Name: : Josu Hern n
Surname: : Salazar Figueroa
Birthday: : 9 february 1983.
Age: : 30 a os cumplidos.
Nationality: : Bolivian, Colombian, Perubian.
DNI. : 4601868 S.C. Bolivia.
Adress: : Santa Cruz: Condominio Sevilla Terrazas c/ San Andr s Este
No. 23.
Sucre: Calle Otto Von Braun No. 314.
Phone: : Cel. 591***-*****
- Colegio Americano. Cali, Colombia. 1988 -1990.
- Colegio Bautista Boliviano Brasile o. Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 1991-1992.
- Asociaci n Cristiana de J venes. Asunci n, Paraguay. 1993.
- Centro Regional de Educaci n Saturio R os. Asunci n, Paraguay. 1994.
- Bachiller en Humanidades. ESA Sim n Bol var . Santa Cruz, Bolivia 2006.
- Ending Low - Facultad de Ciencias Juridicas UDABOL - Santa Cruz - Bolivia
- 2006.
- First Year to Financial Audit - UTEPSA - Santa Cruz - Bolivia - 2006.
- First Year to Biochemestry - Facultad de Bioquimica y Farmacia -
UMRPSFXCH - Sucre - Bolivia - 2010. 2011.
- Conference Cycle "Promotion of Human Development" by The Missouri
Springfield (EEUU) University with City Government Santa Cruz de la
Sierra. 2006.
- Inyectable Course. San Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca. Sucre University,
Bolivia. 2011.
- International Telemedicine Conference. Universidad Oberta de Catalunya,
Universidad Central del Ecuador y Universidad Andina Sim n Bol var.
Sucre, Bolivia. 2011.
- First International Graduate Course in "Research in Health Sciences". San
Francisco Xavier de Chuquisaca University and Nutrition and Food
Technology Institute INTA to Universidad de Chile. Sucre, Bolivia. 2011.
- Course "Supervisor and Monitor to Industrial Security and Ocupational
Health on Oil-Gas and Mine Company" 400hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad
Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
- Course "Aplication of Documentation Systems on Oil-Gas and Mine Area (NB-
ISO 9001)" Module I 20hrs aula. Capias-Bo - Universidad Aut noma Gabriel
Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "The Standard Operation, The Heigth Work, Closed Spaces and Hot
(OSHA, NB-OHSAS-18000, DL-16998)" Module II 20hrs. Capias-Bo -
Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra,
Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "Obligatory Low Oil-Gas and Mine System (Low 1333 y and Rules, RM-
16998, Others)" Module III 20 hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad Aut noma
Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "The NB-OSHAS-18000 Roules, implement on Oil-Gas and Mine Area"
Module IV 20 hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno
UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "Signalization on the Preventional Work (DL-16998, NFPA, NCH, ONU,
ETC)" Module V 20 hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren
Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "HSE-Q Audit on Oil-Gas and Mine Industry (Aplication of OHSAS
Rules 18103)" Module VI 20 hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad Aut noma Gabriel
Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. 2012.
- Course of "The Prevention and Fier Atact, Extintor Play (Aplication to
NFPA-10 Rules)" Module VII 20 hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad Aut noma
Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. 2012.
- Course of "Industry Emergency Response Plan (DL-16998, Ley 1333, RPCA, NB-
OHSAS 18000, OSHA-20)" Module VIII 20 hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad
Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
- Course "Preliminary Analisis of Risc (APR)" Module IX 20 hrs. Capias-Bo -
Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra,
Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "National and International Rules Risc Aplication Management (By
Oil-Gas and Mine Industry)" Module X 20 hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad
Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
- Course "Work Environment on Oil-Gas and Mine Industry (Ley 1333 and
Rules, OHSAS-18001, OSHA-20, NFPA)" Module XI 20 hrs. Capias-Bo -
Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra,
Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "How Take and Make a Hygiene and Ocupational Safety Plan R.A. 038-
01" Module XII 20 hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren
Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "8 God's Rules on Oil-Gas and Mine (International Aplication)"
Module XIII 20 hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno
UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "Supervisor and Monitor SMS - Seguridad, Medio Ambiente y Salud
(Health, Security and Environment" 400hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad
Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
- Course "The Unsafety Fact and Conditions, Incident y Accident" Module I
20Hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa
Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "Preliminar Risc Analisis (APR) and Causals" Module II 20Hrs.
Capias-Bo - Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de
la Sierra, Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "Gestion Systems, NB-OHSAS 18000" Module III 20Hrs. Capias-Bo -
Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra,
Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "Dialogue SMS Execution" Module IV 20Hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad
Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
- Course "The Erg nomy and they re Risc" Modulo V 20Hrs. Capias-Bo -
Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra,
Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "Fire Prevention, Fire Atact and Extintor Management (NFPA)"
Module VI 20Hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno
UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "Equipo de Protecci n Personal (EPP)" Modulo VII 20Hrs. Capias-Bo
- Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la
Sierra, Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "Lifting Loads (Manual and Hoisting Equipment)" Module VIII 20Hrs.
