Prince Adubofour Sarpong
W orcester, MA 01607
k ********@*****.***
B ili ngu a l C h e m is t r y/Bi o l og y S tud e nt
with excellent chemistry and biology lab skills with fluency in Twi (Ghana)
Labo rato ry an d Compu ter S kills
• • •
Atom ic Spectroscop y Gel electrophoresis Chem ical Kinetics
• Measurem ents
Isolation and anal ysis
CCD cam era im age
• Distillation
acquisition Optical instrum entation
• •
Cytoplasm ic RNA extraction Multi-step s ynthesis
Pure height anal yzers
• •
DNA extraction Good Laborator y Practices
Recom binant DNA technology
• •
Dissecting scope IR
Sim ple and differential
• •
Dissection of plant and Light Microscop y
• •
anim als TLC Sim ple Inorganic and Organic
• •
Crystallization Synthes is
• •
Melting point Microsoft Office
UV/VIS Spectrophotom etry
• •
Electron m icroscop y Bacterial Testing Curves
• •
GC Bacterial Testing of W ater
Laboratory Exp eri ence
Bio log y D ep a rt men t, W estf ield St at e Un ive rsit y, W estfield, MA J anu ar y 2 01 3 t o December,2014
L a b A ss i s tan t
• Adhere to OSHA guidelines for protective work place safety and health standards
• Maintain clean laborator y work space and sterilize glassware
• Properly c ollect and handle specim ens; Perform bacteria testing of sam ples to ens ure purit y of sam ple prior to
classroom use
• Im plem ent s ystem of organization for slide collection, sam ples and lab supplies to provide ease of access for future
us e
• Monitor aquaria water levels and rem ove harmful bacteria to m aintain ecos ystem
• Perform greenhouse m aintenance activities including watering plants, rem oving trash and tending to the plants
• Assist with adm inistrative duties including delivering m aterials to departm ents
E mpl o y m en t
T o l l Co ll e c t or, M ass . D epar t me n t o f T ra n spo r t a t io n, Wes tb or o u gh, M A M a y 2 01 3 t o P resent
O ff ic e A s s is t ant, T Ri O D ep a rtm en t, W es t f iel d S t a te U n iv er si t y, W estfield, MA J an . 2 01 1 t o J anu ar y 2 012
Shipp ing and Rec eiv ing, T JM axx ( Dist ribut ion C en ter), W orc es ter, MA J u l y 2 0 1 1 t o A ug us t 20 11
Sa nit at io n W ork er, S ain t Vin c en t Ho spit al, W orc ester, MA Marc h 200 8 to J un e 2 0 10
Edu cati on
W estf ield St at e Unive rsi ty, W estfield, MA May 2015
Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies, Conc. in Chem istry, Math and Histor y
Minor in General Science
CPR/AED Certification February 2015 to February 2017
Member of Westfield State Men Soccer Team, 2012 – 2013
Member of Christian Fellowship Group 2013-Present