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Sr SAP HCM Functional Consultant - Success Factors

Edison, NJ
March 09, 2015

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Bharath Murugavel




. 9 years of SAP HCM implementation and support experience.

. SAP Certified Solution Consultant in HCM ECC6.0.

. Ability in understanding the clients AS-IS process and mapping TO-BE


. Intimately involved in coordinating and interacting effectively with

Key business users, Project Stakeholders, Program managers, Functional

leaders, Senior Management and technical team for gathering functional

Requirements and Design

. Played a role of Configuration Consultant, Change Manager and Release


. Strong experience in modules such as Time Management, Personnel

Administration, Organizational Management and Payroll which includes 1

full cycle implementation, 1 SIT and Go-live and 5 support projects

. Strong Experience in the Configuration, SAP HR Testing, End User

Training, End User Support and their Documentation.

. Extensive experience with working directly with the payroll team by

creating, maintaining and providing Master data relevant for Payroll.

. Experience in US specific Payroll

. Experience in migration tools Winshuttle and LSMW

. Demonstrated ability to analyze, design, configure, implement, test &

support HR data, processes and technology.

. Have involved in various interfaces in various phases Requirement

Gathering, Functional specification, Testing and Go-Live Concur

(Travel and Expenses) Fidelity (Pension) with ABAP technical team to

build the interface.

. Knowledge on Performance Management.

. Trained on Success Factor.

Knowledge on

> Configuring Succession and Corporate Data Models and their

respective Country Specific Models through XML modifications

> Managing Proxy Users to access another User's data and Functions

> Configuring home page and Personalize Instance with various

Portlets Company's Logo, Theme Management, and Password policies

> Role Based Permission and Permission Group

> Creating Adhoc Reports

> Rating scales, Route Maps, Manage Template and Launch Forms.

> Create Picklist for customer specific data

> Propagation for specific fields.

> Add Associations and Event Reasons to the Instance.

> Creating rating scale, Route map, Manage template and launch

forms. - Performance Management


Success Factors:

Intro of Mastery

Employee Central Mastery


Perosnnel Administration Organizational M Time Management Payroll

E Recruitment Benefit Admin ESS/MSS Success


Unit and Integration Testing

Professional Experience:

Client: Kraft Foods/ Mondelez (MDLZ)

Chicago, IL Jun 2011

to Till now

Sr. SAP HCM Consultant (Configuration Consultant, Change Manager and

Release Manager)

Project Scope: PA-OM, Time, CATS, Benefits, ESS/MSS, Payroll and Workscape

Personnel Administration:

. Creating Personnel sub areas and checking the corresponding grouping

in the tables.

. Creating Educational codes and Types and linking types to


. Modifying the features like ABKRS, LGMST, TARIF, PINCH, ANSAL

. Update Infotype to info group for personnel actions.

. Create task type for IT0019

. Update salary ranges for various countries in T510 and T710 tables for

pay scale structure changes

. Create new universities which to be used for IT0022

. Worked on infosets adding new Infotype for reporting for adhoc query.

Organizational Management:

. Created Organizational Units, Jobs, Positions and Maintained


. Maintained the number ranges for the organizational objects

. Created custom relationships

. Maintained personnel actions for Objects

. Involved in setting up an organizational plan which defines the

relationship between organizational units

. Created Organization Structure using Expert Mode and simple


. Trained HR Users to maintain employee master data

. Setting integration for PA and OM PLOGI - PERLI (Default Position),

PPVAC-PPVAC (Vacancy IT1007) PLOGI ORGA - (Relevant OM objects to PA

like S,C,O,) PLOGI-PLOGI (determines active plan version for)

. Activating integration feature PLOGI

Time Management:

. Update Holiday calendar

. Generate the work schedule

. Day Types, Holiday Classes, Daily Work Schedules, Period Work

Schedules, Work Schedule rules

. Setup Absence and Attendance Types

. Absence Counting Rules and Deduction rules

. Leave entitlement rules with periodic accrual and rounding as required

. Quota corrections to alter any leaves for special entitlements

. Feature QUOMO - Quota type rule selection rule group

. Negative time management where generation of leave entitlements

through RPTQTA00 and Time Evaluation processes

. Support CATS entries which are fed in ESS by employees


. Maintained the features ABKRS to default payroll area, LGMST to

default Wage Types, and TARIF to default pay-scale data

. Generated the payroll area, payroll periods using period and date


. Created Wage Types, Wage Type groups for recurring payments and

deductions, additional payments Infotypes, and Wage Type

permissibility for all ESG, PSG groups

. Maintained Wage Types and their Permissibility over various


. Creating new tax authority as and when released by SAP from BSI 10.0


. Updated BSI from 9.0 to 10.0

. Mapping technical tax wage types to symbolic accounts

. Creating new wage type according to wage type catalog.

