M ichelle R. Baker
***** ******** **. *** *** San Antonio TX, 78249
Phone: 210-***-****
E-mail: *************@*****.***
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High School Diploma ( June, 2015)
U xbridge High School, Uxbridge MA- 2011-2012
Daniel Boone High School, Gray TN-2012-2014
W inston Churchill High School, San Antonio TX-2014-2014
Academy of Creative Education, San Antonio TX-2014-2015
E xperience
( Daniel Boone H igh School Ma r ine Corps JRO TC ) { September 2012- February 2014}
Job Duties: F requent fundraisers. Money management. Lifting up to 60lbs. Leadership abilities.
Teamwork. Customer Service.
( P a rty City ) Seasonal Stocker/Store Associate (October 2, 2014 –November 1, 2014)
Job Duties: U nload/Stock shelves. Make/Receive phone calls. On feet for 5-9 hrs. Lifting up to 40 lbs.
L abel merchandise as needed. Customer Service.
( M acy’s ) Seasonal M e rchandiser/Store Associate {December 1, 2014-January 2, 2015}
Job Duties: U nload/Stock shelves. Organize merchandise in a presentable fashion. On
feet for 5-9 h rs. Lifting up to 40 lbs. Customer Service.
Adept computer knowledge of Windows Software 2001-2014
While under the command of Master Gunnery Sergeant Michael Gardner (USMC Ret.) and Major
Steven Sessis (USMC Ret.) I displayed the utmost respect and responsibility for my fellow cadets.
T he program requires dedication and teamwork in order to move forward. During my t ime I
exhibited a strong work ethic as well as integrity and maintained an average of B- in the class. I
was rewarded for my efforts and received approximately 54 hours of voluntary community
I n total, roughly 2 years and 4 months customer service experience.
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