10+ years of experience in all stages of SDLC & Agile Scrum Methodology.
I nvolved in all phases like Requirement Gathering, Analysis, Design,
Development, Testing and Deployment of Enterprise Web Applications. Worked
on Agile scrum methodology to ensure delivery of high quality work.
Proven ability to lead, mange project resources, in teract with clients, coordinate
and work in achieving high levels of productivity and efficiency in complex,
dynamic and challenging environments.
Experience in Design and Development of applications based on Microsoft
Experience on C#.NET, ASP.NET, MVC, WCF, Web API, jQuery, Angular JS,
bootstrap, Responsive U I,ADO.NET,.NET Framework, MSSQL, Oracle
Experience in implementing, Consuming and hosting WCF, Web/REST services.
Experience with process/data modeling using tools like MS Visio & EA
Working experience with various versioning tools like TFS, VSS
ASP.Net, WCF, MVC, Web API, Web Services, ADO.net, L I NQ, Angular, Bootstrap,
J Query, HTML 5, CSS3, MSSQL, Oracle, I IS, Design Patterns
Tools: V isual Studio, TFS, TOAD, Dream Weaver, Visio, N Unit, FxCop, Fortify,
Quali ty Center, EA
• Worked as Software Dev Staff Engineer in Dell In ternational Services(Aug
2013– Feb 2015)
• Worked as Tech Lead in Talisma Corp (June 2012 –July 2013)
• Worked as Software Dev senior analyst in Dell In ternational Services (Oct 2008
- J une 2012)
• Worked as Software Engineer in Mphasis (April 2007 – Aug 2008)
• Worked as SSE in Silicon sage Pvt. L td (Aug-2005 to March -2007)
• Worked as Software Engineer in Aride Ocean InfoTech (Jan-2005 to July-2005)
Bachelor of Technology in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, From Govt.
E ngineering college, Thrissur - University of Calicut (Year of Pass: 2002), Kerala
P roject Name : ESupport (Dell.com/support)
Du ration : A ug 13 to Feb 15
Skill/Tools : C#, MVC, WCF, Angular js, jQuery, MSSQL, Visual Studio, TFS,SSIS
Description: eSupport applications provide online support and a medium for
customers to manage their dell products. Through the web site dell provide
solutions related to the product issues and concerns of the customer.
Responsibilities: Worked as a scrum master as well as a scrum team member.
Developed different service code modules and U I pages. Handled the requirements
and tasks assignments for teams through TFS work i tems. Implemented exception
and logging mechanism & unit testing within the application. Developed responsive
U I pages with bootstrap and angular js. Developed SSIS packages for data
handling/manipulation from external systems.
P roject Name : Renaissance
Du ration : J une 12 to July 13
Skill/Tools : C#, MVC,WebApi, MSSQL, EA
Description : Renaissance is the base integrated suite of applications for for the
automation and management of the complete student life-cycle from 'cradle to grave'
and service of other verticals like CRM & fund raising. Renaissance is single
p latform to serve higher education institutions. I t is customizable and configurable
to support a myriad of business needs, with set of pre-defined templates for
education profiles. I t has applied architecture principles for easy plug-in thi rd-party
solutions and data, Logic and API’s are isolated from in terface to Support modern
design techniques, platform-independence.
Responsibilities: As a Tech lead I was involved in designing the code modules for
d ifferent functionalities using Enterprise architect(EA) and guiding sprint team in
t heir agile sprint cycles. Also developed the core frame work i tems including soft
delete functionality, file Attachment plug-in framework and data audit capture and
configuration. Involved in U I development using the 3rd party tool (Kendo) to
develop architectural i tems. Responsibilities also included development of reference
i mplementation of framework i tems.