. Configured symbolic accounts and mapped them to G/L accounts for FI

Posting and Third Party Posting

. Implementing CLC (Country Legal Changes) when released by SAP

. Creating new vendor for 3PR/Third -Party Remittances

. Process Garnishments and changing the setting of garnishment wage type

as per the requirement

. Updating statutory changes to India payroll and US payroll

. Conducted parallel testing in payroll for the Repositioning

. Configured steps required to process employee off cycle payments to

process payroll adjustments, reverse payments, and void payments

and for check replacements

. Tested tax configuration - verified functionality of IT0207, IT0210



. Creating Benefit area and plans

. Defining Benefit providers

. Defining Benefit plan attributes

. Mapping the benefits vendor to 3PR Posting

. Creating the Benefits wage type and setting the annual limits

. Benefit and Payroll Integration

. Supported go-live. Resolved production support issues related to

processing of Garnishments, Claims, Benefit enrollment issues


. Involved in testing the changes which are made in the ESS portal with

that of the R/3

. Checking whether the data entered in ESS portal is getting updated in

R/3 system.

. Set of Home Page framework for ESS.

. Set-up life and work events for new hires, position changes and


. Configured services like timesheets, approval views, approval

customizations, benefit enrollments, personal administration services

like adding family members, bank information, etc

. Configured the Benefits Services applications Benefit Enrollment,

Participation Overview

. Configured the Working Time applications in ESS Leave Request, Record

Working Time

. Configured the Personal Information application in ESS Personal Data,

Family, Bank

Members, Bank Information etc

. Configured the pay slips & time statement adobe forms

. Added additional field in side leave request application

. Testing the new functionality in the portal with that in the R/3

Success Factor:

. Inbound and outbound interface runs between SF to R/3 sync the

employee information for compensation.

. Updating custom infotype with the information form workscape and SF.

. Associated in Initial Analysis and testing.

Cut over activities:

. Fidelity - Major enhancement, requirement gathering, functional

specification and testing.

. Concur (Travel and Expenses) New interface - requirement gathering,

functional specification, development, testing and go-live support.

. Expertise in working with the technical team to translate business

requirements for indirect procurement.

. Extensive experience in Unit Testing, Integration Testing, User

Acceptance Testing and Functional Testing of the development items.

. Expertise in Incident and Change Management using HP Quality Center

for detecting, tracking incident and monitoring until the requests

are resolved and its closure.

. Expertise in Incident and Change Management using Remedy and SM7 for

detecting and tracking defects and monitoring until the defect is

resolved and its closure.

Client: Statoil

Norway May 2010 - June 2011

Sr. SAP HCM Consultant

Project Scope: PA-OM, Time Management, CATS and Payroll

Time Management:

. Setup Public Holidays, Holiday Calendar, Changing the existing holiday


. Day Types, Holiday Classes, Daily Work Schedules, Period Work

Schedules, Work Schedule rules

. Created different type of shifts. Part time, 2 weeks work and 4 weeks

offs and various rotational shifts with different starting points.

. Updating CATS and executing custom program to update IT315.

. Maintain entry profiles for CATS recording as per requirement

. Defaulting user profile for CATS through parameter settings

Cut over Activities:

. Transporting new settings to quality systems

. User Document and technical document preparation

. Testing configuration in quality system

. Training users

. Workspace is updated through inbound and outbound interfaces.

. Involved in various levels of interfaces and its changes

Client: Microsoft

Redmond, WA Nov 2009 -


Sr. SAP HCM Consultant

Project Scope: E- Recruitment

E Recruitment: Enhancement and Support, Testing

Supporting end to end interfaces

Requisition interface and job posting creation

Candidate interface and integration with career sites

Hiring manager portal

Backend table access and validation

Administrator page

Requisition creation

Checking entries in corresponding tables

Setting up the system according to the client like User profiles,

Status Reason, Questionnaire & Attachment types Etc.

Validating the same from the User Interfaces and in the SAP System

Client: AUC - Africa Union Commission

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Oct 2008 - Nov 2009

SAP HCM Consultant

Project Scope: PA-OM, Time Management and Payroll

Personnel Administration:

. Developed Enterprise structure to fit company needs including

personnel area, personnel sub-area, employee group and employee sub-


. Configured and maintained the master data of the company using the

transactions PA30 and PA40

. Defined and generated the features such as ABKRS for default payroll

area, VDSK1 for default Organizational key, PINCH for default

Administrator groups NUMKR for default number ranges.

