Demonstrated hands-on management skills in
development and implementation of strategic
B-1,Milan Vihar,Phase-2,Indirapuram
p lans for ensuring company’s growth.
Ghaziabad. U.P. Pin:201010
Strong team builder and facilitator, fostering an
Mobile: +91-995*******/955-***-****
a tmosphere that encourages highly talented
E -Mail: *******************@*****.***
p rofessionals to balance high-level skills and
maximum production.
Maintains a high level of personal drive,
confident nature and an aggressive attitude in
Seeking assignments in General
achieving results.
A dministration with an organization of repute
i n the Domestic/ I nternational Organization
Strategic Pl anning
A dynamic Executive with over 14 years of General Administration
comprehensive experience in General Vendor M anagement
M anagement, Facilities Management, Personnel
P assenger Service Surveys
M anagement, Administration and implementing
Operations M anagement
cost and t ime reduction measures.
Cost effective professional, proficient in B udgeting/Cost Control
maintenance of facilities viz., House Keeping, P rocess I mprovement
Office Equipments, successful in leading
Monitoring Ai rport Security
corporations through critical phase, turnaround
I nventory M anagement
and fast-t rack growth.
Dexterity in structuring and implementing Shift M an agement
i nnovative Administrative policies/procedures to
Service Audits / Service Surveys
generate undivided commitment and dedication
Weekly Productivity Reporting
among personnel.
Key part played in opening Lucknow center T r a in ing & Development
for Spice Jet Limited. Helped in selection of Client Relationship M an agement
various personnel like G round Staff, Contract
Team M an agement
E ngineer, Cargo, Site Engineer etc. for
L ucknow Airport. Liaised with head office.
Exceptional leadership experience, personnel
development expertise having supervised large Advocating the
teams consisting of members at different levels i mportance of
and functions. operational
Deft at monitoring internal and external audits efficiency across
on a monthly basis from agencies such as t he organization
accounts, labour office and Airport Authority of as a means of
I ndia, resulting in getting ratings for the airline. advancing
Adept at liaising with Airport Authority of India, business growth
State Government, High Court and local bodies i n key areas such
to obtain operational permission while as customer base,
cultivating sustained relationship. t ransactions, and
Adroit at handling critical responsibility, i mproved
i mprovise customer service (soft skills), provide customer
t raining to staff and maintaining amicable experience.
relationship with various administrative bodies. Identifying the
Expertise at handling International departure opportunities for
and arrival also. operational
p rocess
i mprovements by overall
use of operational
new/changing excellence.
p rocesses and/or Assisting in the
technology. development a
Ensuring quality h igh-quality
control of T ransportation
i nternal code Operations team
change activities t hrough
i mpacting daily personnel hiring
operations. decisions and
Developing an mentoring.
u nderstanding of Performing day-
t he t rends in the to-day
t ransportation operational
i ndustry. engagement with
Identifying search vendors.
opportunities for Identifying
i mproving and strategic and
developing forward-thinking
external-facing p rojects to
operations i ncrease/enhance
p rocesses to competitive
achieve greater strength using
efficiency. i ndustry leading
Communicating technology.
t he daily Supervising the
operations scheduling of
performance and employees and
statistics using managing
existing workgroup
monitoring tools. assignments.
Serving as key
i nternal contact CAREER CONTOUR
Nov’08 – Jul’14 w i th Spice Jet Limited
An Indian low-cost airl ine owned by the Sun Group,
i t has a domestic market share of 19% as of Dec
Contributing to
2013, making it the third largest carrier in the
strategy and
Growth Path:
Duty Manager, Delhi (Assistant Manager)
relationships for
Nov’08 – Mar’11
D uty Manager, Delhi (Deputy Manager)
M ar’11 – Feb’13
readiness for
Station Manager, Lucknow (Manager)
meeting the
Feb’13 – Jul’14
i ndustry
H ighlights as Station Manager, Lucknow
demands as it
Led a team of 34 including security, APS, TPT
relates to the
and engineers while managing 3 shifts.
Successfully established new stations to handle Imparted t raining on customer service,
daily f lights for domestic: (Del-Lko-Del) and dangerous goods and basic airport handling
I nternational: (Lko-SHJ-Lko) while managing 3 (CAT. 6, 8, 10, 12) for all GSD employees,
a rrivals and departures each respectively. i nstilling professionalism and alertness.
