615-***-**** • g ***.******@*********.***
*** ***** ***** ******, ** rfreesboro, TN 37130
Senior P roject Manager / P rogram Manager w ith 20 years of experience
partnering with in ternal and external customers to understand requirements and
deliver solutions on t ime and within budget in healthcare technology and integration,
i nfrastructure design and development, data architecture, ITSM, IT I L and SDLC
solutions. Performance-driven professional with expertise in leadership and problem
solving; cross-functional communicator and relationship builder with a keen
u nderstanding of business priorities, able to see the “big picture” while concurrently
s taying on top of the details.
Leadership, Project Planning & Support Network Infrastructure
SDLC Agile & Scrum Methodologies Requirements Definition & Gap Analysis
E xperienced Scrum Master Managing Geographically Dispersed Teams
Client/Partner Relationship Management Transition & Communication Planning
Pomeroy 2014
Senior Project Manager
• Senior Infrastructure Project Manager in a customer-facing role working with
a rchitects and engineers to design and implement total solutions for infrastructure
u pgrades; including cabling, fiber, wireless, vir tualization, VOIP, security, compliance
and disaster recovery.
Shearer, Holmes & Berkowitz, LLC 2010-
Senior Project Management Consultant
• P&L responsibili ty for the Project Management consultancy arm of the fi rm, including
hands-on management of complex technology projects.
• Created project plans, coached/mentored project managers, monitored project
performance to ensure timelines and budget requirements were met.
C ummins, I nc. 2012-2013
Project/Program Manager
• Program Manager for a high-visibility at-r isk corporate ITSM Optimization Program
consisting of four projects aimed at revamping IT Service Management processes for
I T I L 3.0 conformance, deploying ADDM in all global datacenters, building a
comprehensive Service Request Management System and implementing Remedy ITSM
8 to support these processes.
• Trained and coached a development team of 16-18 and management team of 12 to
u tilize Agile Methodology with Scrum i n US and India
• Coached unseasoned Product Owner on artifacts such as product backlog, sprint
backlog, sprint burndown, release burndown to foster a greater understanding of the
tools available to monitor the progress of the team
• Successfully restored client confidence by building new customer relationships for the
express purpose of surpassing expectations and advancing project status.
• Clarified vague and ambiguous SoW clauses; reached consensus on scope creep;
i mplemented change request process and Change Review Board.
• Directed activities of Project Managers leading offshore and US teams; created
S teering/Governance Commit tee to ensure that changes/issues impeding progress could
be addressed impartially and decisions documented appropriately.
Cummins, I nc. 2011-2012
Senior Project Manager
• Drove a highly complex project to optimize and t ransform multiple IT server order and
f ulfillment processes into a single, consistent global process by embracing “voice-of-
customer” data and t ranslating i t into process and software requirements.
• Worked with software product owners and SDLC team to come up with a set of stories
to facilitate definition, understanding, estimating and development.
• Managed the lifecycle of code development from ideation to sprints to deployment.
• Radiated information and ensured the team's progress and successes are highly visible
to all stakeholders, including the team itself.
• Partnered with customers, vendors, four globally dispersed datacenters and cross-
functional stakeholders in this Fortune 100 Company operating in 190 count r ies to
u nderstand their goals and challenges while identifying and mit igating root cause
i mpediments and reengineering processes based on IT I L 3.0 standards.
Tennessee State Veterans Homes Board
Director of Marketing - 2001-2003
IT Director - 2003-2006
Chief Information Officer - 2007-2010
• Envisioned and managed a high-visibility State Government project to implement
C linical, Financial and HR/Payroll software to maximize development, delivery, and
technical support of a multimillion-dollar technology based total business solution.
• Partnered with customers, vendors, cross-functional stakeholders and SMEs from the
Veterans Administration and Vanderbilt University to design, develop and implement a
custom Clinical Software Program to meet the unique needs of the organization.
Subsequently managed an ambitious SDLC project of code development from ideation
to deployment.
• Managed a medication administration project to advance safety and accuracy in the
medication process by implementing fully integrated pharmacy, eMAR, e-prescribing
and bedside administration technology.
• Spearheaded a highly visible project to design and implement an integrated EHR and
CPOE solution to enable knowledge-based documentation and workflow for clinicians,
coordinate care across disciplines, support critical decision-making, automate clinical
p rocesses and improve outcomes.
• Managed infrastructure project to architect, design and implement statewide dual-
channel secure IT healthcare infrastructure at TN State Veterans Homes; established
necessary IT support structure to implement robust support services and business
p ractices in order to optimize how IT engages with all disciplines.
• Championed effort to establish a PMO office to provide leadership and oversight of the
organization’s project management portfolio; created standardized project management
policies, metrics, tools, processes and methodologies; communicated process for
scheduling project priorities and provided guidance on the practice of project
management with a mission to foster operational excellence across the organization.
• Managed a politically charged construction project to add a new wing to existing
buildings and construct a new state-of-the-art veterans’ healthcare facility in Knoxville.
Successfully lobbied US Department of Veterans Affairs for federal grants to fund 65%
of the cost; partnered with TN State Department of Real Property to design buildings
and oversee general contractors on three simultaneous construction projects.
• Developed and executed a project to align marketing processes with leading-edge
technologies; built marketing teams empowered to partner with key clinical decision
makers to advance business opportunities and execution strategies to generate 97% full
bed census results.
• Created a comprehensive marketing plan; established network of referral sources;
designed and developed a new website to provide facility information, photos and
v ir tual tours; included an on-line admission application and details about US
Department of Veterans Affairs per diem payments available only to veterans.
M icroComponents 1995-2001
Managing Partner
• Provided turnkey sourcing solution for electronic circuit boards; offered highly
competitive pricing model based on JIT parts availability and an innovative contract
w ith a rehabilitative prison that provided low cost labor.
• Built company from start-up and sold as a th r iving concern.
BS in Human Resource Management, Purdue University, West Lafayette, I N
MBA in Marketing, University of Texas, San Antonio, TX
CPMP - Certified Project Management Professional
MCSE - M icrosoft Certified Systems Engineer
CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional
Six Sigma Black Belt
IT I L 3.0 Certified
“Are You Drowning in Paperwork? Learn How Technology Can Help”, Workforce Management,
J uly, 1992
“Multimedia Marketing: The New Paradigm”, Advertising Age, January 1995
“Healthcare Technology: The Future is Here Today”, P rovider Magazine, March, 2004