. Setup and maintained number ranges for personnel numbers in the master

data to indicate numbers that are assigned internally or externally.

. Created and maintained personnel actions and action reasons.

. Configured the wage type catalog and wage type group for basic pay.

. Defined the wage type permissibility for the PS and ESG and wage type


. Setup new entity - Enterprise structure and groupings

. Setting up infotype menus (Setting IT for the Actions Menu )

. Setup Personnel Actions

Organizational Management:

. Created Organizational Units, Jobs, Positions and Maintained


. Maintained the number ranges for the organizational objects

. Involved in setting up an organizational plan which defines the

relationship between organizational units

. Created Organization Structure using Expert Mode and simple


. Trained HR Users to maintain employee master data

Time Management:

. Setup Public Holidays, Holiday Calendar

. Day Types, Holiday Classes, Daily Work Schedules, Period Work

Schedules, Work Schedule rules

. Setup Absence and Attendance Types

. Absence Counting Rules and Deduction rules

. Leave entitlement rules with periodic accrual and rounding as required

. Quota corrections to alter any leaves for special entitlements

. Feature QUOMO - Quota type rule selection rule group

. Negative time management where generation of leave entitlements

through RPTQTA00 and Time Evaluation processes

. Setup calculation of Quotas from service date

. Time Evaluation Schema changes for leave carry forward rules at the

end of the year


. Defined period parameters and date modifiers.

. Created Control Record by generating Payroll Periods, Period Modifiers

and Payroll Past Retro Accounting Period for different employee

subgroups and personnel sub areas.

. Created wage types by copying appropriate model wage types.

. Defining Wage type Permissibility for each personnel sub area and

employee subgroup in Basic pay, Recurring payments and Deductions and

Check Wage Type Characteristics.

. Define pay scale area & pay scale type and feature TARIF.

. Define pay scale group, wage type model (feature LGMST) and allowance


. Schemas/ PCR for Overtime and payroll modified.

. Configuration of Loans

. Designed pay slip to include monthly loan figures

. Multiple bank transfers for employees

. Edited pay slip to report the multiple transfer details

. Customized region/Personnel sub-area based basic salary components

. Configured India Payroll for in-house implementation

. Setting up the Professional Tax through INPTX

. Set Provident Fund Calculation through INEPF

. Updating exemptions through the Info type 0582(Exemptions), 0585(Sec

80 deductions), 0586 (Sec 80c Deductions) through the function INS80

for calculating Income Tax.

Cut Over Activities: Testing, Data Management and Documentation

. Testing changes to configuration

. Upload of data for organization structure

. Data Cleansing of excel data sent by the client

. Configuration Documentation for entire HCM system

. User Manuals preparation and review of documentation sent from on-site

Client: HCL

Chennai, India Oct 2005 -

Mar 2008

SAP HCM Consultant

Functional Experience:

. Personal data settings like address, marital status, titles, family

data etc.

. Familiar with maintaining HR master data actions for hiring employees,

organizational assignment like position, personal area, sub area,

employee group and employee sub group

. Familiar with features such as ABKRS for default payroll area, LGMST

for default wage types, TARIF for default pay-scale Type and Area.

. Strong expereince working directly with ABAP development team and HCM

support and project teams.

. Maintenance of internal and external number ranges.

. Maintaining evaluation path

. Checking on tax relevant data for employees in IT0581, IT0582 etc.

. Maintaining time data for employees like absences and leave without


. Updating additional payment in IT0015.

. Performed different Personnel Actions like Hiring, Termination, Re-

Hire, and Organizational Re-assignment and set their respective


. Extensive experience in providing training to the end users, final

tuning and retrieving approval for going live.

. Strong experience in documentation for SAP Implementation and Support.

Personnel Duty:

. Contractor Records Observation

. Maintain Leave records, Forms & Formats as per requirement

. Conduct Inquiry, issue notices & maintain procedure for such notices.

. Arrange & conduct meeting with working committee and try to solve

their problem at individual level and group level.


MBA HR from Alagappa University 2005 - 2009

Bachelor's in catering technology and culinary arts from Osmania University



SAP - HR functional certified from SIEMENS in April 2008, ECC6.0.

Passport Details:

Passport number: F8635942

Visa - H1B

Validity - Sep 2015

-References available upon request

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