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Engineering System

Tucson, AZ
March 03, 2015

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**** *, ******** ****, **** Shadows, D214, Tucson AZ, 85719

E-mail: akshay0813007@ em ail.arizona.e du

Phone: +1-520-***-****

http://in .link edin .c om/pu b/ak shay -jag ta p/5 b/873/2 40


University of Arizona, Tucson.

Master of Science (M.S.) [2013 - 2015(expected)]

Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) (Major) GPA : 3.55/4.0

Relevant Coursework: Software Engineering Concepts, Computer Architecture, Advanced Operating Systems,

Distributed Computing, Reconfigurable Computing, Computer Aided Logic Design, Engineering of Computer Based

Systems, Fundamentals of Computer Networks.

University of M umbai, Mum bai.

College: K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Mumbai.

Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.), (Placed in the First Class) [2008 - 2012]

Electronics & Telecommunication (ECE) (Major) GPA : 3.67/4.0

Relevant Coursework: Digital Logic Design, Electronic Devices & Circuits, Microprocessors & Microcontrollers, Signals &

Systems, Programming Languages, Computer Communication Networks, W ireless Communication, Image Processing.


System Programmer at University of Arizona. [From June 2013]

Interactive website was designed to create an online session with patients, record and analyze t heir health problems and prescribe

healthcare solutions based on some algorithm and their symptoms.

W ebsite for healthcare survey was created using drupal webforms and users are given feedback based on algorithm concerning

medical, social and financial background of user.

Associate Software Engineer : Accenture, Mumbai. [Jan-June 2013]

Worked as Java resource and software developer for client.

This software system was used to authenticate users, scan their prescriptions and design rules which can be used to automate medicine

delivery system in Walgreens pharmacy.


Languages: C, C++, Java, Python, MPI, OpenMP, Verilog, Shell scripting, PHP.

Basic Familiarity: Java script, JSP, Servlet, JSON, Java-MVC, HTML, CSS, MySQL.

Tools: Android Studio, Visual Studio, Xilinx, MATLAB, Octave, W inMips64, Simplesim 3.0, Denaro, Eclipse IDE, OpNet, W ireshark,

Code Blocks.

Operating S ystems – W indows 8, W indows 7, W indows XP, Android, Linux.


Android application development. [January - 2015]

‘Healthy Jogger’ android application was designed and developed for running, fitness and tracking of a user.

Android SDK environment was used along with Java.

Implementing android I/O scheduling policies for intensively used flash memory. [ August – Dec 2014]

W hen bandwidth contention is high for used up memory of android, I/O scheduling policy impacts the efficiency and power

consumption of mobile device.

Research is conducted on I/O schedulers such as CFQ, ROW, NOOP and FIOPS and their performance impact is calculated

using different tools. C was used to tweak some I/O schedulers according to the requirement of user.

Fast search Engine using parallel programming [ August – Dec 2014]

Parallel programming paradigms such as MPI, OpenMP were used to build real time fast search engine.

W e also compared various methodologies adapted by different organizations and compare them.

Customized Fast Fourier Transform implementation on FPGA for neuroscience EEG data. [Jan – April 2014]

Neuroscience application requires real time FFT calculation with low bit accuracy.

We combined bit constrained multiplier with radix-2, radix-4 and fast-Hartly FFT transforms and improved the speed and area

requirements on Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA using verilog.

High tech automatic medicine machine. [Jan – April 2014]

An innovative idea of medicine distribution system was proposed and implemented using system modelling.

In this, system was modelled using System Entity Structure (SES), rule based pruning, UML, state charts and Discrete event

system specification.

Verilog controller-datapath and high level state machine implementation using Xilinx. [August – Dec 2013]

Simple C like sequential program was converted into custom Verilog controller + datapath (FSM+D) and into high level state

machine (HLSM) using Xilinx.

The custom circuit was also interfaced to an existing I2C memory module.

Scheduling for optimization of circuit. [ August – Dec 2013]

High-level synthesis tool capable of creating a synthesizable high -level state machine (HLSM) description in verilog from a C -like

sequential program supporting conditional and loop constructs was designed and implemented using c++ .

Moreover, various scheduling alternatives such as List -R, List-L were implemented.

Finding critical path for circuit. [ August – Dec 2013]

Created a program in C++ which was used to calculate the critical path for logic circuit specified by behavioral netlist file and

technology library file.

W ith a user input library detailing the cost of using various circuit components, the tool processes high level sequential code an d

calculates the cost (critical path) of implementing the piece of code in hardware.

ATM network simulation. [ August – Dec 2013]

Three different types of traffic such as video, voice and data are generated in Opnet and different attributes like traffic load, end

to end delay and throughput were compared.

Fingerprint Recognition using BLPOC (Bachelor’s Project) [2011-2012]

Band limited phase only correlation (BLPOC) algorithm was used for Fingerprint Matching.

Fourier-Mellin transform algorithm was used to solve the problem of images with rotated fingerprints using MATLAB.


Phase Onl y Cor relation Based Attendance S yste m [ 2 0 1 2]

A. Jagtap, V. Ko latka r, K. Ph atak “Phase Only Correla tion Based Attend anc e System” CiiT i n te rna ti ona l Journal of Digital

Image Processing, Vol 4, No 15, September 20 12 .


Advanced Autonomous Robot [ 2 0 1 0]

One month training program in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Mumbai. Programming the AVR Microcontroller, various types

of Actuators, Stepper motors, Sensors & feedbacks and interfacing with microcontrollers.

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