Nancy Coleman
**** * ****** **** #*** Garland, TX 75044 972-***-****
Skills Profile
- Experienced mortgage professional with emphasis in default loan administration and loan processing (evictions, foreclosure, bankruptcy, audit, compl
home equity conversion, acquisitions and closing). Extensive background in property management, reo sales, cash for keys, payment processing and
review. Having the ability to research and comprehend information and interpret findings to management with solution for outcome. Multi task indivi
with innovative team project development skills, dedicated to servicing and mission-focused.
- Microsoft office, Word, Excel, 10-key, HOMEBASE, AS400,Equator,Peoplesoft
Employment History
License Enrollment Specialist 11/2014 to 2/13/15
Dialog Direct Fort Worth, TX
• Provide enrollment assistance to completing coverage applications, gathering required information and troubleshooting the enrollment process.
• Provide structured patient education on health coverage, engage in follow-up and offer renewal assistance for enrolled individuals.
• Attend and successfully complete all required training programs, participate in ongoing conference calls, webinars, and other professional
development opportunities.
• Assist uninsured adults and children to access subsidized, low-cost and free health insurance programs through the health insurance marketplace
License Enrollment Specialist 8/2014 to 10/31/2014
Extend Health Richardson, TX
• Present benefit package to 65+ population in order to enroll eligible participants.
• Complete needs assessment related to Medicare Health Insurance accordance to state, federal and AAHP guidelines.
• Provide solutions that make it easy for the customer to decide on plan while overcoming customer objections.
• Enroll customer compliantly and efficiently into selected Medicare Health Insurance & update customer account.
SR Evictions/Mortgage Loan Servicing Specialist
8/2008 4/9/2014
Bank of America Addison, TX
• Resolve operational issues and monitoring loans to verify observance of state & federal regulations.
• Manage the asset management company through the completion of the eviction/pre-marketing process.
• Perform daily task reports to ensure assets are current within the eviction process while monitoring aged inventory, cash for keys initiative and
property preservation complete.
• Order and review property surveys to dispute discrepancies with title properties lines etc.
• Perform weekly asset management meetings with the outsource company to discuss areas of concern, updates on properties problem assets and
new concepts and laws.
• Complete risk asset reports to determine dual pathing in terms of marketing while occupied, possible book loss, property donation or alternative
• Assist seniors to convert the equity in their home to cash.
• Identify areas of improvement throughout the pre-marketing/eviction process.
Escrow Tax S e t u p S p e ci alist 3/ 2 1/ 2 0 0 5 2 0 0 8
Ba nk of Am e ric a Pla n o, TX
• S e t u p a n d v e rify t a x a n d ins ur a n c e e s cr ow r e c or d s.
• Monitor e s cr ow a c c o u n t s a n d y e a rly t a x r e p or t s for d elin q u e n cy.
• Pay t a x invoic e s within e s t a blish e d ti m efr a m e .
• Revi e w d aily a n d m o n t hly r e p or t s t o e n s ur e d a t a int e grity.
• Perfor m r e s e a r c h a s n e c e s s a r y t o e n s ur e lo a n is c orr e c tly m o nit or e d.
• Assist s o t h e r c oor din a t or s with m or e c o m pl e x lo a n s a n d c o m plia nc e iss u e s.
• Follow writt e n p olicie s a n d pr oc e d ur e s t o e n s ur e t h a t loa n s a r e pr oc e s s e d in a c c or d a n c e with c o m p a n y p olicy a n
Clai m s An alys t 2002 2005
Fe dEx Irvin g, TX
• Ov e r s e e a n d p e rfor m s a d mi nis tr a tiv e s u p p or t t a s k s for e x e c u tiv e s t aff.
• Act a s liaiso n b e t w e e n t h e clie n t s a n d c u s t o m e r s t o pr o m p tly s e t tl e cl ai m s.
• Revi e w a n d a n alyz e s clai m s los s a n d e x p e n s e r e s e r v e s e s t a blis h e d b y p olicie s.
• O b t ain d e t aile d s t a t e m e n t s fro m clie n t s a n d c u s t o m e r s c o nc e r nin g clai m.
Louisiana Business College Monroe, LA 19 74 1976
Business Administration Studies