Capias-Bo - Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de
la Sierra, Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "Manual and Energy Tools Safety" Module IX 20Hrs. Capias-Bo -
Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra,
Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "First Helth Help" Module X 20Hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad
Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
- Course "The Hazardous Substances L.A.S.P." Module XI 20Hrs. Capias-Bo -
Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra,
Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "The Hazards Communications and L.A.S.P." Module XII 20Hrs. Capias-
Bo - Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la
Sierra, Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "Lockout/Tagout Hazardous Emergies" Module XIII 20Hrs. Capias-Bo -
Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra,
Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "Waste Management" Module XIV 20Hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad
Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
- Course "Hot Work Permit (PT y PTT)" Modulo XV 20Hrs. Capias-Bo -
Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra,
Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "Industrial Gammagraphy Works" Module XVI 20Hrs. Capias-Bo -
Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra,
Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "Excavation Work Permit" Module XVII 20Hrs. Capias-Bo -
Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra,
Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "Confined Space Permit" Module XVIII 20Hrs. Capias-Bo -
Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra,
Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "Height Work Permit, Fitting, Use of Ladders and Scaffolding"
Module XIX 20Hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno
UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. 2012.
- Course "SMS Behavorial Audit" Module XX 20Hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad
Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
- Course "How Take and Make a Hygiene and Ocupational Safety (R.A. 038-01)"
Modulo XXI 20Hrs. Capias-Bo - Universidad Aut noma Gabriel Ren Moreno
UAGRM. Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. 2012.
- Credential "Pre Hospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS)" National
Association of Emergency Medical Technicians EEUU and Asia Medical
Asociation (AMDA). Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. C digo de curso PH-
- Electric Arc Welder Course. 45hrs. 7 to 14 Jenuary 2013. INFOCAL Santa
Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
- Oxiacetilenic Welder Course. 45hrs. 7 to 14 Jenuary 2013. INFOCAL Santa
Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia.
- I m wating for date to Certification of Backhoe Operator by Petrovisa.
- Spanish (Higth Level).
- Guaran Paraguayo (Conversational Level Basic, Higth Level Orthography.).
- Ingl s (Intermediate Level).
- French (Basic Level).
- Portugu s (Intermediate Level Conversational).
- Volunteer in CCC Latinoam rica on Social Project in US, Paraguay,
Colombia, Panama, Brazil and Bolivia. 1995. 2002.
- Institutional Support to ONDEMA, Environment, Honorable Alcald a
Municipal de Santa Cruz de la Sierra to Audiovisual Comunication Project
by Universidad Gabriel Ren Moreno UAGRM. 2002.
- Electoral Trainer, Corte Departamental Electoral. Santa Cruz de la
Sierra, Bolivia Refer ndum 2004 Oil-Gas investments in Bolivia.
- Legal Assistand Administrative Officer. Oficial a Mayor de Desarrollo
Humano (OMDH) Honorable Alcald a Municipal de Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
2005-2006, Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
Function: Administrative and Low Support to Directorio Local de Salud
(DILOS), Pay to SUMI Management Financial Systems (SIGMA), Support in the
review of information provided by health facilities in charge. Santa Cruz
de la Sierra, Honorable Alcald a Municipal de Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
Intellectual Production: Support in the development of the Regulation of
rotary internship for Public and Private Universities in Santa Cruz de la
Sierra As nominating party on behalf of the Municipality.
Support in the development of the Organizational Structure to the
Direcci n Municipal de Salud, Alcald a Municipal de Santa Cruz de la
- Auxiliary Vault - Banco Economico - Santa Cruz - Bolivia - 2009. 2010.
- Physical Security Agent UMRPSFXCH by the Grupo de Auxilio y Seguridad
GAS. 2011.
- Backhoe Operator and Physical Security Supervisor in the Construction of
Phase I and II to Margarita Oil-Gas Field to T cnicas Reunidas TEC and
Repsol in Falcon Seguridad y Servicios SRL. Enero 2012 . Mayo 2013.
Function: Daily reports of staff turnover, vehicular and materials for
the different access. Train and equip the staff of surveillance. Carry
out follow up the work of the guards in charge of the different access.
Answer questions of the customer with respect to asset safety procedures.
Develop plans for adapting work in the various access in response to the
needs of the client as a builder due to the constant evolution of the
physical labor.
Brigades in which I was involved: First Aid.
- Ron Burgin - CCC Latinoam rica: 591- 76631066. (In English)
- Dra. Ma. Eidy Roca de Sang eza - Alcald a Municipal - 591-***-**** (In
Spanish or English)
- Grupo de Auxilio y Seguridad GAS. Sucre-Bolivia. (Spanish)
- Oscar Urenda- Falcon Seguridad y Servicios SRL - 68938582. (Spanish or
COMMENTS: To require documentation, is available for the effects that they
consider relevant; also story with Defensive Driving and use of vaccines
for Hepatitis B, typhoid, Tetanus Anti and Yellow Fever and the current
Josu Hern n Salazar Figueroa
CI. 4601868SC