Established 4 depar tments: Engineering, Airport Supervised audits and checks to improve
Service (APS), Security and Reservation by p rocesses and working conditions to make the
facilitating domestic and international station a best practices centre.
Fostered effective relations with multiple
Proficiently complied with the p rotocol for departments: central, state, local administrative
bodies such as CISF, GMR, DIAL, Delhi Police,
political, administrative and diplomatic
aviation ministry, Customs and Immigrations
d ignita ries of critical security flying by the
and embassies.
a ircraft (Guest Servicing).
Looking all Vendors, Bill, Security, HK & facility.
Converted the station into a zero tolerance
zone pertaining to customer complaints by
Jul’07 – Oct’08 w ith Jet Lite I ndia Limited,
b riefing the staff every day.
L ucknow as Duty Manager – Ai rport
Bagged recognition for sustaining airline’s On
An airline based in Mumbai, and operates scheduled
T ime Performance (OTP) at the station by
services connecting metropolitan centers.
consistently getti ng the f light door closed 10
m inutes earlier enabling on-t ime take-off.
H ighlights
Selection of good vendors for servicing (Cab,
Proficiently conducted audits processes and
H K, Maintenance, Security, 5 & 7 star
p repared relevant documents; followed up on
H otels etc ).
correcting non-compliance.
Checking all o ffice & Vendors bills & passed
Complied with protocol for VIP/CIP such as Chief
according to the norms of the company.
M inister, Governor and Members of Parliament,
Liasoning with Lucknow Airport Authority for
t raveling by either domestic or international
customer related queries & facility related
scheduled or charter aircraft s.
p roblems.
Proactively coordinated with state and central
Responsible for all electronic equipment at the
agencies to get relevant clearance / permission for
a irport & there maintenance & AMC on time.
u n-interrupted operations at the airport.
Responsible for the arrangements VIP guests
(political, administrative and diplomatic
Aug’95 – Jun’07 w ith Sahara I ndia Airlines
d ignitaries, film stars, companies VP & MD etc)
Growth Path:
Responsible for good arrangements of spice jet
Assistant Traffic Officer, Delhi A ug’95 -
lounge for VIP guest.
A ug’97
Fostered effective relations with multiple
D uty Officer, Varanasi Sep’97-Mar’00
departments: central, state, local administrative
D uty Manager, Lucknow Apr’00-
bodies such as CISF, GMR, DIAL, Lucknow
J un’07
Police, aviation ministry, Customs and
I mmigrations and embassies.
H ighlights
Proficiently created Arrival, Departure and ATC
H ighlights as Duty Manager, Delhi
formats that were implemented across networks
Managed a team of 130 in APS and 110 in
and adopted by other airlines.
security department.
Administered 28 arrivals and departures each
Commenced career at The Pioneer Limited,
respectively at Delhi Airport at terminal 1D.
L ucknow as Ci rculation Officer du ring Dec’93
Successfully drove and maintained 100% OTP
– A ug’95
and safety while fostering an environment of
Monitored and maintained the upkeep of Ground
Service Department (GSD) equipment at the
a irport by deputing a separate team and
receiving daily serviceability report.
Dangerous Goods Recognized – 2014(CAT-8).
Customer Satisfaction – Mind Bank, 2003 (Soft
Interaction of New Ideas to Improve Overall
Working of Air Sahara.
100 years Celebration of Chicago Religions World
Summit in 1993.
Violence & Vulgarity in Mass Media at Centre of
Media studies in 1991.
Industrial Development of Bundelkhand of
Sahyog Parishad in 1991.
Pursuing D issertation Course –
Research in History, Under Rashmi Pande from
L ucknow University, Lucknow
1994 M.A. from Lucknow University,
L ucknow
1990 B.A. from Lucknow University,
L ucknow
Date of Bi rth: 15th A ugust 1968
Permanent Address: H -17, Sector-I,
Jankipuram, Lucknow -226021, Uttar Pradesh, India
Fathe r’s Name: L ate Shri K rishna
Sahai Mathur
Mothe r’s Name: Smt Usha Mathur
Ma r i tal Status: M ar ried (1 Daughter +
1 son)
Delhi Res Phone: 012*-*******