther

t he business.

- Analyzed a ll sources of revenue and imputed a ll daily transactions i nto QuickBooks.

- Operated and designed several posters and business cards i nvolving proofs before f inal


TESS Support Technician

SRI I nternational, O tis A ir Force Base, Cape Cod, M A June

2009 – A ug 2009

- Assisted i n i nspecting and maintaining personal and vehicular global t racking

i nstrumentation.

- Assembled E DI backpacks containing t he t racking instrumentation and t rained soldiers

on t heir use.

- Calibrated t raining r i fles equipped w ith l aser recognition devices t hat t rack simulated

f ire devices.

- Tested and t roubleshot global tracking equipment mounted on H umvee mounted

machine guns.

Technical S kills:

AutoDesk Inventor, G lobal Shop Solutions, A utoCad, A nsys Workbench, P roEngineer,

M ATLAB, Word, E xcel, PowerPoint, M ac OS, I nstron Tensile Testers, P roblem Solving,

QuickBooks, Photoshop, I llustrator, F lash, I nDesign

Volunteer work:

• •

MS Walk/ M S Falmouth Road Race

• Coached youth a thletes


• Raised money for Pakistan relief


U nity Walk

• Relay For L ife

• •

Fundraising for U Mass Rugby C lub Fundraising for M iddlesex

Rugby C lub

I nterests: P laying sports ( rugby, basketball), entrepreneurship, outdoor activities, and Boston

sports teams.

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