P roject Name : D IRT Consolidation(GCIRT) and Delta In terlocks
Du ration : J uly 11 to Mar 12
Skill/Tools : C#, asp.net, Oracle, TFS work i tems
Description : DIRT consolidation is a complete rewri te and upgrading of existing
application. DIRT takes care of the safety hazard issues with the systems that are
returned back to dell. The upstream source for DIRT is Delta which is also going for
a m igration from Tandem to Siebel. Delta In terlocks include all the efforts related
for this change. Currently the project is in requirement stage.
R esponsibilities: As a Dev/Tech lead I was involved in end to end implementation.
Self majorly contributed towards requirement gathering, Architecting application,
coordinating with internal & external teams, prototyping, TDS creation, Task
assignment & in tegration, developing the code modules, code review, Defect
managements, Daily Business calls, preparing weekly status reports, handling of
change requests, handling customer escalation, Deployment doc
c reation and deploying the app, t racking the progress of overall project
P roject Name : Resource CD
Du ration : Sept 10 to June 11
Skill /Tool : C#, Asp.net, WCF, Oracle
Description : This project was about the creation of resource CD’s and DVD’s.
W henever a software bundle part is released the configuration team creates the
resource cd’s to test the new release. RCD contains set of services which pulls data
f rom different sources. As per the part release selection, i t shows the pictorial
report for the CD/DVD size and the corresponding details. Once the configuration is
ready, i t will be taken care by the services. Services handle the data and with the
help of third party tools, it creates the ISO images as per the disc number suggested
by the configuration.
R esponsibilities: As a .NET lead I was involved in end to end implementation
RCD application. Self majorly contributed towards Requirement gathering,
developed the application architecture, prototyping, TDS creation, Solution creation,
t ask assignment & code module integration, developing the code modules, handling
customer escalation & t racking the progress of overall project & deployment doc
c reation and server setup.
P roject Name : D IRT In terlocks
Du ration : J une 10 to Aug 10
Skill/Tools. : C#, asp.net, Oracle
Description : DIRT interlocks are set of jobs through which the dispatch data is
loaded from different up streams to the oracle backend which is the core data source
for the applications DIRT, Global Captures and incidents.
R esponsibilities: As a development lead I was involved in end to end
i mplementation. Involved requirement gathering. Architecting application,
coordinating with internal & external teams, TDS creation, code review, developing
t he code modules, External team TDS Review, Defect managements, preparing
weekly status reports, handling of change requests, handling customer escalation &
t racking the progress of overall project
P roject Name : G lobal Capture
Du ration : Oct 09 to Apr 10
Skill/Tools : C#, asp.net, Oracle, WCF
Description : This project Global Capture is about the t racking of the systems and
parts returned to the Dell. I t mainly deals with the defected and hazardous systems
and parts, and as per the set of business rules the same will be redirected to the
corresponding labs. I t contains the entire system details and the different set of
cycles the system goes through with the lab and finally the way out.
R esponsibilities: As an offshore Development lead I was involved in end to end
i mplementation. Self majorly contributed towards requirement gathering.
A rchitecting application, coordinating with internal & external teams, code review,
P rioritizing requirements, TDS Creation, prototyping, developing the code
modules,Defect managements, preparing weekly status reports, handling of change
requests, handling customer escalation & t racking the progress of overall project &
i nvolved in deployment and deployment doc creation
P roject Name : Regulatory Model Numbers
Du ration : J uly 09 to Nov 09
Skill/Tools : C#, asp.net, MSSQL,WCF
D escription :
T his project deals with the regulatory number creation for the different platforms
t hat are generated under the product hierarchy. The application mainly contains
c reation of the RMN and RTN numbers and providing the details to the down
s treams which can make use of the same.
R esponsibilities: As a module lead I was involved in end to end implementation.
Contributed towards requirement gathering and client in teractions, developing code
modules, code review, developing the unit test cases and unit testing for the
application, performance and application scan for the modules. Involved in
deployment of the application in 3DNS environment.
