Zachary Moretz
Outdoor Educator/ Wilderness Instructor
(561-***-**-** – **********@*****.***
I am a passionate outdoor educator interested in improving the well being, education, and quality of
life of my students and clients. Lifelong paddler, experiential educator, camp craft specialist and
creative software operator.
W i l d e r n e s s I n s t r u c t o r : North Carolina Outward Bound (Scottsmoor, FL),
2012 – present
Designed and led three to four week experiential education based canoe
expeditions serving at risk students living in a high delinquency zip code and in
low socioeconomic households. Programming serving youth exhibiting risk
factors such as problems specific to family, school and substance
abuse. Facilitating experiential education focused on character
development, academic achievement and social responsibility.
Extensive training and application of of therapy methods including Choice
Theory and Reality Therapy.
R e c r e a t i o n L e a d e r : Jack L McLean Community Center (Tallahassee, FL),
Responsible for delivery of all recreation, leisure and sport programs and
activities in order to provide opportunities and encourage and promote a
healthy lifestyle for all community residents.
P a r k S p e c i a l i s t I n t e r n : Florida State Parks (Tallahassee, FL), 2010 - 2011
Performed professional and technical duties in State park units involving
operation, interpretation, resource protection/management, patrol and safety,
assisted with program management activities.
R e c r e a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t B a c h e l o r O f S c i e n c e : Florida State
University (Tallahassee, FL), 2009 – 2012
Studied facility management, program design, administration, leadership theory
and leisure services that enrich people’s lives though high quality and
memorable leisure time experiences. Also participated in three extensive
internships with the Florida State Park System and The Tallahassee Parks and
N o r t h C a s c a d e s M o u n t a i n e e r i n g : National Outdoor Leadership
School (Conway, Washington) 2005
For 29 days traveled through Washington’s North Cascades. Learned the skills
needed to live and travel responsibly and efficiently in challenging mountain
terrain. Learned to live well and to care for myself, fellow expedition members,
equipment and the environment in a variety of conditions. Studied and
practiced climbing curriculum, knots, rope handling, rope-team travel, self-arrest
and belaying. Exposed to more advanced skills such as crevasse rescue, route
finding on a glacier, avalanche hazard assessment.
W i l d e r n e s s F i r s t R e s p o n d e r : Wilderness Medical Institute, 2013, 2015
Experienced with the tools to make critical medical and evacuation decisions in
remote locations.
A m e r i c a n C a n o e A s s o c i a t i o n I n s t r u c t o r : RiverWind Sea Kayak
ACA Instruction, 2015
Extensive paddling skills, technical knowledge, rescue ability, teaching ability,
group management, and interpersonal skills.
C r i s i s P r e v e n t i o n I n s t i t u t e : Scottsmoor, Fl, 2012 - 2015
Understanding effective communication and human physiology during
aggressive moments, as well as the core philosophy of maintaining Care,
Welfare, Safety, and Security.
E m e r g e n c y W a t e r S a f e t y C e r t i f i c a t i o n : American Red Cross, 2013
Maintaining a comfortable and safe environment for swimmers, Preventing
accidents and emergencies, Responding to ill or injured swimmers in water or on
F i r s t A i d, C P R a n d A E D C e r t i f i c a t i o n : American Red Cross, 2012 -
Mouth-to-mouth respiration and chest compression and assistance given to any
person suffering a sudden illness or injury.
• Experience with Word Processing using Microsoft Office programs
• Experience with Graphic Design using Adobe Illustrator / Adobe Photoshop
• Experience with Video Editing using Adobe Premiere
• Experience with Audio Engineering using Logic X Pro
• Ability to work with operating systems, including Windows and Mac OSX