P roject Name : DIRT
Du ration : Nov 08 to June 09
Skill/Tool : C#, asp.net, Oracle, WCF
Description : This project DIRT was about the dispatch handling and management
w ith in Dell. I t mainly deals with the dispatch related information’s and how to
d ispatch data has to be handled as per the severity and request. Application
contains different search criteria’s, reporting and data manipulation. I t has several
batch job running which helps in data loading.
Responsibilities: As a module lead contributed towards developing the business
component sections, performance tuning of the batch jobs, upstream and
downstream application request
management, TDS creation for the modules, developing code modules, Also did unit
testing of the developed business component.
P roject Name : I AM
Du ration : Oct 07 to July 08
Skill/Tool : C#, asp.net, MSSQL, WCF
Description : This project was about the identity and access management for the
Dako clients. I t has got the feature like storing & retrieving users and related data
f rom active directory and providing necessary authentication & authorization rules
t hrough adam & azman. I t also got a web version which uses MSSQL 2005 to store
t he required data. I t also performs the localization behavior in web part.
R esponsibilities: Includes designing & developing the business component
sections, leading the web section of the project & in tegrated the sections, Unit
testing of the developed business component.
P roject Name : Eclaims
Du ration : M ay 07 to Aug 07
Skill/Tools : C#, MSSQL
Description : This project was a prototyping for warranty claiming for the clients.
T his features different conditions to claim the warranty through online and
followed by the further process. I t also includes the parts ordering and different
k inds of access levels for the users according to their roles. The unit testing was
done by using Unit tool.
R esponsibilities: Includes developing the business component sections, Unit
testing of the developed code.
P roject Name : V ietnam Business Directory
Du ration : J uly 06 to March 07
Skill/Tools : asp.net, C#, MSSQL 2000
Description : This is an online Vietnam yellow pages directory which is hosted
u nder h ttp://www.vietebusiness.com. This is a Multilanguage site which displays in
V ietnam, English and in both languages. This includes the features like, displaying
results on different search criteria’s and has a seller registration panel, where
sellers can sell or display their product online. The second phase of this project is an
ecommerce web site which is a online shop which is an integrated with the Viet
yellow pages.
Responsibilities: Includes leading a team of 4, requirements gathering and
analysis, designing & developing the different component sections, developed the U I
sections, designed the entire database structure, integrated the codes and solving
any technical issues arising during development and integration phases.
P roject Name : DRLAW (Debt reduction Law center)
Du ration : M ar 06 to July06
Skill/Tools : asp.net, C#, MSSQL 2000
Description : T he objective of this project was settling debts of clients and the
f urther dealing with creditors. This includes the features like adding the clients,
and processing and calculating their debt amount, generating reports on this
settlement procedure for client and creditor. This also features timer application,
w hich generates the client reports monthly and sends i t to corresponding clients.
Responsibilities: Includes leading a team of 3, requirements gathering and
analysis, designing & developing the different component sections, designed the
entire database structure, integrated the codes and solving any technical issues
a rising during dev and integration phases.
P roject Name : F FLENDER (first financial lender)
Du ration : A ug 05 to Feb 06
Skill/Tools : asp.net, C#, MSSQL 2000
Description : The objective of this project was to keep the tack of mortgage rates.
T his site provides financial service for the public by providing the different rates on
d ifferent mortgage plans. The features include generating the PDF reports by
accessing the rate from other web sites and calculating the rates on different
requirements and different loan programs. This also features a pricing engine which
is a mortgage loan calculator.
Responsibilities: Designing & developing the different component sections, Unit
testing of the developed code, performance enhancement of the code.
P roject Name : a rideocean.com
Du ration : Jan 05 to March 05
Skill/Tools : asp.net, C#, MSSQL 2000
Description : This is the company website for arideocean.com. The features
i ncludes contact forms, registration form. I t also features administrative panel to
control the web layout.
Responsibilities: Designing & developing the entire component sections, developed
t he U I sections, Unit testing of the developed code.